
Leaving Gaia, I see no more point in browsing the forums and what not, so if anone wishes to find me I'm now hanging out on DeviantArt. Same name, but with a "-" in it so Ousuat-Csat. Address is here: http://ousuat-csat.deviantart.com/.
If you want some of gold just tell me on Deviantart.
Hmmm... lets see...
-I find myself secluded in my room for long periods of time playing Spore, ES IV:Oblivion, Half-life 2 and its mods, and many other pc games.
-I'm going to be preoccupied playing Fable II
-Looking forward to MGS4 for the 360, Halo 3: Keep it Clean, Assassins Creed 2, KOTOR MMO, and Wii sports 2.
-If I'm not in my room I'm playing Halo 3.
-I currently don't wish to have a girlfriend, though many of my friends as you can see on gaia and real life are girls. O-o
-I am working on a Snowtrooper costume... technically a galactic marine: search for it on the Wookiepedia... no seriously.
-My costume for next year's halloween is either a superbattledroid or a normal scrawny battledroid or the magna guard.
-I wish to join a guild that involves any of the following things:
1. roleplaying
2. starwars
3.Random Lulz
or 4. Irish Bran Muffins!!! The name of my dream guild. :3

-I'm quite the social, vertically challenged, egotistic, psychopath.
-I always have something random to say.
-"Are you beautiful inside?" "No. I am ugly on the inside. Get away from me!."
-When I play Rock Band (soon to play GH: World Tour) I'll always take vocals over the guitar.
-Solid Snake, Olimar(Pikmen)and Wolf on SSB Brawl are my new favorite characters. OH! also... FAWLCON PAAAAAWWWNCH!!!!
-Don't touch my ramen or I'll kick your a**.
-I currently Reside in my room trying to make a decent flash animation, if my procrastination protocol doesn't kick in first.


Viewing 6 of 6 friends


Lord Kante's Journal

How many more of you are there trying to read my frakkin' journal?

I only write in here if something cool or important happens like me getting all the Xbox live achievements for Halo 3.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Earth Prince Endymion

Report | 11/09/2008 6:58 pm

Earth Prince Endymion

that cut me deep....i am not a monkey.

beside idk anyway its just a stupid bazooka...

Report | 11/07/2008 9:14 pm


Well of course I am! I'm a girl and there for it's my right to change as much as I want to. lol

Report | 03/30/2008 8:58 am


omg so cute profile

Report | 03/30/2008 1:37 am


quite awesome profile!!!!
Musical Theory

Report | 03/28/2008 1:05 pm

Musical Theory

Nice avatar. User Image

Report | 03/27/2008 8:12 pm


hehe so interesting profile
D Legendary Player

Report | 03/27/2008 7:34 pm

D Legendary Player

Nice avatar. User Image

Report | 03/25/2008 11:09 am


so excellent profile!!!!

Report | 03/24/2008 12:17 am


O RLY? this is joyful profile!

Report | 03/18/2008 2:20 pm


Well, totally. I mean, come on, he's way better looking, and ultimately isn't that what matters?


[img:5ad0a3d835]http://i38.tinypic.com/juz953.jpeg[/img:5ad0a3d835] Bush must be a high level to dodge that succesfully