
Hey person who is reading this. i am a 16 year old girl who is (yay) on summer break!! i love dogs, sushi (YUM YUM) and pop music. my favorite songs are Temperature by Sean Paul and Slipped Away by Avril Lavinge. my favorite color (as of now) is blue, for cheerfulness. i love to swim and play softball (best catcher in whole team). and i dont have a boyfriend right at this moment. i also love the games Legand of Zelda and if you think i am lying take a look at my username razz im getting tired of typing so...um...bye?


Viewing 6 of 6 friends


The Legand of Zelda

The Legand of Zelda is my favorite system of games in the whole world. my favorite game is The Windwaker, to which i havebeaten about a bajillion times. i also have the games Ocarina of Time, and the Four Swords and beaten them a million times too.


Viewing 4 of 4 comments.


Report | 07/25/2006 9:27 am


crying crying crying my FATHER HAS PASTED AWAY!!!!!! crying crying crying crying crying _T

Report | 07/04/2006 9:57 am


lilly is finally talking yes!!!!!!!!
Aly Amber

Report | 06/19/2006 5:57 am

Aly Amber

OMG! It's Zelda! Oh wait... O.o its not. but you sure look like Zelda>_< Anyway, thanx! I luv my profile, too! But I think your profile ish awsome!

Report | 06/12/2006 4:00 pm


hiya! ^^ i just ♥ your pro.not!lol


I love dogs, moonlight and duh, boyz!!! pleaz dont get me angry, i will get REVENGE!! lol. just dont get me mad.