Username: Maniacal Toothpick
Nickname: Mani
Member since: 2003
Other accounts: yes
Taken or single: Taken
Favorite food: Saurkraut
Favorite candy: Chocolove Chocolate Bars
Smoke: No
Drink: Not anymore.
Drugs: No
Favorite movie: The Watchmen
Favorite book: Pride & Prejudice
Favorite quote: "The night is always darkest just before the dawn." - Harvey Dent - Batman
Favorite color: Turquios
Favorite celebrity: none
Favorite dog: Yellow Lab
Favorite cat: Ragdoll
Favorite animal: White Tiger
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite place: Fort Bragg, CA
Favorite forum: Chatterbox
Favorite thread: I just peruse.
Favorite item: Lunar CloakExpecting our first. EDD May 6, 2013!
Viewing 12 of 31 friends
Arts of Mani
This is where I will put pictures that fellow Gaians draw of me. :]
If you want to draw me feel free. I loves random arts.
Expecting our first May 6, 2013!

Viewing 10 of 20 comments.