
TRUTH: I am a 16 year old who is sick of the way the world is leading itself to self-destruction. I love to act (I wonder why?), sing and listen to music, especially Linkin Park, The living End and Brother. My real name is Jess and that is all the truth I can handle right now.

LIES: I am a 16 year old who sees everything in a different light. Life isn't great, it is different. A different frame of reality. The "truth" is something that can never truly exist but then again i'm not much on theology. My name is Si and I want to believe the world can change.

Talk to me at anytime, I like to listen to different peoples viewpoints on the one situation. You'll be amazed what different people think.


Truthful lies

This journal will speak both truth and lies. It is for you to decide which is which. Care to play?
