
Express myself... how to do that...

I am:
in America
into Anime
Into books
Into the Gaian storyline
a fanatic of [NPC]Ian
Into Role Playing
Asexual and Aromantic (read: single and loving it)

Now that the 'basics' are out of the way I'll continue.

I am a role player, however I do not have to stick to my own 'orientation' to RP. I quite often 'broaden my horizon' and do hetrosexual and even some Yuri stuff.

I love a good storyline, be it in movies, books, role play, whatever. If I can relate to teh story and it pulls me in its a good thing. I love taking teh general 'comfort box' and throwing it out the window in order to learn something more about either myself or the world around me.

I think alot. So I tend to see 'hidden trends' in things immediately where most peole need three or four times to figure it out. And can sometimes pull a full length discussion or RP out of the barest of ideas. Though it has to hold my interest, if I lose the train of thought or interest my mind will move on to something else.

I am not afraid of people so feel free to PM me or leave me a comment.

My life gets rather hectic at times, so I use Gaia to unwind. Though the opposite can be true when I get too busy and forget to come.


Viewing 12 of 35 friends


The [NPC] Activist

My thoughts on the injustices done to the [NPC]s and their fanbase.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Lorianne Kornaro

Report | 05/13/2013 11:16 pm

Lorianne Kornaro

You are asexual too? thats interesting

Report | 07/22/2011 6:47 pm


ur avi is pretty epic biggrin

j-sama <3
Engetsu Aori

Report | 08/19/2010 9:53 pm

Engetsu Aori

I poke you!

Report | 08/18/2010 9:04 pm


Hello. You seem pretty awesome. I am in the process of joining the Dragonlance guild right now, and I noticed that your favorite character is Raistlin. I love him too, and I was wondering if we could be friends. I wanted to ask you first instead of assuming, because I can't stand it when people do that to me. Example: Wanna be friends for no reason? Me: Uh, no. Sorry... LOL I thought giving you a message was the most polite thing to do. Anyways, greetings, fellow fan of Raistlin Majere!

Report | 03/23/2010 1:19 am


Sorry our roleplay went kind of blah.

Report | 03/12/2010 11:09 am


Sorry for not replying. I've tried but I guess I'm not sure what to do with my character. >.<

Report | 03/06/2010 8:16 pm


I bought the movie (The Vampire's Assistant) today. It's sold out of two places. Well, now it is because I bought the last copy. XD I started reading the book while I was in Barns & Noble. It gave me a little more of an idea about Steve.

Report | 03/05/2010 11:01 am


Good. biggrin

Report | 03/05/2010 10:03 am


Sorry for not resonding to the roleplay yet. I promise I am not ignoring you. I am just new to this pairing so I might be a little slow at first. I've been thinking of how to introduce my character. I'll try to respond today. biggrin
Smirking Devon

Report | 02/21/2010 3:36 pm

Smirking Devon

Cool Avatar


Addicted to Ian...
