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Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 08/07/2012 10:04 am

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

yeah.. yeah! i hate that, i would rather have a full bag of cereal than just half of it and other half is empty air. I also saw in michaels this fake cheesy not so great flower set up in a pumpkin.. and it said it used to be 50 dollars but it is now 27 dollars.. and it doesn't even look like a 50 dollar thing at all. it is rediculous.. lol yeah, or if the brush loses one of the brissles and gets in the painting and dries on and gets stuck if didn't take it out that fast... tachkomas? sounds cute =) lol ok. yes, the world ends just because you didn't eat a cheese puff XD jk.. that's true that taste buds are different. they are really healthy =) are you like a vegetarian? or do you still like to eat meat too.
okay.. lol ok
Wth is she doing there? get out hethan! (can't sp) lol it isn't confusing, I know what you mean by that. you should sleep more when you get the chance too... thank you. oh, the ice princess little girl kinda thing.. she haves brown short hair in a way.. or wait.. i can't remember lol.. i need to see my drawing again XD
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 08/05/2012 9:59 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

yeah there are =( expecially halloween, they .. used to have a huge section with halloween stuff that is very awesome and idk, but now it is kinda.. just decorations that are just cheap instead of the ceramic stuff that moves and haves lights ^^ ..idk. and they have the best things there, you are right about that but very expensive.. that's why gotta check for coupons online to make it cheaper. yeah, omg D= i hate it when hair or fur gets on it and you cant take it out so easily... it happens all the time (since I have thin hair, it always falls off and I always had cat fur all over me) .. lol i love me kitties-.. cat ....well, had two cats before, but now just one
ghost in a shell.. I just watched one episode last night and I guess I didn't like it so much .. or really don't understand the story and maybe that's why i feel that way.. D= *gasps* and the world ends* jk... they are good but idk, it depends on a person's pallet of taste to determine whether they like it or not if it tastes good.. or not. lol . but I think it tastes good
lol.. why not just tell them or if it is beyond personal then tell them I don't want to say, it is too personal and i hope you respect that. lol yeah really ^^
it's okay, i understand .. i feel like that sometimes. ...hmm...she devils... your aunt? thanks =) .. i'm trying to look good <=/ it is hard to make it look good for what I have.....
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 08/01/2012 11:17 am

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

actually they aren't i think.. I accidnetly bought a small tube of oil thalo blue and it cost much more than a huge tube of acrylic paint.. but that is in michaels, idk if it would cost differently in different places. yeah it is fun! =D except if something accidently scratches on the oil pastel on the work and leaves an emptyness scratch or if worked so hard on it and then something smudges it and have to work on it again or.. omg, I hate this so much, if there is one tiny black spot of oil pastel, it is hard to get it out if it mixes in with the ..idk .. skin color or white or idk lol.
they show that show around two am on saturdays lol, i usually go to bed at two and don't watch it. is it a good show? lol it's okay, i love randomness ^^ cheese puff! lol XD
you're welcome.. yeah, i know what you mean by that since always did that to myself too. yes, very very healthy, you would be strong like bull yes? lol jk yeah it is the complete opposite. yeah, we are all gonna die at one point .. oh okay. if they ask.. hows your love life going and say... umm, hey! hows the weather, it so beautiful isn't it? would be great to enjoy nature, I think i'm gonna do that and do something else, see ya lol ..idk.. might sound rude but hmm.. yeah, i think it would be best to answer, but not really answer and kinda dodge it.. or you can say i don't feel comfortable answering .. idk. haha! humans are such people and bugs are bugging ..or no wait, humans/people are peopling me XD this is confusing but funny, i get what you are trying to say about it and it is funny... okay then .
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/30/2012 10:33 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

lol yeah XD .. okay ^^ .. yeah I never used them before.. my professor saw how great my acrylic paintings were and he suggested i should try oil paints instead so I can smooth out stuff and idk.. I never knew how much I hated the soft pastels (I love the oil pastels but the soft ones are a pain in the butt to me)
you got a point there, but I guess it would be unknown unless if your soul posesses the person/animal to tell if they are well.
oh okay, I understand.. well, if you need anyone to talk too i'll be here =) and you can curse all you want if you need too lol I won't mind one bit. oh.. i'm sorry that people are bugging you about your personal business.. i'm sorry, i hope I wasn't bugging you D=> I was concerned and wanted to see if i could help if you wanted help or a talk to feel better.. idk..... i just wanna be there for you in some way that I could. i just hate seeing you upset
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/27/2012 8:48 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

*reads status* .. what's wrong? <=( .. if you don't mind me asking...
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/27/2012 7:50 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

lol XD it could *looks at them*.. i've got my eye on you >=( ........ lol. oh okay, I never used them before, I thought u have and I wanted to see how you thought of it if you did try them.
yep =) .. I thought it was weird in a bad way but she said weird in a good way I guess.. idk, she is hard to read sometimes. oh, hmm. okay
you guess? .. oreo is fine as well, lovey dovey as ever
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/24/2012 6:18 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

lol naked babies XD i'm a creeper!!! jk jk hmmm.. would they kill a person? we will never know D= .. lol. yeah ^^ have you ever painted with oil paints before?
yeah it is cool =) it's okay.. yeah, he didn't mind. he kept asking me what ang thought of him (he thought she would of thought that he was weird and he was right, she did think he was weird) .. yeah, the guy with the mask. yeah, it didn't .. the joker is awesome, and funny XD i saw the other movie with him and I saw his pencil disappearing magic trick, it was amazing!! lol .. I laughed so hard. oh, that is good to have her in the last movie.
how are your pets doing?
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/23/2012 5:30 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

like.. it doesn't look small in the painting, like, it seems like it is big, but it evens out with the amount of water it haves around it. (it's okay) it is a painting. .. lol XD creepy.. well some of them do look creepy. yeah, it is pretty cool. I can't believe michaelangelo painted a whole ceiling with a bunch of things.. yeah, it is a lot. lol ya. it's okay...
oh yeah, I forgot to mention that she was coming too.. mom doesn't trust me being alone with a guy on the first date.. yeah, we figured that you didn't have time to talk since worked....... oh that's cool.. no problem.. yeah. Yeah, the movie was good.. Bane wasn't that great.. he was cool but not as intimidating as joker.. you know? .. joker seemed unexpecting and more scary... but bane didn't seem like that.. other than that, really good. I liked how bruce is with the cat woman...
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/22/2012 8:16 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

yeah, I can't wait.. yeah, she wants me to paint a sail boat on an ocean.. cherubs... and the creation of adam only the part with the two hands.. and repaint parts of her room.. I think I had a good time.. but then I have an bitter after taste I guess in a strange/odd way... idk..
It was great seeing you.. you looked so professional........ Thanks, I didn't really do much.. i felt distracted even though there was nothing to destract me other than my mind.. np
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/22/2012 1:21 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

Yeah, I can't wait.. once I get out of school I can do house work... and still look for jobs.. and it is frustrating. and my mom wants me to paint so many things for her.. it is rediculous.. it's okay. oh great. that too and no to the question.
I got to go and iron and do hw, I'll continue talking though.. just not now since we are both online at the same time, just feel like telling you that i'm gonna go and stuff.
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/22/2012 1:02 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

oh wow, pretty lucky there to get it on time.. oh lol.. it's okay.. I guess.
yeah, just the end of this week and it is over.. yeah, exactly. it's okay. i think it would be a bit late for a tutor.. idk if there would be a tutor.. hmm.. oh. the 7:40 one.. *sighs*
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/22/2012 12:44 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

oh wow, didn't know you got it a month after.. a renewal is where you have to pay for the car so it is known that it is urs..or something.. idk.. I forgot how my dad explained it.. but have to pay for a renewal every year... it is expencsive .. it is 41 dollars around for this year.. i'm gonna run out of money by the time the end of this year comes at this rate... I hate life.. and i hate human beings
I kinda can't.. he is in my sociology class.. (which i am doing horrible at.. I've got so many D's and C's in that class and failed my one quiz... i hate my professor!! he is confusing!! ) .. so would be awkward.. i sit right behind him DX> .. .. I don't want to say..
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/22/2012 12:29 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

oh okay. oh wow.. hmm.. since you said a year, I should of changed mine a long time ago.. since was issued on march 31st 2011.. I need to pay for the renewal thing too for my car... yeah, you have been busy.. are you making enough to pay for ur pets food and all that? ..if you dont mind me asking.. your lucky..
yeah, i am.. it is a date with a guy that isn't my type.. I didn't really want to go with him but was afraid to straight out say no to his face.. i don't want to watch dark night and going to cinema 10 makes me depressed now...
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/22/2012 12:16 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

then idk. wait, really? I didn't know that.. it thought it would be much longer than that to change it. how do you know to change it?
yeah.. it is tragic..
urg.. I don't wanna go to the movies tonight...
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/21/2012 9:59 am

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

it is sad and is heart warming. you're welcome.. that's true
oh <=( .. yeah.. yeah, jeff had two classes during the summer last year.. that's true, the dermintologist (i think thats what they are called) said it is best to take them out too. yup, exactly. oh, i'm sorry to hear that. get your licence changed? why? .. sorry for asking, if you don't want to answer you don't have too. yeah.
omg, did you hear what happened yesterday in colorado. those poor innocent people D=> I hope that jack a** rots in hell!!!!
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/17/2012 1:31 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

oh. yeah, yeah it is based off of a true event... turns out the lady never regained her memory but still lived her life with the man she loved that she couldn't remember, she fallen back in love with him and idk. oh.. oh okay, well, I hope everything would work out and not be stressful and not at the last minute...
oh, during the summer months it is divided into 1-4 summer semesters... you can take a class that is a month long instead of acouple of montsh like in the fall.. but it means more hours and stuff and it is everyday... I'm not sure, i never done this before.. I think they are gonna put the fake tooth in the hole .. like, i was given choices, put an implant.. bracer, bridge, or.. idk.. i still have to get my wisdom teeth pulled out, expecially at the bottom jaw.... I didn't know I had wisdom teeth, they hide really well... or they are still not done growing..
Xx_For3v3r_Yours_xX's avatar

Report | 07/14/2012 9:58 am


I will, and your welcome! 3nodding
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/14/2012 8:46 am

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

strict? firm? idk... okay. okay, yeah lol. it' okay. it was really good but I didn't want to see it in the first.. wasn't really interested in romance movies. yeah you told me about that lol .. oh okay, that's good. oh wow, it must be hard to plan stuff and help ur sis.. yeah. ya.. ya.. sounds funny....
cuz I need to get stuff out of the way so it wouldn't seem so much in the fall.... just one more week til summer 2 is over and another week after that summer 3 is done.. not much longer.. .it does suck? i don't understand since never really get it.... that's true... yeah I guess a fake tooth or at least something to put in it...
it's okay, i understand..
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 07/05/2012 2:09 pm

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

idk, but I think that's what they wanted it to be so that we don't know at all *gasps!!* ... lol, the government stuff are so tricky in a way. lol XD you are ordering me too? what's the thing with the uncle sam.. we want you.. or idk.. lol forgot how he said it XD .. yeah it was. oh okay... no, i mean idk it depends.. I got dragged to see the vow because of my brother in laws sister... speaking of in laws, did your sister get married yet? if you don't mind me asking.. taht sounds really scary, and the ppl in the sociology class was talking about that story with the face eater... lol face hugger for half life XD ... we gotta make a zombie face!!!! lol
yeah, for the summer I do.. four is like, crazy lot... expecially if it is back to back and going on through the whole day.. only got 3 and 2hrs to work on hw... the dentist never gives me laughing gas.. they give me needles of novicane.. omg, it hurt so much.. this guy was literally gouging it though my jaw.. he wasn't gentle like my other dentist.. but it went okay I guess.. it was rotting, like cavities.. at first it was a small bit on the corner, it was like it lost 1/4th of the tooth.. I told dad to take me to the dentist and he didn't.. and 2months later about, i lost 1/2 of my tooth, and that's when they couldn't save it... so it had to be extracted =/.. mom said she was going to take responsability since dad didn't do it, to get e to gain a tooth somehow... and I feel bad because it is expensive..... lol yeah XD it's okay.. I'm not sure what exactly happened.
yeah it is... oh yeah.. that is pretty scary. XD lmao
Phantom Wolf of Darkness's avatar

Report | 06/28/2012 9:44 am

Phantom Wolf of Darkness

that's true! at least they aren't using the hidden messages in the commercials because that would be illigal and very controling lol.. no! i will not buy the pepsi next! lol.. idk what the next is for.. lol, i could go for a scary movie too.. like, not zombie, but I want something dark and stuff =P .. I haven't watched a movie in a long while.. I think it was a few months, all I remember was dropping off andrea and joey to see the hunger games but I didn't go in and watch it with them.. .. the last thing I watched was proabbly the vow .. that was a while back.. i think a little after febuary since I could remember taht it was a valentines thing, go see it now... idk. ..yes! an american creeper X3 lol jk... oAO that is terrible... so was that person drugged up? or was he really hungry? or violent and felt like bitting his face off? ... lol i bet he was hungry.. jk
yeah, monday through thursday.. that's why I had a sad face =( .. i'm also gonna be busy tomorrow because i'm getting a tooth pulled out <=( .. my dad waited too long and my tooth got that bad.. I have been telling him for two years that my teeth was hurting and I needed to go to the dentist.. omg, I went to the dentist a few weeks ago to get fill ins and stuff, I felt fine and I wasn't afraid.. after everything was done, my dad and I were at the counter.. and I was about to pass out. both my ears couldn't hear, everything was blurry, I felt sick to my stomach and I was slouching.. thank god I thought of sitting down before I plummeted (can't sp) to the ground
yeah... and wouldn't they be worried to have that on the computer? they could actually go to jail or if they wanted a job, they would never hire them if they saw it.. and even if you try to delete the picture, it wouldn't be gone.. idk, maybe someone might have copied it and pasted it somewhere else.. not sure how technology works. yeah they are dumb a-s XD RED!! love that guy... lol XD it has been excused >=( ^^ lol I don't mind you cursing if it is part of the venting or something else that is important.. yeah..
I should probably put my phone to silent at night XD around 2am I wake up hearing my phone vibrate on my desk.. or maybe I should leave it on the desk chair.. it is cooshie and it doesn't really make a sound
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