
Hey everyone, the name's Rusty.
I like to meet new people, chat, and just hang out. I live in California, natural to the water and love it. My hobbies out of Gaia are to Video Game, chill with friends, and play sports. My favorite sports are Swimming, Basketball, Soccer, and Tennis. I care a lot for my friends, when they have any problems I hear them through and help them out. Don't mess with them or you'll have me to deal with. Boxers or briefs... how about none? =P


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Viewing 12 of 49 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Rain VaNaNa

Report | 05/20/2010 2:43 pm

Rain VaNaNa

Hi Nero! Amanda passing by! biggrin How's everything? Miss ya!
iiAmber Sweet

Report | 07/22/2009 2:18 pm

iiAmber Sweet

Hey! Waz up
iiAmber Sweet

Report | 07/20/2009 7:32 pm

iiAmber Sweet



Report | 06/06/2009 9:27 pm


i have been good you? =]
hey if you wanna chat more I am not really on much here anymore,
so if you wanted to actually talk just ask for my msn or aim screen name thingy XD
I know I already said this but it is actually amazingly fun talking to you and I really want to continue it
iiAmber Sweet

Report | 05/31/2009 9:19 pm

iiAmber Sweet

Hey hey. Its me ..lilith
Uh.. I changed my name
iiAmber Sweet

Report | 05/24/2009 9:05 am

iiAmber Sweet

Im Ok. Just been having a rough time some times ..but other than that im ok

Report | 05/23/2009 11:19 pm


LOL Thanks you too....^.^

Report | 05/23/2009 11:03 pm


hey i like your profile!!

Report | 05/23/2009 10:22 pm


Your profile is very interesting....Nice.
iiAmber Sweet

Report | 05/23/2009 9:29 pm

iiAmber Sweet

Do you remember me?