
User Image<-???About me??`->User Image

Gaia Name: Petite_Coccinelle

Real Name: Myriam

Nicknames: Cocci, Coco.

Birthday: 13 July

Age: 22 years old

Status: I have a boyfriend since 2006! heart

Location: Halloween Town User Image(For real Quebec)

Occupation: Piano, soccer, rugby, school and my job is to scare people? What? O.o It's any kind of job! xd :

Like:My boyfriend, my rat, my birds, my bunny, my carUser Image, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman, my friends(I love you guys!!! )User Image), my sister, her art and parrot Kappa!!! My familly too!

Dislike: People who laugh at others, people who don?t respect other, unopen mind, people who complains about love or only talk about that? User Image

Favorite Band: Avenged Sevenfold, Alexisonfire, Story of the Year, Thrice, Nightwish, The Used, My Chemical Romance and a lot more!!!
From My province: Exterio, Les cowboy fringants, Projet Orange, Mobile, The New Cities!
From my country:Blink 182, Sum 41, Billy Tallent, Silverstein and more!

Favorite movie: Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, LOTR, Saw I, Saw II, Saw III, Schindler's list, Nemo, Band of Brothers, Sur le Seuil, many others, horror or war or action?

Avi art given to me:

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Viewing 12 of 56 friends


Petite_Coccinelle's Journal

User Image

How can I describe the journal? It's easy, everything about me and my life and nonesense that happen will be in here. And sometime I'll add opinion of my own to discuss. Please comment.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

the dashing one

Report | 08/05/2010 12:39 pm

the dashing one

hello luv how i miss you heart

Report | 10/14/2008 8:55 am


thax 4 buyin!!!!!!!
Admiral Peterson

Report | 06/02/2008 1:19 pm

Admiral Peterson

Admiral Peterson

Report | 06/01/2008 11:32 am

Admiral Peterson

uh ! désolé pour le premier hehe de poésie
Admiral Peterson

Report | 06/01/2008 11:29 am

Admiral Peterson

Baisses de pluie sur des roses ;

colporte l'écoulement dans toute la fête aérienne mes abattages

Une poésie japonaise pour toi mon cher
Admiral Peterson

Report | 06/01/2008 11:25 am

Admiral Peterson

Baisses de pluie sur des roses ;

les pedles coulent therought l'air,

pour montrer mes abattages.

C'est un haiku japonais que j'ai rendu pour toi mon cher.
Admiral Peterson

Report | 06/01/2008 11:14 am

Admiral Peterson

Je vous trouverai plat, train, bateau, autobus, même si je dois marcher et bain que je trouverai une manière d'être avec toi !
Admiral Peterson

Report | 06/01/2008 11:07 am

Admiral Peterson

je voudrais vraiment vous rencontrer chez la personne, mais je ne peux pas pour nous suis séparé par les nombreux milles de destin mais il y a espoir vous remercient toujours.
Admiral Peterson

Report | 06/01/2008 10:59 am

Admiral Peterson

J'aime vraiment être avec toi !

Report | 03/13/2008 12:05 pm




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