

"Um, what should I say?"

Sensei, "Talk about yourself, likes, dislikes, dreams, hobbies."

"Okay...um, my name is Muro Tamaki, and I like, um, playing, and writing stories. I kind of like being myself, and um...I also like sweet corn, rice, peas, and eating avian. Um, I don't like pizza, pasta, or um...people who um...don't recognize me." Sensei Rochochi raises his eyebrows a little.

"My dream, is to um...become the worlds number one herbalist, like my mom! Um...she's really good. Ah...um, I like to play chess, and train in my spare time by myself because um...no one wants to play with me, so...um...i make the best of it." Rochochi sighs, wondering why he had asked her to tell her about herself.

"Oh, and um, I'm thirty two years old." Rochochin falls off his seat in something almost like shock.

"How old?"

"Thirty two...I um, kinda didn't get any older physically because my body has this sort of problem with it. Other than that I'll live as long as everyone else...with um, the right treatment."

"What do you do for a living Muro?"

"Well, um, I run a small school in northern tibet, but I am actually russian."

"Do you speak any russian?"

"Um...no." Muro smiles weakly, "I speak a little japanese, because I originate from the Kurile Islands."

"What is it like in the Kurile Islands."

"It's um...kinda cold, and life is simple, but um...I liked it.."

"Uh huh, do you have any children?"

"Um...only those at my school, they are my sweethearts. Um, would you like to tell me about yourself Sensei?"

-Rochochin disappears in a small puff of smoke leaving behind a small log in his place-

"Sensei Rochochi-san!" Muro stands up a little exasperated and dismayed.

"I'm also a big fan of naruto, bleach, and minato muyashi. English is my first language, and it is kind of tricky for me to speak other languages."


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Viewing 10 of 11 comments.

Eresse Telryna

Report | 01/25/2009 11:19 am

Eresse Telryna

forget it.

Report | 02/21/2008 8:19 pm



Report | 02/15/2008 8:09 pm


I guess. :/
Tsenzori Yu

Report | 02/13/2008 5:36 am

Tsenzori Yu

Sure, just work hard with limited things, it earns you better brownie points, especially if you have a well documented character.
Aramaki Kotone

Report | 02/13/2008 3:00 am

Aramaki Kotone

you really think so? thankies! i didnt like it that much tbh thought i screwed it up a bit but neverrrrrr mind.


Report | 02/12/2008 8:18 pm


Yw. ^^

We are in the same RP guild, and same team right? Might as well get to know each other. Nothing worse than RPing with someone you have no idea about.
Aramaki Kotone

Report | 02/12/2008 4:06 am

Aramaki Kotone


i drew the picture in my signature


Report | 02/11/2008 5:47 pm


Its' no problem.. Random comments are always fun n.n

Cute profile, the way you introduced yourself was interesting too :3 Probably one of the best Naruto profiles' I've seen in a long while. Anyways, thanks for commenting User Image
Tsenzori Yu

Report | 02/11/2008 9:08 am

Tsenzori Yu

Bright red-ness?
Kat Triagon

Report | 02/07/2008 10:25 am

Kat Triagon

maahhh, no, its ok ^^

Sanks anyway!