
My name is Melomania, or Mel for short.
Melomania means that I have a major obsession with music.
I live in the South so I will say 'ya'll' and other such. (That means I really like to have a tall glass of ICED sweet tea. And I have a slight accent.)
My current interest is a lovely young girl which I shall only name as my Dah-lin.
I like to hang out in a Cage thread, which isn't as kinky as it might sound.....
I also hang out in this fine establishment:
Majestic Melodies
I would very much like to look like this eventually......

User Image
Total Value: 4,527,094 Gold, 2,500 Tickets

Item List:
Gold Promise Ring mrgreen
Gold Pocket Watch mrgreen
Lovely Genie Double Gold Earrings 3nodding
Golden Laurels crying
Long-Stem Red Rose mrgreen
Those Black 90s Gloves mrgreen
Demonic Anklets mrgreen
Gift of the Gods mrgreen
Ancient Katana mrgreen
Dark Halo scream
Horns of the Demon crying
Black Band Style Eye Patch 3nodding
Chyaku Norisu Scarf mrgreen
Black Wool Top 3nodding
Blade Of The New Republic's Tunic 3nodding
Gold Mountain Uniform Pants 3nodding
Santa Baby Leggings mrgreen
Gift of the Goddess mrgreen

3nodding - bought
mrgreen - donated
scream - questing
crying - missing

Donators to the cause:
E t a - N a r u - Gift of the Goddess
Twilight_Danger - Lunar Scythe
Harishe - Demonic Anklets
Raven Cruz - 1,000g
Twilight_Danger - Those Black 90's Gloves
Dark Alchemist of Light - 3,398g
Twilight_Danger - Ancient Katana eek
Deathlily2010 - 1,000g
Twilight_Danger - 12,000g
O_oSilent Jestero_O - #FFFFFF Complex Shirt
O_oSilent Jestero_O - Elegant Black Satan Vest eek
O_oSilent Jestero_O - Long-Stemed Red Rose
Theleio - 2,000g
Harishe - Gift of the Gods
O_oSilent Jestero_O - Gold Promise Ring
O_oSilent Jestero_O - Gold Pocket Watch
O_oSilent Jestero_O - Santa Baby Leggings
Luna Law - Superior Form
O_oSilent Jestero_O - Framed Gaia Artwork #21
O_oSilent Jestero_O - Lovely Genie Gold Bangle Bracelets

Thanks to everyone that has donated!!


Viewing 12 of 15 friends


Majestic Melodies

Music is life here. It's more precious than air.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Astria Kade

Report | 12/17/2011 4:34 pm

Astria Kade

I know how that is. Probably school too. Hope she contacts you soon.
Astria Kade

Report | 12/16/2011 3:57 pm

Astria Kade

Oh dear. I hope she is alright.
Astria Kade

Report | 12/12/2011 10:24 am

Astria Kade

Yup. Hope you are to. How are things with you and xp Misses? Tell Her I said hey too.
Astria Kade

Report | 12/10/2011 5:20 pm

Astria Kade

Alive. Been what, four years now?
Astria Kade

Report | 11/26/2011 9:52 am

Astria Kade


Report | 07/16/2009 8:49 pm


I've licked your profile!
*slobber* razz
Send this to all your friends to let them know how weird you are!

Report | 01/10/2009 11:09 am


I do believe that you ARE going nuts, dear. Fighting with inanimate objects? Tsk-tsk. Now I have to worry about you even more..

Well I thank you for your concern, but 'tis not needed. Just message me sometime if you want full details on anything you want to hear about- I'm not one prone to telling the whole story through profile comments.

Report | 01/10/2009 9:58 am


Uhm Well.

When you put it that way, yes.

Are you going nuts, m'dear? Dunnah worry, young 'un, Sammy's here to help ye.

Report | 01/07/2009 12:47 pm



Should I be worried?

Report | 01/04/2009 10:01 am


Awes, Mel. It's just, without somebody around to cuddle, I get depressed. Skull's been off lately cuz he's so exhausted from work and stuff, and I'm worried. I miss him ]:


I don't hear a sound
Silent faces in the ground
The quiet screams, but I refuse to listen