
Welcome to my profile!
For whatever reason why you clicked on me...

I'm just another random girl on Gaia.
Yes I'm new shock shock!

You can call me Quevyn-m or Quevyn.

I still don't have any friends I feel lonely.
Am I radioactive to everyone?
I'm that diseased!

I have friends now!
Except that they don't talk to me except Lonely and Phobia!

I'm a wanna be artist.
People like my art work though I hate it.
Yes another denial artist.
Thank you very much.
:Bows dorkishly:

Other than drawing, music is my tie for number one!
Well no duh.
But I love music a bit too much especially metal and punk.
If you actually hear from my friends I would randomly brake out into head-banging air guitar without knowing it until they touch me.

Here are six of my bestest friends in the whole world.
He is basically sex in human form for me.
I tell him things that I don't tell any one else.
Though it doesn't seem that way.
He loves the tenor drums.
[Yeah they are sexy too.]
But when he puts it on he says that he feels like he is pregnant with five children.
Wait how does he know what it feels like to be pregnant?!
Is he not telling me things?
: Runs around in circles screaming :
: Is slapped by Phobia :
Thank you.
The only girl best friend I have.
Sad right?
Not really she is just like one of the guys.
Not in a bad way.
[Will update just need to get a camera]
Now this is the most girly girl I have as a best friend.
She loves to draw.
Her artwork is amazing!
I bow down to her sparkle-ness.
[Will update just need to get a camera]
He is basically sex in human form for me.
He is thee hardest person to get a picture of.
He normally chases me throughout the place for the camera.
He is my so whatever kinda friend.
I miss him!
He graduated and is moving 5 hours away from me.
And Thomas

Love pocky and pepsi!
:Rubs her face against a cold can of pepsi.:
Yes it is my love.
Back off it is mine!!!

I like cooking too!
I would make a billion brownies and cookies for no reason.

Oh yeah beware I might draw you because I'm bored!
:Snaps a camera and laughs evilly.:

First Commenter: March_Hare`

Fourth Commenter: March_Hare`

Fifth Commenter: Mr Wuzzles


Viewing 8 of 8 friends


Enter into the mind of Quevyn-m



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/12/2008 12:05 pm


Oye I'm sorry! It's just when I come on I don't really have very much time and I tend to just surf around... I was gonna PM you the other day but I had to go to an interview. I'm looking for a job and I found out that you can go to the Goodwill and they help you to find a job ^.^ So they set up an interview with me with Wal-Mart >.> But a jobs a job and I'm in desperate need of one. ANyway I have an interview at 1 and i'ts about 12:10 right now so I gotta get going. Ttyl!!

Report | 05/04/2008 4:15 pm


Well Prom for my GF is coming up so I'm super stoked for that xD But my GF is in a really bad situation right now. She was living with her uncle and just last night was kicked out cause she had a fight with her uncle and now she's gonna be living with her step mom for a while. But I guess it's a good thing cause her uncle was a tight a** and didn't give her any freedom whatsoever. If you want the nitty gritty details Just PM me cause it is kinda personal yeah know?

Report | 04/24/2008 9:45 am


I know I hate that!! I think it's for those people who bot and get gold by commenting a whole bunch of other peoples profiles... Wow you haven't been on in a while ;P

Report | 04/16/2008 1:17 am


Well then change it ;P I usually go for a default font when I comment User Image

Report | 04/10/2008 10:54 am


Haha yeah I only did it just to see her pic but I became a zombie after a while @.@ But It wasn't as bad as Gaia. When I first started Gaia I was so bad! I would kick my sis off the computer and use it all day just posting and getting gold User Image But now I've slowed down a ton xD

Report | 04/08/2008 10:25 am


lol Yeah I had that same attitude till I met my GF xD when we were just talking on the phone an never met each other she had a myspace and I didn't wanna even touch the stuff xD. But I wanted to see what she looked like so I got one. And it's not all that bad! I met some of my old HS friends on there of whom I really never talk to xD

Report | 04/06/2008 8:07 pm


I dunno I never really thought about editing that. But yeah if you have a myspace I can show you! my myspace is myspace.com/giodaddy

Report | 04/06/2008 11:03 am


OH I think your talking about someone else xD My my GF in real life, we've been together for 10 months. I've known Immi for a while but were not really together. It's just an internet thing

Report | 04/04/2008 11:47 am


GRR!! Well I think i might figure it out sooner or later User Image

But we've been great! It's been about 10 months now that we've been together! I can't wait for summer vacation so she can come over more often ^_^

Report | 04/02/2008 3:21 pm


Grr... Well Then I has no idea who u are User Image might I ask who u are so I can have an idea of who i'm talking to?