
Hey Mi name is Brooke. I am 16. My hobbies are talking to boys, horsebackriding,emailing,texting, surfing, talking and hanging out with friends. My favorite color is Blue. My Favorite animals are White Tiger, Bottle Nose Dolphin, Boys, Sabor tooth tiger, Manatees, Beluga whale, Orca whale, Turtles. My favorite Flower is Orcide. I am Currently in an organization thats one of mi friends has made up called the Akuna. Right now i am a member, but hopfully soon i will be given a higher position. The best color for me is Blood Red. I am an All american Girl. My favorite Music Artist are Carrie Underwood, Superchick, Alan Jackson, Sugarland, Chuck Whicks, Taylor Swift, Poison. I have many friends, but not on here. Anyways... I LOVE BRET MICHAELS!
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Viewing 12 of 38 friends


Viewing 10 of 19 comments.

Hot yuri shibuya

Report | 10/30/2010 8:17 pm

Hot yuri shibuya

same here
i was having fun
Nodika Miyazaki

Report | 09/11/2008 7:05 pm

Nodika Miyazaki

hi why did you send me a message saying im stopping by and giving you some love

Report | 08/08/2008 11:57 am


me 2

Report | 08/08/2008 8:40 am


good you

Report | 08/08/2008 8:04 am


same here just donaten

Report | 08/07/2008 8:41 pm


hey wats up?

Report | 08/07/2008 11:02 am


y do u hate me because of that girl i hate her she is another stoker
Rainbow-tastic flavor

Report | 08/05/2008 9:49 pm

Rainbow-tastic flavor

Your pro. is hot.

Report | 08/05/2008 4:50 pm


go to housing arenas type in nicole0196 and vote
