
My dream Avi ^^

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Total Value: 1,953,967 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Spirit Falcon
Mythrill Halo
Brown Loose Cotton Cargo Pants
Ancient Katana
Vampire Hunter Hat
TM (Time Piece)
#FF0000 Complex Shirt M
Black Heartbreaker Jacket
Black Ops Gear




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

xxKiller Kishixx

Report | 03/05/2010 9:34 pm

xxKiller Kishixx

xxKiller Kishixx

Report | 03/05/2010 9:27 pm

xxKiller Kishixx

The Smitten One

Report | 12/16/2009 5:03 pm

The Smitten One

I hope they do too... But it's been awhile, so I'm glad they're coping well.
The Smitten One

Report | 12/03/2009 6:44 pm

The Smitten One

I'm sorry for you loss. No one in my family has died recently...
And I rarely cry at funerals. (Though I do cry when an animal dies, hm)
Well, yes she is. And do you mind if I asked who pass away in your family?
Was it an aunt of yours?
The Smitten One

Report | 12/02/2009 6:19 pm

The Smitten One

It was nothing fancy. Just some turkey and pie... And other foods. I felt fat though.
And I'm sorry that you're Thanksgiving didn't end up well. What happened? Or is it personal?
The Smitten One

Report | 11/26/2009 8:53 pm

The Smitten One

I hope. They're bugging me to no end. Gah. But right now is Thanksgiving break for me, WOOHOO!
The Smitten One

Report | 11/24/2009 3:41 pm

The Smitten One

Oh! xD Braces are still on... Bleh.
The Smitten One

Report | 10/11/2009 8:08 pm

The Smitten One

Well my teeth hurt a lot right now thanks to my braces... I hate them so much.
The Smitten One

Report | 10/10/2009 2:12 pm

The Smitten One

Yeah, haha. And thank you. I had this one awhile back, but I changed it up a bit.~
Today wasn't exactly the best day for me... I am so darn confused. But how was your day?
The Smitten One

Report | 09/21/2009 5:51 pm

The Smitten One

Ooohhh. I'm glad you got better! xD High school for me is pretty boring. Bleh. Oh well, it's sort of a thrill ride too, I guess. 50/50. P:


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