

This is my lil sis account Ashes! Her account was so bland I had to "hack" Her account and fix it for her!

I am her older sister Amber and this is the MUST know about my sissy!

She is awesome! And is one of the best people you will ever meet! She is kind and caring and very trustworthy!

She will never let you down! And she will always be there to help you with anything!

She is a beautiful young lady and she LOVES chatting it up with her friends! But no, this does not mean you get to call her or text her because your her friend over the internet. So don't ask...>.<

She is an awesome little sister and anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend. And I mean this.

But be warned, if anyone messes with her I'll know...and I do not take lightly to it. I will even have my friends who love her like I do help me out with this. SO you better be nice...




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ii_Tinker Bear_ii

Report | 08/03/2009 12:26 pm

ii_Tinker Bear_ii

Hey Baby sis! I get to post your first comment biggrin