
[original artwork]


Hello my name is Starfire. But you can call me star, Kory, Koriand'r or anything else you can think of. I came from a planet called Tamaran. I guess Ill tell you a little about myself now.
Bio: This is a short comic version of my history
///////Now onto the written version if you would like more details. I was born on the beautiful planet called Tamaran.. While living on Tamaran I had a very strong rivalry with my elder sister Komand'r. She was jealous of me because when she was little she had a disease that caused her to be robbed of the ability to harness solar energy. Without this ability she could not fly. She was also no longer qualified to be the queen of Tamaran. This put me in line to be Queen of Tamaran.
This caused her to hate me I guess. D=
////////Then we were sent off to warrior training camp and she got expelled….cause she tried to kill me!! So then she swore revenge…. Well I guess she got it when she detailed information about Tamaran's defenses to our enemies the Citadel. The conquered my planet. Part of the treaty was that I was to be enslaved and never to return to my home. Then to make things worse I found out that my sister was my new master….talk about bad luck!! I was enslaved for years. During this time I was tortured and raped daily. Finally I killed one of my rapists. For punishment my sister decided to kill me! But before she could we were attacked by the Psions.
/////////The Psions are scientists (They are like scary psycho scientist). Well they decided to try an experiment on us that was said to be deadly! They wanted to see how much energy our Tamaranian bodies could absorb before we exploded…..talk about scary! During the experiment my sisters forces attacked the Psion ship to rescue her. While they were fighting I managed to escape using Star bolts, my new power that was a result of the experiment.
/////////I freed my sister thinking she would be nice for once….but she wasn’t. she tried to kill me again. I escaped though and went to the closest planet, Gaia!! That’s where I met my lover Robin and joined the Teen Titians!

The Girl behind the Avatar
My name is Emily and I am sixteen years old. I have brown hair and brown eyes …Kinda boring. I enjoy drawing and writing. I love my boyfriend Jackie (Nightwing of Bludhaven) we have been together for 10 months!! ♥ ♥ He is pretty much my world. My favorite super hero if you cant tell is Starfire. My favorite Villain is Copycat. [X] I think she is pretty freaking sweet. If Gaia had blue skin I would be her too. Lol. In my free time I really enjoy theatre. My high school has an amazing theatre and I enjoy using it as much as possible. I really like costuming but I have done a lot of other things like stage managing, props, mics ect ect ect. I don’t really have a favorite band because I like a lot of people. But my favorite DJ is Benny Benassi. Hes pretty cool. A lot of people think he sucks but I don’t really care. Well if you have any other questions feel free to message me.

My art
This is just a few samples of my art. I love doing art trades and sometimes I do avi art. That is if you ask nicely and pay nicely too! *giggle* Yes I did draw the art at the top of my page. ♥ So anyway take a look:

I always like new friends. But I really don’t want random friend requests. Try sending me a message or talking to me on a form first. Then I am sure that I will accept it. C: So here are my friends, take a look at their great sites:


Thoughts of a Princess
