
Welcome to the profile of Moestitia Quod Tripudium.

I guess I should start with telling you my name. My name is Ian Valance, although I prefer to be called Lash, or Illia. I hate my first name. It seems like a boy name to me. I am part German, part French, and have been to both countries.

I stand at 5ft 6in. I have short brown hair and gray eyes. I am told that my eyes are the color of stone. They are the same color as my mom and sisters.

I like to wear white and navy, and have a nice blue scarf that I got from my girlfriend Jamie. In fact, my avatar is almost dead on to my normal outfit! Just remove the fire and stuffs.

I am currently 14, and will be 15 on November 14th, 2008. I am in 10th grade. I'm being homeschooled this year. :3

I am an quiet person, but I always give my opinion, even when it is unwanted. I like to be alone or with a small group of friends, I'm able to think and day-dream without someone looking at me strange. I don't try to fit in, I think all "popular" people are, in general, total ********. I'm more a loner than a follower or leader, but there have been a few people that have my loyalty. I don't give respect easily, but those that I do give it to will be loved forever. Many of them are here on Gaia.

I am a competent self declared therapist, since I seem to be the one whom people come to see when they have troubles. However, unless I am already your therapist here on Gaia, please don't if you have an alternative... I'm sort of booked.

I'm not part of any cliques. I'm not emo, punk, goth, skater, none of those; I'm just me.

My religion, for those who care, is Lutheran. I am a bit of a religious Nazi, but I disagree with the church's stance on Homosexuality. In my opinion, God probably created us to spread love and peace, and true love comes in all forms. I feel I'm on pretty good terms with God. I don't kill people, he doesn't smite me. It's all good.

I have a heavy interest in machines and technology. I was born with a natural ability to build and design. In my spare time, I assemble go-carts and motorbikes from parts I find in the local junkyard. I love to build, and will readily take on projects for my friends, whether it be upgrading a Nerf Gun or building a clockwork butterfly.

I consistently practice my abilities on the off chance I can one day build skyscrapers by doing so.

I'm happily attached to a beautiful girl named Jamie, as shown here:

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Yes, I am Bisexual and if you have a problem with it, go away. You don't belong here at all.

I speak Spanish even though I'm not Spanish at all.

I have a older brother, who is 25 years old. He works in Biology. He also has a motorcycle, which I would give anything to have. I have an older sister, 20, who is becoming a cardiologist. I have a sister one year younger than me, and I also have a younger brother who is about 4. He likes Trucks. XD

The other important members of my family are my dad Richard, Jamie's dad Lloyd, and my godfather, Jared.

They work together often in their jobs. My dad has often traveled on work, as an ambassador for various companies. My godfather Jared, works at many jobs, including a Lawyer, a Game Designer, and a Cement Truck Driver. Obviously the teamwork is as a Lawyer.

They love to create video games together.

Their pride and joy is Sonic the Hedgehog: You're ********. It's a remake of the original Sonic the Hedgehog, but the levels and monsters, and overall difficulty, has been amped up to the max. It's almost impossible to get ten seconds into the game without dying. But enough about them.

I listen to a variety of different music, but usually what I listen to depends on my mood. I like jazz and classical, mostly, though I have a fondness for certain techno albums.

I am a city person, I love the hustle and bustle of the city.

I'd really love to visit one day Montana, Florida, California, Japan, France, Canada, England, and some of the countries in Central America. I someday, want to travel the world.

I love to play video games. I own a PlayStation 3, Nintendo DS lite, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360, Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast, Gamecube, and a Nintendo 64. I play many games from each. I am a Die Hard fan of the Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Grand Theft Auto, Pokemon, Advance Wars, and Ape Escape Series. Don't ask about the Ape Escape, it's a long story.

I love to write. I'm constantly thinking up story ideas. Yet, I am very lazy and never seem to get around to writing them down. I am though currently working on a fan-fiction for the game The Legend of Dragoon, for it is one of my favorite games. I write about a page a day. I'm very shy about sharing my writing so I'll probably never submit it to any fan-fiction website.

I play the piano and will be taking violin. I'm awful at the piano, even though I've been playing it since the second grade.

With regards to sports, I play none, because I don't enjoy it. I am what some would consider to be crippled. I was born with a medical condition that, in short, requires me to walk with a cane. I cannot run, so I keep out of sports as much as possible. I do like rock climbing and swimming, however. I am a very good swimmer.

I don't watch anime or read manga on a regular basis. The only animes I've finished were Dragonball Z, Samurai Champloo, and Rurouni Kenshin. I like manga, just can't afford it.

I watch very little television. Only when I'm home alone with nothing to do I watch it. But I always watch House M.D. House is my crack. XD

I read lots of books. My room, which has two floors, (Main room, then an upper balcony around it) is entirely covered in books on the second floor.

In case the description of my room didn't convey, I live in a big house. A very big house. In fact, it is so big that it is really quite disturbing. I used to live with my mom and dad in a small house, but after my dad lost his job, we moved in with my Godfather. He's been really cool about it. He even pays for my medical bills.

Here are the blueprints for said house, which are actually not perfect, because my Godfather made some pretty big changes, but you'll get the drift.

First Floor:

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Second Floor:

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The main changes are that two of the Garages have been converted into a party room and a theater, and the original theater room has been converted into a two story bedroom along with the bonus room. This blueprint is actually a standard house type, you can find it on teh Interwebs...

Since the house is so big and electrically wired, we frequently blackout half of the city with our antics, including ourselves. If I disappear while talking to you it probably isn't personal, so sorry!

Since I am usually alone in said huge house, I've had to come up with a lot of hobbies. For example, I love to draw and paint. Even though I suck at painting, it's still a hobby I enjoy. I love to be creative and unique with my drawings and paintings. I also love photography and film making. And as I've already said, I love building.

I also study Psychology, Law, and Political arts, because it has to be an advantage to be able to understand minds, manipulate them, and not break the law while doing so.

With Gaia related things, I do not accept random friend requests. I'm sorry but I just don't know you. At least PM me once before requesting please. I'd like to get to know you.

I only donate to very close friends of mine. I also only donate to people who don't beg. When you get right down to it, it's just pixels don't stress yourself.

I love avi art. Make me some and I'll love you and of course if I like it I'll tip.

I think that's about it for now. Thank you for reading.



Sorrows and Joy

Records that should probably be kept private.


Viewing 9 of 9 comments.

`Strawberry Skittle

Report | 01/21/2009 4:29 pm

`Strawberry Skittle

User Image
U z k u

Report | 02/11/2008 12:20 pm

U z k u

Karli Luceferion

Report | 02/07/2008 1:21 pm

Karli Luceferion

I mean, of course "Ian" and not "Sorrow and Joy," to clarify.
Karli Luceferion

Report | 02/07/2008 1:01 pm

Karli Luceferion

Aww, I absolutely LOVE your name. It... rather suits you, I think... (Oh my GOD, that sounded HORRIBLY masculine...)
Dj Erebus

Report | 02/05/2008 7:51 pm

Dj Erebus

Err, you don't seem to have enough comments relating to your profile, I love it. ^^. Mines just a repeating picture and the color blue. Yay. I love your profile. =3

Report | 12/23/2007 6:46 pm


Hi Ian.

I see you have a new account.

(I was on Jamie's profile cause Tony told me to check it out.)

Report | 12/17/2007 4:47 pm


^ ^

Found you! What a confusing name. Hehe. Anyways Hiya!

^ ^
Kataritsugukoto Inu

Report | 12/06/2007 6:50 am

Kataritsugukoto Inu

cool and don't worry

i don t have any problem with your chose of sexuality(spelled wrong)

i respect anything that you want to share

oh and nice profile

if i didn't say it for the 10936528 th time

sorry for wasting your time!
Kataritsugukoto Inu

Report | 12/06/2007 6:45 am

Kataritsugukoto Inu

nice profile

love it

its nice and.....0.o




thats wat i meant to say!!!


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