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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. {Donators} User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

iFoam - 5000g
Kionu - 150g
justina[theyea] - 1800g
Teh Dixie - Silver Promise Ring & 500g
Twiix - Emo Glasses
SkeletonArt101 - 9610g
I-eat-Panties - 1500g
Punker_Chica - 2729g
Strawberrylime - 1000g
[Sweet n Sour Whore] - 3870g
Beautiful Lies and Deceit - 2000g
N a o - 2500g
Beatrix Kiddo-Black Mamba - 350g
Lovely Sinner - 2001g & Black 90's gloves


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Fangirls: 41 __ Manfans: 7


Viewing 12 of 36 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/07/2009 2:55 pm


Hi therehow have u been doing

Report | 12/21/2008 11:11 pm


Hey there dear how are you?
ElaFace RawR

Report | 06/18/2008 11:46 am

ElaFace RawR

Hey! What's Up!

I'm on summer vacation now, how've you been?!

User Image

Report | 04/23/2008 5:12 pm


Wow. I havent been here in a million years. I even decided against having you on my friends list because we stopped talking, and I dont know when it happened, but I thought of you and added you back. xD I can't believe the picture I drew you is still here. Amazing.

<3 xRinoa-Heartillyx
M y s t e r a a

Report | 03/14/2008 10:06 pm

M y s t e r a a


Gaia isnt really the s**t for me anymore.

Report | 03/14/2008 10:32 am


well things have been good and bad over here really crazy
ElaFace RawR

Report | 03/11/2008 6:24 pm

ElaFace RawR

oh P.S. btw...

there's a chick on DeviantArt that has a pic of u, the one on the side of ur pro (here) actually, in her icon!

lemme show u, this is what it looks like:

User Image
ElaFace RawR

Report | 03/09/2008 8:52 am

ElaFace RawR

Well, I'm SUPPOSED to meet PANIC at the Disco!! User Image

and trust me, when I startedi had no luck; here you have to make your own luck. that's kinda how it goes in rl life too..

We're starting to talk about colleges we want to go to in my life issues class, and I chose NAU (northern arizona university) =]

My dad just got a new camera, i think it's the Nikon D80...its rlly good i just took some pix with it yesterday (*click*)

ya, but we have the 10th grade WASL all this week now, ..then we have to take the math part of it in april..Dx
ElaFace RawR

Report | 02/25/2008 3:37 pm

ElaFace RawR

ay bay bay.

How are you, haven't talked to u in a forever!

You need to get on more, I get on just to see if your on, but you never are so it makes me sad User Image

dude but ya, guess who I get to meet next month!
ElaFace RawR

Report | 02/12/2008 2:07 pm

ElaFace RawR

where the hellz have u been pickled?

anyway happy valentine's day..well happy early User Image day atleast.

Love u pickled!



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