
heyy ppls
im me!...
right well im 12 turning 13 verri soon!
and yes well... my older sister had been using this account for a while... but its myn again.. haha

>>usher<<>>papa roach<<>>firgie<<>>and 30 seconds to marz<<


♥["**"]scared ov["**"]♥
nothing bahaha

>>>>>>>>>>>[[♥]]happiest wen[[♥]]
> > > > > > > >with ♥friends♥

>>>>>>>>>>>[>>] She brushes[<<]<
> > dark brown hair
>> blonde n light brown streaks


Viewing 11 of 11 friends


my Dreams:::


can any1 tell me wat they think my dreams mean?


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

S ii l e n t A n g e l__x

Report | 05/25/2007 1:28 am

S ii l e n t A n g e l__x

=O realli!? lol
S ii l e n t A n g e l__x

Report | 05/23/2007 3:04 pm

S ii l e n t A n g e l__x

Nice prof =) Not as seksii is mine, Buht nice =)
S ii l e n t A n g e l__x

Report | 05/22/2007 10:47 pm

S ii l e n t A n g e l__x

Yes. You wer ''sick''

Lolz. Uhm i dont no. Joz go to the tektek website (were you make 'dream' avi`sn then look around it. Thats how i found the theme[backgrouds] for the profiles.

Report | 05/22/2007 12:35 am


me? cute? your insane
S ii l e n t A n g e l__x

Report | 05/21/2007 3:21 am

S ii l e n t A n g e l__x

Lolz thanx.. Hey why wernt u at skwl todai lolz..??

Sxc Profile Much? Lolz

Report | 05/20/2007 7:17 am


I'm good

Report | 05/19/2007 6:27 pm


Hi how are you

Report | 05/14/2007 10:35 pm


hai hai lol i like ur comment hahah
Tsunami of Sound T or D

Report | 05/11/2007 2:16 pm

Tsunami of Sound T or D

thanks and no worries about your sis, she's thirteen thats little.
Tsunami of Sound T or D

Report | 05/10/2007 9:13 pm

Tsunami of Sound T or D

I didnt know she had a little sis, I knew about ashman though.