
Grey blankets floating on the black night sky, with flickers of light signifying their dreams, and a single lamp illuminating the darkness...
This is the time when even the gods sleep...
Yet again, I'm thinking of you...

Thoughts trampling through my delusional mind...
Knowing i can vanish into the darkness, become part of the evil roaming this dark world...
Knowing i can slaughter a whole family in their sleep, and no one would think further than a brake in from the rural maggots...

Because this is the time when even the gods are asleep...

It's so easy to turn this key, the key to the gate of my cage and slip away into the oblivion of night...
Spill all the blood my heart desires...
Yet i chose to spend it writing this...
Delusional thoughts of murder and slaughter engulfing my mind...

Because this is the time when even the gods are asleep...

Yet one, a goddess, was smart enough to leave a footprint on my mind, knowing that one thought would keep the beast at bay...

Instead of giving it blood to feast on, making the lust for more run rampant...she gave it a rose...
Making it curious to the nature of her stupidity...
Yet leading the mind away from the need for pointless deaths...
All the way...to you...

Taking it further...making the beast addicted to the touch of her soft skin, making it yearn for the gentle sparkle in her beautiful eyes...making it weak as a new born whelp...at the sight of a single smile...
Too late now...
Too late to stop...
The beast is tamed...
Now yearning for her, living at the very thought of her...
Went too far now...
The once savage beast can't, and won't even try to live without her...
His Master...
His Queen...
His rose...
Enraged to a bloodied frenzy by the very thought of her slightest sadness...
Driven to thoughts of suicide, knowing it's not possible to cry in her arms...

Without you...
Too late now...

Because this...this is the time when all gods are asleep...

Bought items will be removed from wishlist...

Bought items...

Vampires moon
Red gunner coat
black travellers top
black gloves

Item's i'l buy with gaia cash...

Red tennis headband
Golden tennis socks
Belted pants
Dark cape

Items i need to quest for...

Techno-mage -first quest-
Golden automan arm -next questing-
Silent night
Vampires hunter hex
Bullet belts -TICKETS!!!-
warmth of apollo -ultimate quest-

