

, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
: ♥ I'm glad I didn't die before I met you ♥ :
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

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AGE:going on sixteen
LIKES:m-m-music, f-f-friends, d-d-dancing, s-s-singing, t-t-technology, ar-ar-art, p-p-painting, c-c-concerts & sh-sh-shows, web design
HATES:anime, anime, anime (s-s-suprise)
MUSIC:red jumpsuit apparatus, bright eyes, taking back sunday, panic! at the disco, death cab for cutie, 30 seconds to mars, something corporate, jack's mannequin, the beatles, the who, ac/dc, led zeplin, doris day,
PETS:larry the lovebird, 5 dying hermit crabs, lucy the silkyterrier
OTHER?!?!:I have a lot of free time. Hence the whole gaia thing.


>>The Environment
--Nearly half of water consumed in the United States is used for livestock (as if we weren't already depleting our fresh-water resources)
--About one-third of raw materials in the U.S. alone are consumed by the farmed animal industry
--86,000 pounds of excrement per second is produced solely by farmed animals in the United States (causing much of the water and air pollution our country is experiencing)
--A typical pig factory farm generates a quantity of raw waste equal to that of a city of 12,000 people.
--Eating meat pollutes, destroys the land, contaminates the water, and uses up valuable energy
>>Your Health
--Vegetarians are 50% less likely to develop heart disease
--Meat-eaters are nine times more likely to be obiese than vegetarians are
--The American Dietetic Association states that vegetarians have “lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; … lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer”
--Vegetarians have lower blood pressure even when they eat the same amount of salt as meat eaters and exercise less
--Vegetarians consume two to three times as much fiber as do meat-eaters. This may help to reduce cholesterol and blood glucose levels, and protect against colon cancer.
--Vegetarians consume much less saturated fat and cholesterol than do meat eaters. This helps to explain why they have significantly lower levels of blood cholesterol. One study showed that blood cholesterol levels were 14% lower in lacto-ovo vegetarians and 35% lower in vegans compared to meat-eaters. Lower intakes of saturated fat reduce the risk for heart disease and possibly for diabetes and cancer.
--Factory farm animals are injected with antibiotics on a regular basis, consuming their flesh will build an immunity to anitbiotics, thus such antibiotics will be less effective in curing you when you need them
>>Cruelty to animals
--Chickens killed for their flesh in the United States are bred and drugged to grow so quickly that their hearts, lungs, and limbs often can't keep up.
--Hens used for eggs live six or seven to a battery cage the size of a file drawer, thousands of which are stacked tier upon tier in huge, filthy warehouses.
--Cattle are castrated, their horns are ripped out of their heads, and third-degree burns (branding) are inflicted on them, all without any pain relief.
--Cows used for their milk are drugged and bred to produce unnatural amounts of milk; they have their babies stolen from them shortly after birth and sent to notoriously cruel veal farms so that humans can drink the calves' milk.
--Mother pigs on factory farms are confined to crates so small that they are unable to turn around or even lie down comfortably
--Fish on aquafarms spend their entire lives in cramped, filthy enclosures, and many suffer from parasitic infections, diseases, and debilitating injuries. Conditions on some farms are so horrendous that 40 percent of the fish may die before farmers can kill and package them for food
--Turkeys' beaks and toes are burned off with a hot blade. Many suffer heart failure or debilitating leg pain, often becoming crippled under the weight of their genetically manipulated and drugged bodies
--When they have finally grown large enough, animals raised for food are crowded onto trucks and transported over many miles through all weather extremes to the slaughterhouse. Those who survive this nightmarish journey will have their throats slit, often while they are still fully conscious. Many are still conscious when they are plunged into the scalding water of the defeathering or hair-removal tanks or while their bodies are being skinned or hacked apart.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/13/2008 3:10 pm




And I agree with your comment.

Bug Catcher Geno

Report | 03/31/2007 8:03 pm

Bug Catcher Geno


Report | 02/19/2007 12:24 pm


It's true, but has to be taken with a grain of salt. Ohmynerd here is stating only the worst cases.

She's also putting annoying pictures of what the result is on my profile again.

Report | 02/16/2007 12:46 pm


Is that stuff about animal crulity true?
***Because If it is I was woundering if I could use it for my speach***
Bug Catcher Geno

Report | 02/15/2007 6:03 pm

Bug Catcher Geno

Woot. Nice avatar. :3
Bug Catcher Geno

Report | 02/15/2007 6:02 pm

Bug Catcher Geno

Woot. Nice avatar. :3
Bug Catcher Geno

Report | 02/15/2007 10:37 am

Bug Catcher Geno

Exactly... :3
Bug Catcher Geno

Report | 02/14/2007 7:12 pm

Bug Catcher Geno

Happy Valentines Day.
Bug Catcher Geno

Report | 02/08/2007 8:29 pm

Bug Catcher Geno

Believe it.
Bug Catcher Geno

Report | 02/05/2007 7:17 pm

Bug Catcher Geno