
**Character account!**

Umm, hello there! My name is Marilyn Hawkins. ^__^

My birthday is December 3rd. 3nodding Right in the month of Christmas!

My height is 5'11". I'm sorta taller than my Major....she doesn't seem to mind though.

Oh! I'm twenty-three by the way. I don't act like it though ^^;.

I work as a nurse in my squad. I'm ranked as Private ^__^; I think I'm the lowest of my squad, though....

What I like...? Oh, right. Well, I really like soft and cute things. Hearts and romantic things like roses appeal to me (I don't seem like it though)! But I'm sorta shy with boys...especially one boy in my squad. heart ---Umm, anyway! I really love pretty dresses, it makes me want to dress up like when I was a kid . I really like exploring new places. It seems fun ^__^, but I surely don't want to go alone. I joined the army with my cousin, Myra*. Actually....I think I was forced to go to by my parents...

You want to know what I don't like? I don't really like saying what I don't like though ^__^; I hate causing trouble, but thats one of them right there. I also hate messing up too T__T; I don't like really gory scenes either. It makes people wonder that I'm a nurse in the army of all things. I hate being embarrassed, too...it drives me insane. I also don't like it when people push me around, I have a limit, you know? It doesn't seem like I do. I'd like to grind their bones into dust and--- Whoops! I'm sorry ^__^; Don't mind that T___T;. Please don't hate me T_____T;!

I forgot to say my location! Oops XD;;. Well, I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

I don't think I have anything else to say about me ^__^....See ya!


Viewing 12 of 12 friends



Viewing 10 of 13 comments.

Judith Riley

Report | 03/25/2008 11:43 am

Judith Riley

No >v>
Judith Riley

Report | 03/22/2008 10:06 am

Judith Riley

Aww, come on, Mary. >v>
Judith Riley

Report | 03/21/2008 5:18 pm

Judith Riley

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Maryyyyyyyyyyy :> *glompage*


Bradley Souvern

Report | 03/21/2008 12:46 pm

Bradley Souvern

Naw, your gift was fahn, M-Marilyn! ^__^ I really liked it! ^___^ *hugs* I was going right crazy tryin' to find you a gift you'd lahk, though, so I'm glad you like it much. ^_____^

And a happy Valentine's day to you too, Marilyn! ^_____^ *kisses back* User Image

Report | 02/16/2008 6:54 pm


Nice profile and hair!
Bradley Souvern

Report | 02/14/2008 3:37 pm

Bradley Souvern

Awww, shucks, ma'am. ^____^ *twiddles fingers and blushes* That's awf'lly kind a' ya... And Ah hope you lahk mah lil' gift... ^____^ *kisses* Happy Valentines...! ^___^
Ralph Colchester

Report | 01/12/2008 1:39 pm

Ralph Colchester

'Ello, Ms. Hawkins. You looked quite frightened on Thursday. Are you alright? XD
Johannes Birnbaum

Report | 01/11/2008 3:36 pm

Johannes Birnbaum

U-U-Uh.... H-how... you? ^___^;
Johannes Birnbaum

Report | 01/06/2008 4:05 pm

Johannes Birnbaum

H-Hallo... madam... ^_^;
Bradley Souvern

Report | 01/06/2008 3:40 pm

Bradley Souvern

*blushes* Aw, ma'am... Really? ^__^; It ain't nothin' fancy...