
Don't you just hate when you are new to a guild, and just because you are not a regular, people are rude to you? That is the exact opposite of what happens in Sassy's Guild.
Sassy's Guild is a fun place to just hang out, make a ton of gold, and even win contests. Instead of harassing the newbies for not posting in the correct place or for asking a question, we kindly respond and do our best to make you feel comfortable, never stupid or wrong.
What do you do in Sassy's? Talk about anything and everything from food, to movies, to annoying your sibblings, etc. It is a poll guild so you'll make a lot of gold as you hang out.
Interested? Just send a request! The crew is very friendly, and they will do their best to make Sassy's Guild fun and enjoyable for everyone. So, come visit us and tell your friends!
See ya at Sassy's!

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Viewing 5 of 5 comments.

Xx Torisa xX

Report | 03/22/2008 12:06 pm

Xx Torisa xX

cute avi

Report | 11/05/2007 11:25 am


Thanks for buying from my shop!

Report | 07/24/2007 6:57 pm


Thanks for the invite (in Sassy's Guild)! =)

Report | 02/05/2007 2:43 pm


Just thought that I would say hello.

Report | 11/30/2006 9:37 am


Thanks I couldn't of said it any better. I am glad you are a member of Sassy's guild.


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