
I'm usually loud, sadly, I can't express when I'm being loud on Gaia without making it look like I'm being mean So:
to friends, I'm sorry if I offend you by using very large print-I'm not yelling at you, just being loud. Future friends the same to you. People who stumbled across this profile page by accident or for no particular reason, I'm loud, not mean. Other than being loud, I'm an A student.........other than the A- I have in Social Studies Science, and BAND!........who gets an A- in band? It's like one of the easiest classes. oh well, that's off the subject. Enough about me, how about you? I'd LOVE to know, so just pm me ok?



Fudge-monkey's journal guide to whatever she wants

I like to play soccer, swim, hike, and eat! I'm quite sure that my journal is interesting and creative. I like to write stange and fictional things in jeneral, but I'll write whatever comes to mind in this journal. My favorite color is pink, and my f



Remember, you can always donate gold, why not donate some to meeeeeeee? or just pm me, that's good too.