
Welcome to my profile. Wanna know me better? Then just leave a comment and I'll respond as soon as I can ^^

So, about me? Well, I'm just your everyday writer/otaku/depressing b*****d. I write a lot (lately I've focused more on poems), I watch a lot of anime (mostly naruto nowadays) and I'm depressed most of the time.

I've also got a small manga collection (bought manga, not downloaded manga), which I try to increase every month. I've got a ton of Psx and Ps2 games, my favorite being a tie between Kingdom Hearts 2 and Resident Evil 4.

I'm 18 years old and I'm getting into college this year (hopefully...). I've got a few friends on the "outside world" that I can depend on and that try to bring me up when I'm really down. I also have a few "online friends" but, although I'm constantly meeting new people online, I have this nasty tendency to disappear for months in a row without saying anything, so it's hard to keep them.

Well, that's about it for me, if you still wanna know more, try my journal, or just plainly leave a comment.


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by UpSeT-TuLiP (aka Sam ^^)


Viewing 10 of 10 friends


Rai's Journal



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

Report | 05/25/2007 5:02 pm

Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

I was thinking you were never coming back! How are you doing?
Of course I wanna talk!

Report | 05/23/2007 7:02 pm


yeah its hard for people to go on,they have their own lifes to do first then the iternet.CAnt always be on 24/7.But its just great to hear from you again.

Report | 05/22/2007 7:25 am


yeah i can tell.I barely see you on T&F union and i barely see you here.

Report | 04/03/2007 7:39 pm


hey how's it going?contact me as soon as you can.
Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

Report | 01/14/2007 3:03 pm

Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

Haven't heard from ya for a while. How are you?
Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

Report | 01/13/2007 8:48 pm

Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

Report | 01/12/2007 7:08 pm

Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

Maika is PERFECT!! <3
That is really nice of you to do a giveaway. Seriously. I will DEFINATELY go to it. And maybe even try to win it! ^^.
LOL. You do NOT want to see me on a grumpy day. Heh. Ask my family.
What kind of music do you like?
Sorry about my completely random questions. But I think it would be fun to get to know you a little better. If you don't want to answer them, don't feel pressured xD.
What's your fave color? Animal? Food?
Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

Report | 01/10/2007 7:28 pm

Ra!nbow Spr!nkles


Yesh! I love them. Bring on teh longness! Hooray!
Ok, enough of my semi-insaneness. LOL xD.
A giveaway thread would be positively AMAZING. I would do one, but I couldn't part with any of my stuffs sad . I would cry. I love my pets too ^_^. Except that I don't know quite what to name meh lady pixie yet. Gatchi says hello to your nameless gwee, by the way. ^^ Aren't those faces cool? ^^. ANYWAYS. I hate those emails too. I have banned all my friends from emailing me those or I will delete them from my contacts xD. Hehe.
Last night I stayed up until 11 and that was late for me. O.o I know I am a whimp. But I get grumpy and really tired when I stay up later than that... even then. I have to go to bed t like 10. Sheesh. It sux. Oh well.
You will prolly start tearing up at the end of this because you will have had to stare at the screen for so long Xd. I guess that would be a sign of great lenghtiness. Oh gawsh. Ishould just shut up now. LOL

Report | 01/10/2007 10:26 am


Thank you for taking the time to comment in the Avatar Arena! smile
Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

Report | 01/09/2007 4:35 pm

Ra!nbow Spr!nkles

Let us hope they are good. That would be extremely sad if they weren't.
Thank you about meh avvies<3
When you reopen your quest link, you should give me the linky and I will go there!
The friends@gaia thing was pretty useful for me. If you couldn't tell, but I am glad it is gone as well, because this one person kept sending and sending. It twas extremly ANNOYING.
Long comments are AMAZING. I love them!
1 am? JEEZ you are up late! Hahahaha.