Novelty Doll

Brand new.
Now out on the shelf.
Everyone wants a look
at the new novelty doll.
But I'm just a pretty thing to look at.
Locked up in this new place.

Someone decided to do more than stop and stare.
The picked me up.
They smiled at me.
They made me feel special.
I felt a certain peace around me.

You moved away and left me here.
You told me you'd come back.
You never did. You had new toys.
I was just old junk.
You left me here to rot alone.
I was just a passing fad, not something of true value.

Over and over again.
I've passed from hand to hand.
Of those who still find me a novelty.
I enjoy the love and care.
But I know it'll never last.
I'm just a novelty.

A new hope.
You found me.
Broken and abandoned.
Yet you saw some beauty.
You told me I was more than just a novelty.
You picked me up; you smiled at me.
You made me feel special.
I felt like I was new again.
You said I'd not be thrown away again.

Today you looked a little closer at my broken surface.
You saw the cracks and scars.
I saw the disappointment in your eyes.
The look that still haunts me.
You tried to fix me up and clean me.
But I'm too broken too repair.
You said when you found me
You really didn't care.
About the cracks and brokeness,
but now you've changed your mind.
I'm still just a novelty
Despite your pretty lies.

You threw me down and left me
More broken than before.
Now I'm all in pieces
I wanted a home
You promised me that
I wanted love
you promised that too
But all your promises
Were simply pretty lies.

Will I ever find a home?
As broken as I am?
Or will I always be
a simple novelty?

I long for the day
Someone finds me covered in dust
They see my true beauty
They pick me up and smiled at me
They make me feel special.
They look at my cracks and scars
And smile and say
Look at the treasure I've uncovered at last
These cracks don't really matter.
I'll love it anyways.
I'll keep it forever.
It's not just a novelty.
And for once.
These words.
Aren't just pretty lies.

Crap >>; No comments on this page >>; Now I can't post on the person's below me profile >> f**! GET SOME DAMN FRIENDS!!!! *Grumbles and seraches for another random profile