
'Allo! I'm MorganMiako, I'm a mule. =D But my owner hates me now! T - T But eh, at least I'm clothed, ne?

It's the simple things in life...

Morgan: It's not whether you win or lose.....
Innocence: It's how bad you pwn me in the end
Morgan: I was gonna say it's whether I win or lose but that works too.
Innocence: XD
Morgan: You didn't actually expect me to say it's how you play the game, did you?
Innocence: Of course not X3
Morgan: Good, cause that's a lie that your parents tell you to get you to shutup without them actually turning around to say "Am I gonna have to hit you or will you stfu on your own?"

Innocence: I wouldn't help you make me clean!

Someday we'll look back on all this and plow into a parked car.

Wrath: Mefrins??
Raye: xD YEP!
Raye: like muffins, only better!

Torowa-sama: V/_o;; Gender malfunction?

98% of the teen age population says "I love you" and doesn't mean it. I hate 98% percent of the teenage population anyway.

The newest batch of icons from me to you!
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Journal of an Inn Keeper

The inner most thoughts of an Inn Keeper, that is to say, me! ^^-



EnvyxWrath is [strike:2668fb9609]like two dust bunnies going at it[/strike:2668fb9609] [strike:2668fb9609]very unlikely to happen but the fangirls love it anyway[/strike:2668fb9609] [strike:2668fb9609] CRAP! I'm bad at this![/strike:2668fb9609] abusive love.