
Hi, I'm Predestination. I'm here on behalf of my crazy friend, Me Ni Mienai Kitsune. She's a cool one. Go say hi to her.

What's there to say about me, well for one, I'm weird, and yes I know it. Pretty much everyone who knows me has that down. I speak my mind and disagree with what I feel. I aint afriad to tell you what I think, that can be good or bad, I guess, but I am by no means mean. I just fight back.

I'm your average teen age metal head. I'm 18, live in San Diego california. I go to shows, get ******** up in the pits, drive really fast and work at Starbucks.

I love video games. I am absolutely in love with Kingdom Hearts, and Resident evil. I of course like many other games, but it'd take years to tell you all of it.

I like to Roleplay alot, I'm down with the whole literate thing, if you're interested to talk, throw me a message, I aint that scary, I swear.

Payce! *Throws up the peace sign.*


Viewing 12 of 17 friends


The Damn Journal

Um, I like to write poems, I like to write them but it don't mean I'm good ^^.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

The Wrathful Chizuko

Report | 07/12/2008 3:11 am

The Wrathful Chizuko

Lol, I know what you mean about those forgotten months. I smoke like everyday now while I go through high school and I love it. Thanks for comment about my profile, I'm glad I am myself again but back in the day I was something I'm not. And people can ******** off if they don't like it.....Your really ******** cool, we have to be friends! I'm Christina BTW, very nice to meet someone as awesome as you.
The Wrathful Chizuko

Report | 07/12/2008 2:06 am

The Wrathful Chizuko

I love your profile, Lain is ******** awesome! So, I saw that you posted in my Stoner Bump forum. Whats up?
GeeDees PREGGOchick

Report | 07/09/2008 1:07 am

GeeDees PREGGOchick

oh oh time to see how fast a pregnant girl can fun lol
GeeDees PREGGOchick

Report | 07/09/2008 12:50 am

GeeDees PREGGOchick

aww thanks <3

have no doubt in my mind youll look just as great pregnant no worries.
GeeDees PREGGOchick

Report | 07/09/2008 12:40 am

GeeDees PREGGOchick

this is my first time EVER doing this so feel special

your freakin gorgeous <3

Report | 07/08/2008 1:39 am


I PMed you the link you my photobucket, so you can look around at all I have in there. It's most of my art, and that way you can see what I've drawn without me posting it anywhere lol I just feel lazy tonight

Report | 07/08/2008 1:12 am


hmmm, well I have my DA but It's all old stuff, I keep meaning to update it and then I procrastinate. lol lemme see what i can dig up though.

Report | 07/08/2008 1:05 am


good comeback ^_^ I was thining more like jennifer lopez, but prettier, or like some model I'd never seen before and was wondering how I'd never seen that model before...lol btw, you have a cool profile just fyi, i like the background picture

Report | 07/08/2008 12:50 am


lol np, and that's a good difference!~ still you look famous or something which is kinda cool

Report | 07/08/2008 12:45 am


because you look like a model, really rreally pretty, and I couldn't figure out who it was!


User Image

I do not fear the dark,
The world is souless,
Just a place for my broken mind to park.