
This is what I would want to look like in future - Looks pretty damn fly:

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Report | 07/21/2011 6:41 am


*sigh* thanks... sweatdrop

Report | 07/20/2011 12:10 pm


I was weeding out some of the friends that I don't talk to anymore (or that don't even go on this site), and I think I might have unfriended you by accident. If that's the case I'm SOOOOOO sorry!

Report | 07/16/2011 3:55 am


Well, I never said there was anything wrong with being a nerd...
Yeah! I love that Just Dance 3 video he did at E3. After the dance there's just no point in watching anymore. mrgreen

Report | 07/15/2011 5:10 pm


I watch Let's Plays all the time! My favorite is pcull44444 (that's five 4's). I also like joshjepson and nintendocaprisun. And you can understand how excited I was when he did the Skyward Sword literal. I still have it memorized. (yes, I'm a nerd).

Report | 07/15/2011 3:41 pm


Yes, but if I was good at everything, life would be so much easier! I was kinda stalking your posts (cause I'm creepy like that) and I found out your a tobuscus fan! No Way! He's one of my favorite youtuber's of all time! Do you have any other favorites? (bless your face, peace off *whoosh*)

Report | 07/15/2011 3:05 pm


I can count to ten, say "hello" and "good afternoon", and some other random word that don't form a sentence at all. And right now I'm taking German, (thus the trip) but I suck quite handly. I really like it though, but I just can't seem to get that sentence structure down. That what I get for having parents that are grammer nazis. When it comes to English, I'm good at grammer and reading, but I'm terrible at spelling. One time I had to ask my little brother if the word "party" had an "e" in it. *sigh...*

Report | 07/15/2011 2:42 pm


Well considering alot of people over here have it everyday, fast food better be good! Japan is pretty and the people are quite and polite. I remember going to the cherry blossom festival. When you weren't smelling the blossoms, you were smelling the fried foods! nomnomnom. I don't remember much Japanese though. I probably wouldn't remember much even if I was still taking it. I suck at laguages, even though I like them...

Report | 07/15/2011 2:31 pm


If there's one thing we Americans are good at, it's fast food! I went to Germany and Amsterdam (for class trip). I also lived in Japan for 3 years when I was little (dad was a navy chaplin). Unrelated story, but when we were in Amsterdam, I saw a boat that said "Hamsterdam". It amuses me. mrgreen

Report | 07/15/2011 2:16 pm


I don't know....if I move there you might have your first serial killer, although I don't think they'll let me take a chainsaw on the airplane. Hmmm... In all seriousness, I would love to see Denmark, but that requires something I don't have, which is money... My cousin and I do plan on going to england some time in the far future, maybe we can swing on by. It does suck that America is far away from all the cool stuff. All we got is Canada... razz I'll survive I guess. Have you been to other countries?

Report | 07/15/2011 1:48 pm


Yup, that pretty much covers it... sweatdrop . Americans can be pretty self-centered when it comes to history. "If it they didn't affect us, it doesn't matter." So they didn't really teach us much about Denmark. Of course some Americans don't know their own history, but we make movies! YEY!!!! I do like living here, considering it's so diverse within one country. The south being so different from the north, the east different from the west. They're almost like different countries all their own.