Thank you! she's a few years older than me, but one thing that I really love about her is her honesty and openness when I talk to her.
She's bad at keeping in touch, but really good with communication in person.
All that plus a crush on someone I had at the start of this semester lol. tbh I have no idea where everything is going though. Maybe it's best to be kept as a surprise.
It means you two are destined lovers! lol right now I'm pretty exhausted, I just got off work and I'm watching flower boy next door ep 2 LOLL
I have a few papers to write, a speech on Monday, and I'm also planning a study abroad trip this summer to Suwon, South Korea! So I have a lot on my plate hahhaa. I'm excited, but at the same time
I want to get my school work out of the way first LOL. What about you Sunny? :3
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