hey try this out! if u copy/paste this message on 10 profiles then push f5 u get 10,000 gold
Cowdust 05/01/2009 6:12 pm Hi wink
the insane tingl 04/30/2009 8:43 pm lol I looked at the eye thingy at the bottom of your profile tooo long
baller2ka5 04/30/2009 8:29 pm whats up
Romain909 04/30/2009 7:47 pm was there really a party
Djamo 04/27/2009 8:16 pm Thanks. And my mom keep telling me it was playlist.com but I needed someone else to confirm that.
Djamo 04/27/2009 8:02 pm Oh well your Profile is awsome. I got a few questions though. How'd you get that animated Itachi and how do you make a Music Playlist?
Djamo 04/27/2009 8:00 pm Thanks. You do your profile up to at http://www.tektek.org/profiles/newschool. I havnt seen your profile so I'm not saying it needs it