
User ImageYes, one of the main things you should know is I don't get insulted like normal people do. Or, rather, I don't get insulted over normal things. Being called a b***h, a whore, a slut, a witch, or any other regular insult merely make me quite happy and glow with pride. If you want to insult me, try giving me a compliment. Call me sweet or nice. Those are key offensive descriptions of me. I'm basically just like a normal person only backwards; Insults are compliments and compliments are insults. Always.
Oh, and that's Mr. b***h to you, ya cod.

User ImageIf you've paid even remotely close attention to the rules I lay out in my threads, then you'll take note I often mention both grammar and Gram. Gram is my bat, and, like me, he hates illiterate people, noobs, and leetists. Anyone of the forementioned people are beaten into a bloody pulp by Gram once he can get close enough to them. Gram also occasionally takes a swing at a random guy that annoys me. Or maybe just a random guy. Either way it's cool with me.

User ImageDespite what you may think, I'm not as dumb as I act. Like most psychokillers, I find it easier to pretend I'm not a threat to you until I strike. So don't be surrpised if you're laughing at a typo I make one day and then I suddenly sneak up behind you and beat your brains out with your own keyboard. Also, you might note that when I'm not talkative that I'm not being quite, I'm merely plotting someone's demise. Most likely yours, since I find it easier to plan my murders whilst talking to my victim. On that note, see you soon, victim numer three-hundred and eleven. ^_~

User ImageDon't touch me. Ever. The only one who is allowed to touch me is Katie, and I even b***h at her for doing it. If I want a hug or something, for whatever god forsaken reason, I'll be the one to hug/glomp/whatever you. You are never to be the one to initiate physical contact. If you do that, I will be forced to sic either Gram or my pink flamingo of DOOMy or Katie of you. None of them are very nice when I sic them on people, so either way you'll be doomed. The only difference is Gram and the pink flamingo of DOOMy stop after awhile, whereas Katie keeps attacking you until you die. I should know. She's done it to me before.

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User Image

User ImageUser ImageI could puts lots and lots more and make this profile go on until forever, but I'm bored and tired and my brain went to bed without me hours ago. So I'm going to end it here with this last thought: ....I live under your bed.

The End.


Viewing 10 of 10 friends


[M]emories -Never- *Last*

The few, the proud, the plushies . . .

A place to keep all my HHH plushies. <333


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Smile Bear

Report | 02/04/2007 8:48 pm

Smile Bear

i love your avi and profile blaugh
Darth Vega

Report | 01/19/2007 2:05 pm

Darth Vega

How can one compliment so many radiatingly dark things in one profile? Ill settle for saying I am most pleased with the design and I hope it lasts a very long time.

( It is always darkest just before you go to sleep, it is always brightest when you wake up to early with a hangover )

Report | 01/08/2007 11:49 am


Nice profile :O

Report | 01/08/2007 8:31 am


Good looking avatar ^^

Report | 01/04/2007 7:54 pm


Aww...I'm so sorry to hear about the hacking. ><;
[- Rick James -]

Report | 12/29/2006 8:32 pm

[- Rick James -]

Hackers should choke on cyber dicks and die #>_<
Kendra Taylor

Report | 11/12/2006 7:25 pm

Kendra Taylor

cool charity
-X-Mystic Illusion-X-

Report | 11/11/2006 5:38 am

-X-Mystic Illusion-X-

hey good luck with your charity thing heart

Report | 11/08/2006 12:41 am



Report | 11/07/2006 12:34 am


*runs away* Sorry! I couldn't....resist....glomping...! crying


Hell` Hurtz` Hospital`
Blood-Thorned Roses Charity
Homicide Effect -Joint Quest-
Hack Artist - A comic done by moi.

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