Matsuo The Wanker

Matsuo The Death Dealer's avatar

Last Login: 09/26/2018 6:25 pm

Registered: 10/15/2007

Gender: Male

Birthday: 03/02/1992


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Big Titties. What did you expect?

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Stalkers? Oh god why?


Lol What is this? I don't even.

I am just one of those guys who hates stupid people. They are always out there. But the worst is teenagers. Thats right, teens. I know a select few teenagers who are exempt from this, and I am not saying all of them are stupid. But most of you love struck teens are just.... ugh. Going back to the same guy/girl even though they are abusive or they just hate you. "OMG I LUV HIM BUT HE BEATS ME" You are retarded. I hate your guts if you can love a person who beats you/ abuses you in anyway, including mentally.

I am single, enough said.

I am blunt AND sarcastic, which is kinda contradicting. I take people a little too literally, and im a huge pervert. ((Shouldn't be a surprise really.))

If you are an emo kid, and by emo I mean the wrist cutting, depressed, suicidal person, go away. I mean, if you have no legitimate reason to be depressed, you shouldn't talk to me. Unless you simply dress like them, then its ok.

If you are someone who REPEATEDLY goes back to your ex, don't talk to me. You are ******** retarded.

I love games, and some anime.

I hate people who go "OMG MY LITEL PONEY IS TEH BEST THANG EVAR!" To every person you see. Especially if you are the type of brony that makes everything a damn pony. There is no need for that. I also hate cloppers. I am not explaining that one.

Despite what I might say, I am actually pretty nice if you get to know me. Although I can be dickish sometimes on gaia.

Thats about all the information I can give you stalkers reading this. If you want to know more about me, then talk to me.

Police girls with big titties go here.

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Faryn Von Ovine Report | 06/08/2015 6:02 am
My pleasure.
Faryn Von Ovine Report | 05/04/2015 9:55 am
I simply felt the need to inform you that your avatar is very well put-together.

Have a good day.
Kitsaeraelin Report | 10/12/2013 7:36 pm
I have yet to get to that point. The highest lvl I've ever gotten to was 44, and it got lost somewhere. =|
Kitsaeraelin Report | 10/11/2013 10:59 pm
It's handy enough, if only for not wasting as many bullets at anything longer than short range at high stacks of anarchy, yus.
Kitsaeraelin Report | 10/10/2013 5:44 pm
Mmz. A reduction made even less so when taking the ricochet perks from the left hand skill tree, no?

I'm too used to playing sniper rifle support....never with the assassin either. I didn't much like him. Liked Mordecai better. x{
Kitsaeraelin Report | 10/09/2013 7:58 pm
Mmm, more so than the mechromancer's right skill tree? Risk wise. I am inclined to think so, as I think that's the one that involves dealing more damage while being alight, yus?
Kitsaeraelin Report | 10/04/2013 4:59 pm
Some of the heads are nice. What do you think of Krieg?

I should've gotten the season pass though. x{
Kitsaeraelin Report | 09/30/2013 5:18 am
True that. By chance, did you get both level cap dlc's?

And as always, more customization is better. ^^
Kitsaeraelin Report | 09/29/2013 11:39 pm
lol, tis okies. I don't do well with the sight of vomit or other bodily fluids. Blood, I'm fine with....since I see it every friggin month.

Have you tried pm'ing him? I know he tends to be online somewhere between 8 and 10 pm mst.
Kitsaeraelin Report | 09/29/2013 12:56 pm
Thx d00d. x{ I happen to work in retail. xD I would agree though that it probably is a better job.

It's not so bad being the DD, unless they puke on your seats as you drive them home. Evil little shits.

Some s**t about trucks lol

[img:a8a9bc75e8] pictures/tumblr_mapgikXfKn1rdvaxzo1_400_zps592c4c76.png[/img:a8a9bc75e8]

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Unban me plz.