
name:chenelle jessica lynn carr
fave food:sushi
fave movie:take the lead
fave sport/hobbie:dance and football and hockey
interests:dancing, sleeping, nothing, chinese food, redish/pink nails, cupcakes, vaneilla ice cream, my cell, gross flue treatment, snuggles/hugging, water, green tea, hello kitty, random people, tender love and care, holding hands, luaghing,and talking bling big rings,and earings ,ice chais ,red wine, flavored water ,sherbert black nail polish, hair clips, traveling ,fancey things ,daimonds ,red pumps, clips, tights, big a** sun glasses, movies, music, late night free rights ,battle wounds, love bites, japanese dolls, vintage barbies vintage, bling, thesunrise,suhie,amazon green tea.

Status: Single/seeing someone
Here for: Friends
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: ontario
Body type: 92cm / Slim / Slender
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Religion: catholic
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Children: Love kids, but not for me
Education: High school
Occupation: student/dancer

born and raised in toronto
dance since i was 3
i can kick a**
love me
hate me i don't care
it's your opinon
i do love, you know?
but it's a nightmar
it's not really wat you think it is
why love?
pshhh i dunno
i live in cartoon hell
parents devorise trama
go big or GO HOME
i went big
yep i said it i went big
should i stay or should i go
i have over 6 million best friends
only 2 great friends
and 3 lovers
i kid i kid
i have one love
i do have 6 best friends
and 2 great friends
am i mystery
or am i normal
im popular
i'm always dancing
i get anixtey attacks
i have etmophiba
and hypocondria
i am human
i love everything
u can picute me with a halo
and wings
shh im a angle
i put it off
i'm always tired
i yawn everyday
baha who doesn't
i am very nice
a very nice person
just me im sweet
super sweet with candy
yumm im a cuppycake



he is the lamb, she is the slaughter