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Sparkling Anon's avatar

Report | 11/18/2012 3:51 pm

Sparkling Anon

I am sorry, sounds almost like the flu.
And for the holidays? I am so sorry, but you'll get to enjoy someone of it i hope.

I am okay, pain but it's my period. Thanksgiving cooking and eating, just gifts for Hanukkah. I wanted to know about gaia holidays though >< What do you want here?
Sparkling Anon's avatar

Report | 11/18/2012 3:25 pm

Sparkling Anon

What was wrong? Also, what do you want for the holidays(here)?
Lake HyIia's avatar

Report | 11/15/2012 10:24 am

Lake HyIia

I mean cause idiot school boy dresses girly not senpai* fgf LOL bad typo rxr;
Lake HyIia's avatar

Report | 11/15/2012 10:21 am

Lake HyIia

sdfgd LMAOOO you broke my profile comments!! MOST OF THE URLS DID NOT LOAD...But when you retyped the tektek they loaded, maybe it's cause it was such a LARGE a** comment xD you might want to type in the urls individually next time don't worry I don't mind 5-6 comments LOL not like anyone else comments me anyway xD everyone else meebo's me or messages me...And I dislike messages usually BUT what are you gonna do? xD Multiple messages take longer to reply to than multiple comments it seems rxr'. I'm pretty sure you'll do fine with the bow and arrow part. Aiming with it is simple and you get unlimited ammo it'll break eventually...But weapons don't break in the middle of fights. Yes, the games soundtrack is quite pretty if you go to my Austria profile you'll see I have the saddest piano music in the game xD. You spoiler reader! LOL my friend Rashi cried like baby during his death scene. I was like"....He wasn't in the game nearly long enough for me to be depressed." Granted he was one of my favorites though him and Chiyo her part is SUPER small, but she's just so memorable. You'll probably get depressed a little with her part xD.

I'd watch the link you gave me for the cute guy, but it cut off xD. A cute guy in a game is surely enough reason to re play it xDD. My friends sometimes replay Fragile Dreams cause they think Crow's hawt and I'm like...O...I just replay it cause the game is super fast to beat when you learn erything xD...And Crow's part is always fun no matter how many times you re beat it.

YE this series would prob get popular....These two are kinda like JD and Dr.Cox from Scrubs, except those two don't have a homo relationship xD. IDK even know why Senpai talks in the 3rd person it just happened LOL. Yeah they shall go namelessss. All the fangirls and fanboys will give them fan names x'D. senpai calls the idiot girly names cause Senpai dresses girly...Actually I didn't know that...But it works out LOL. OMG ur school boy tektek is kawaii I'm tempted to save up and buy it xDDD. My Senpai one isn't absolute. His hair just looks so nooby it bugs me.

Senpai is dedicated to all students who are idiots, princess. Senpai also demands you do NOT wear the girl uniform when you have detention lest you want to feel Senpai's unholy wrath scream If you keep drooling princess, remind me to bring a diaper and bib for you. Senpai would hate for a baby such as you to make a mess all over yourself in Senpai's prescence. Senpai regards not many kindly least of all an idiot cross dresser such as you...Atleast you can pull of the girly look...AND DON'T TAKE ANY SPECIAL MEANING IN THAT. SENPAI IS SAYING YOU LOOK GIRLY!! THAT IS NOT A COMPLIMENT!!!

Lol I don't get any sort of cartoon dreams or nothing. I had a pokemon dream once but it was weird...It started of as Luigi's Mansion type thing. Iwas fighting ghosts and all then I went down this hallway and ALL of a sudden down in this weird hallway was N in a CAGE. I told all my friends and were they like"WAS THIS A WET DREAM?" and I was like"WHAT? NO!!! All I did was talk pokemon with him."

....However if that was a lucid dream....Some X rated things might have happened xDDD

chilli cheese weiner's avatar

Report | 11/14/2012 11:55 pm

chilli cheese weiner

I have been on your avi art page for several minutes now listening to whatever song it is that's playing in the back. My life.
Lake HyIia's avatar

Report | 11/14/2012 12:12 am

Lake HyIia

http://www.tektek.org/avatar/51248327 and to add to my previous comment


LOL I couldnt resist makin a tektek
Lake HyIia's avatar

Report | 11/13/2012 11:57 pm

Lake HyIia

Oh yeah pwning monsters is WAY easier when you digivolve especially when you level up your magic and learn a healing spell. Easy as hell xD. First time I played it I beat the game on Hard mode cause I didn't realize the game starts off on hard mode as default LOL. If you go to options you can switch from hard to light mode. My professional friend told me and I was like"SO THAt'S WHY IT WAS SO HARD" LMAO

There's a variety of weapons to choose from. Iron Pipe is best..It's least likely to break xD Although the hardish boss you're stuck using a bow and arrow. I'm a boss liek dat u no.

sounds boring. I'm really picky with rpgs. Must not be THAT over hyped since I never heard of it x''D

If you do that we need to work together to make this like a manga/anime series LOL srsly I got so many ideas now that I know what they look like omg xD. Who woulda thought my "SENPAI WILL NEVER NOTICE U" comment would turn to this LMAOO I'm magic.

And why would you have trouble focusing around me? Cupcake, did mommy buy you that extra Y chromosome you always wanted? Don't think I'll go easy on you,princess. I'll be sure to make you wish you NEVER got detention with Senpai! Senpai didn't give you detention as an excuse for drool on yourself time. You're to learn whether you like it or not,idiot....Actually, I'm not entirely sure that's possible...The things you put me through, princess. I'll be sure to make this one HELL of a detention. Don't get any funny ideas either or you shall feel senpai's wrath scream

Actually, I don't really have anime dreams LOL I wish. My dreams are random and don't make sense.


Oh I forgot to answer about the cosplay too and you can change it however idc xD and LOL I didnt realize that metal thing costed so much. It's not needed anyway.

after looking at the pics together omg they look so cute <333 we're masters LOL
Lake HyIia's avatar

Report | 11/13/2012 9:15 pm

Lake HyIia

I DON'T NEED LUCK I'M GOOD! and Lol it really doesn't. The only reason why I digivolved so high is because my friend Chris told me how and we played together. You can digivolve I think up to 4 times, but each digivolve requires a higher task. If your rookie is high level you should be able to do the first digivolve task simply. All you do is pwn a bunch of mummymon and pharoahmon basically. Uhm if you level up ur rookie high enough it automatically digivolves to another rookie. What use is that right?
Well...Only one boss is somewhat troublesome, but you'll figure it out and pwn it xD. Just bring health supplies with you xD. Weapons break so be sure to beat as many enemies as you can to get items that you can turn into money. Cause buying new weapons can get pricey rxr; I'm rich I have over 100k money and I restarted like 4 hours ago xDD.

LOL I forgot too. Something about some game series you weren't into I forgot the name.

SENPAI'S A CLOSET HOMO!!! QUICK GET HIM OUT OF THE CLOSEST! OMG best anime ever LMAO we'd make the fangirls go crazy with FAAAANSERVICEEE it would be so fun xD,

Senpai says you're not desu. Senpai says you're only gazing at Senpai with a stupid look on your face. Senpai too wishes he could be your teacher all the time so you could actually LEARN something. Senpai would probably have to give you detention a lot since you never seem to pay attention anyway.
Raitoninqu's avatar

Report | 11/13/2012 1:41 pm


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Lake HyIia's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 9:00 pm

Lake HyIia

we can fail 2gether ; ) ; ) I shall start with it then! should I choose to buy it. I dont really have much of a Christmas list this year xD.
Well...World 4 you have to do specific tasks to digivolve to digivolve into the next champion form you have to do a task where you have to beat 200 HARD digimon in under 30 minutes it's pretty much impossible by yourself unless you level up your rookie super high like I did xD. yeah it;s simple and easy c: the camera angle sucks a** in certain boss fights, but you get used to it since the bosses arent hard anyway except maybe one.

LOL fangirl attack. I'll f** his Shizuo voice senseless...YE I went there. You were thinking it ; ) ; ) O I am so bad xDD I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF IT I shall look it up sometime xD.

I made Senpai in like 5 seconds TRULY I HAVE SKILLS...LETS MAKE THIS AN ANIME SERIES, YO we'll be rich biggrin

Senpai will do a few problems providing you pay extra attention and don't drool all over yourself like a five year old. And if you squeal like little girl Senpai will give you harsh detentions

; ) ; ) LOL omg I'm terrible
DarthDub v2's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 6:18 pm

DarthDub v2

DarthDub v2's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 6:14 pm

DarthDub v2

DarthDub v2's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 6:13 pm

DarthDub v2

Not really.
DarthDub v2's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 6:12 pm

DarthDub v2

DarthDub v2's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 6:01 pm

DarthDub v2

It even has derpy eyes.
DarthDub v2's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 5:43 pm

DarthDub v2

Petit Cherie.
Lake HyIia's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 3:39 pm

Lake HyIia

O GOD I KNOW ALL OF MY RAGE D< it's like fukfukfukfuk I FEEL SO STUPID FOR NOT REALIZING D8 Maybe I just fail at RPGS T^T </3. I think just Tales of the Abyss. He's never really clarified. I know he's played them all so for all I know he could be talking about ALL OF DEM. Me to I also have 3 cosplays. WE'RE Twins jk WOW WOW ROOD f** U jk. You'll get around to it I always get around to playing old games again when I find them I was talking about Digimon World 3 omg that game is fun. I have Digimon World 4 too. Beat it on super hard mode with my Veemon <3 well his digi form Imperialdramon anyway Yeah that game was NOT easy, but Digimon World the original is way worse. It's like IMPOSIBLE to digivolve in that game

Yeah Fragile Dreams is definately more storyline xD although I actually like the gameplay a lot of ppl say it's the weak point, but I like simple lol so I can't complain. Crow comes in a couple hours of gameplay or so if you dont know what you're doing sooo...I'm gonna assume it'll take you that long xD. He's mid way in the game. You'll probably be like all my other friend who finally met him and was like"O....He's hawt ; ) ; ) and I like that a*****e personality he got" I was like"WHAT" xD

Daisuke Ono O GOD YES he can speak to me in Shizuo's voice alllll daaaay. Mmmm. LOL I took Japanese for 3 years so if he said something insulting to me I'd probably understand, but think"OMFG HE TALKED TO ME <3 <3 <3 LOL INSULT OR NOT HE SPOKE 2 ME:" YE I've spread Fragile's popularity around I've gotten quite a few ppl to play it xD short or not they all liked it.

LOL Senpai is just too tsundere to tell anyone how he really feels. Especially his lovestruck student...O GOD LOL

Senpai thinks you need to TRY HARDER!! If you ask for Senpai's help senpai refuses to be polite about it since Senpai taught you how to do this math already mad

LOL Tsundere Senpai's are kawaii
Lake HyIia's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 2:19 pm

Lake HyIia

Don't worry that happened to me LOL so don't be ashamed! there's one part I went back to the VERY beginning only to find out I passed the place I was supposed to go. It'll probably happen to you < w < I GOT SO MAD D8 I was like"OMFG WHY?" CRIES. I will buy it someday. Maybe ask for it for Christmas xD my friend Steve never shuts up about it. He's like"I j**z EVERYTIME I PLAY IT" so you're not the only one who fangasms over it. Another account xD TRUE DEDICATION TO DA GAME Proud of u. It's okay I had well over 100 hours in my old Digimon Game. I had no life k

yeah you gotta double check a lot to make sure you didn't miss anything xD When you find the objects and go to a fire the person who's memory it belonged too will be read aloud. No cut scene. Just a dialogue scene. There's cut scenes in the game quite a bit, but not like the opening part. Why that's the only animated part like that is beyond me, but it's a nice touch. You and Crow shall get along great then. He's actually a pretty fun guy and you'll see what I mean...Even if he's an a*****e about it.

Crispin Freeman....THE THINGS I WOULD DO TO HIS VOICE. By the time I was done he wouldnt even be able to use it for a month You know all dem voice actors xD there's probably more known ones, but I haven't tried to find a list again. It's such an unknown game I think ppl just didn't bother xD.

UR AN a*****e KBYE LOL jk

That's actually the first time I played a Senpai LOL I think I only did it right cause I watched this one yaoi koisuru boukun and senpai is a rl a** in it, so I was like SENPAI MUST BE AN a*****e on second thought...Senpai's not an a** he's simply one HELL of a tsundere -shotshot- Aww Tsundere-petpet- we all love tsundere's
Lake HyIia's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 1:41 am

Lake HyIia

I don't think you'll have too much of a problem....The very beginning is the b***h part. All the doors and hallways look a lot a like so it's like"DID I GO IN HERE ALREADY?" rxr; I never played Tales of the Abyss but I wanted too D8 when I went to rent it it was all rented out orz. It's one of the games I've been meaning to buy used. Well...The point of the game is to find human survivors and chasing this girl...BUT collecting items that hold ppl's memories is very important. I never find them all cause some of the areas just look so much alike I say"IDK IF I WENT IN THIS DOOR ALREADY...BUT I'M GONNA ASSUME I HAVE" and then move on...Cause I'm impatient I guess LOL. Yeah you prob won't beat it fast anyway. The first time I played it I kept going in circles < A <; I was like GODDAMN IT. Yeah, Crow's a real a*****e at first, but he's kawaii. When you hear Seto talk in his grown up voice you'll immediately recognize Johnny's voice xD.

Crispin Freeman is in it too for like 5 seconds xD if you don't know him he's the voice of Itachi. Neji from Naruto's voice actor is in there too. And Laura Bailey she does Lust from Full Metal Alchemist. A lot of well known VA's are in the game, however idk if the one you're referring to is in it. There isnt a list of actors who are in the game. I named the ones I heard by ear...Since they're well known ones in the anime world

Wow u got Crow ur an a** we cant talk anymore LOL jk

AIGHT g'night dream of Senpai 2night ; ) ; ) ; ) xDDD
Lake HyIia's avatar

Report | 11/12/2012 12:00 am

Lake HyIia

Yeah be sure to tell me when you get it! You might need some help from me....The game is kinda mazey at times...It's like f** DID I ALREADY GO IN THIS DOOR? D< BUT we shall see. If you know what you're doing the game only takes like 8 hours to beat or less. If you don't it adds extra times cause of how confusing some of the areas are LOL You'll play it eventually calm downnnn gurllll calm downnnn. You might think Crow's kind of an a*****e at first, but he really grows on you. Cause I didn't like him at first and now I'm like...CROW I LOVE U <3 and since ur an anime fan you'll recognize a few voice actors guranteed. The kid Seto is played by Johnny Yong Bosch. You know him there's no way an anime fan doesn't know Johnny xD

I BETTER BE OR ELSE!! Jk. We shall see! If you even want to cosplay them that is xD But the storyline is so memorable it just makes you wanna cosplay xD.

Oddly enough, I restarted the game a few days ago xD. it's replayable because you ALWAYS miss someone's memories. I like to replay and try to collect them all.
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