HI!! I don't know

* I'm Abbey
*I am almost 15
*Born here in Georgia
* currently living in the middle of knowhere
* I have 7 other siblings who are younger than me
* I am obsessed with Remus Lupin
* My other account were banned due to scamming
* I HAD 5 dark halos and all were hacked
* Check out zombophobia's prof and fudgemonkehs
* they're cool
* I am single and lovin it
* Ok I'd loved to still go out with Cody...*cough Andrew*
*Jk kid
* Ya, don't ask
* Iz fugleh..sometimes
* I can draw....when i feel like it
* I live in a plantation house....no lie
* in the middle of knowwhere

Iz bored...BYE BYE!!!