
Name: Michelle
Age: 17User Image
Sex: Female
Birthday: March 16
Status: Taken, by my Skyler!
Dislike: Horses, Celery (unless if it's in soup), Most rap.
Likes: Way to many thing, Fighting, Drawing, Video Games, Anime, My Friends, Music, Painting, Food, Sleeping, Horror Movie, and Life.
Personality: I'm a very friendly person who enjoys the little things in life like the baby spiders that crawl around my room or wondering how my MP3 wastes a brand new battery in 3 hours. I'm really shy at first and have a hard time meeting new people because of it, but once you get to know me and vice versa I turn out to be a great person who stands by your side, and is really funny. I like anime, and yes I enjoy my once in a while yaoi. So don't judge, people can like who ever they want to like, even if it means someone of the same gender. I'm an artist, though my work isn't the best in the world. I still try. I draw avi art. So if you'd like some give me a PM, and we can arrange something. Besides that... I'm not a very good speller either, I try my best though, I like to have as many words correct as possible.That is it, if there's something else you want to know send me a message.
~Love Princetine

P.S. To see my artwork click on the bunny!


Viewing 12 of 15 friends


Yay My journal





Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Please Mister Postman

Report | 10/03/2010 11:33 am

Please Mister Postman

eto.. can u tell me wat ur weaing 4 the white neko tail u hav on nyan?

Report | 06/11/2010 12:36 pm


haha its adorable x3 thank you <3
n a o b r o

Report | 06/11/2010 8:19 am

n a o b r o

That is the cutest thing I've ever seen!!~
Thank you very much!!
; u ; <3

Report | 05/25/2010 4:08 pm


Thanks for buying!!
i Itsuki Koizumi

Report | 02/12/2010 12:37 pm

i Itsuki Koizumi

Excelent =3
i Itsuki Koizumi

Report | 02/11/2010 12:17 pm

i Itsuki Koizumi

Hows the status on my art? biggrin

Report | 02/01/2010 6:23 pm


Oh, i might. . .

Report | 01/31/2010 4:57 pm


Can u make me avi art? (of me and elojello10 please) :]

Report | 01/31/2010 4:32 pm


Thank you so much, but why is it so pixely around the edges still?

Report | 01/31/2010 8:11 am


I really feel bad about this, but for the art that I ordered from you, I was wondering if you still have the file, but maybe... without the green outline? I was going to ask you but I am so damn lazy D:<


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