Im mangaducki, you can call me ducki... most people do ^^
My favorite bands are fall out boy <3, all time low, relient k, hit the lights, eminem, colbie callait, paramore, the fray, panic at the disco, forever the sickest kids, flight of the conchords, cute is what we aim for, cobra starship, gym class hero's, and hey monday. but thats only a few, mind you.
I love listening to music, my ipod holds my life X3
i love manga and anime!! ^^ some of my favorites are fruits basket, shugo chara, vampire nite, hana kimi, hack, yotsuba, as well as others...
i love reading, listening to music, knitting, playing videogames, playing with little kids, swimming, sewing, shopping, painting, softball, gymnastics, yoga, watching tv shows, painting my nails insane colors, and collecting beanie babies
i love going to thrifty, junky, and oldie stores and getting a ton of awesome vintage stuff for really cheap ^__^
my favorite books are fruits basket, shugo chara, vampire nite, hana kimi, hack, yotsuba, Secrets of my holly wood life, clairice bean, twilight, new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn,tricks, identical, burned, crank, glass, impulse, along for the ride, lock and key, keeping the moon, someone like you, alice in wonderland, sweetheart, just listen, truth about forever, dreamland, this lullabye, that summer, zig zag, heary on my sleeve, dramarama, waiting for you, when it happens, wings, take me there, two way street, lost it, something maybe, perfect fifths, sloppy firsts,second helpings, charmed thirds, forth comings, the book of luke, bloom, perfect you, the secret life of prince charming, thirteen reasons why, going too far, sweethearts, perfect chemistry, smart boys and fast girls, plan B, sticky fingers, falling for romeo, stealing heaven, i heart you you haunt me, memoirs of a teenage amnesiac, elsewhere, the other boy, what my mother doesnt know, thirteen little blue envelopes, love and other four letter words, the earth my butt and other big round things
i love a ton of other books, these are just the ones i can think of off the top of my head ^^; oopsie doodles
smile i love looking for pictures, photogaraphy, hottubing in the rain, playing with my dog, hanging with little kids, cooking, singing, acting, tai-chi, karate, studying japanese
i also love shakespear, my favore way to read it is in manga form
i <3...
biggrin teehee ^^
check out my store, if you make a valid argument then i will consider changing my prices, if you friend me then i will most likely accept
sims three is super de duper fun, i loves it
some of my fave tv shows are flight of the conchords, 30 rock, arrested development (R.I.P), south park, silent library, adult swim, and SCRUBS!
i love collecting beanie babies, their super kawaii!
stickers and ductape are the bomb nd you know it!!!
razz p.s. TeH cAkE iS a LiE.
heres my million dream avi's

Total Value: 143,338 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Mochi the PuppyLabu NecklacePink Sweetheart TeddyPanda PlushieDevil Imp PlushieBlack Ops GearGrace of AphroditeX_X Pink Raving GogglesGray SKA shoesPink Tiger PantsG-LOL Dark Mistress SkirtBlack Stripes Left Arm TattooBlack Stripes Right Arm TattooSilver Heart BeltWhite Leather BeltBlack Cross BeltsWine Tavern Wench's Bustier
Total Value: 14,637 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Black Spider ChokerRitzy Black Pearl NecklaceDrop Dead Gorgeous Stone Skull HairpinKitty SlippersGray Peasant GlovesAchromatic Apocaripped PantsAekea Water Festival Shirt
Total Value: 53,899 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Maid HeadbandG-LOL Dark Mistress BootsG-LOL Dark Mistress SkirtElegant Black Satin Corset
Total Value: 23,763 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
Devil Imp PlushieBlack Skeleton GlovesSuspendersSilver Heart BeltCloud Zebra TopLex's White ShortsGray SKA shoesWhite HachimakiBlack StockingsThe Mole
Total Value: 35,480 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Blue Candy Striped StockingsShell CollectionAnti-Fashion Blue-Lilac Head WrapStar HairpinLabu NecklaceViolin CaseG-LOL Bruise Mistress SkirtGray SKA shoesRed Leather BeltThat 70s White ShirtAutumn GlorySynthesized Apocaripped Scarf
Total Value: 185,753 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Ballerinas CircletMagical GirlEnchanted BookRitzy Cream Pearl NecklaceG-LOL Dark Dollie SocksLeather BootSakura Fluff PlushieGift BoxPearlsPink Bow Minidress
Total Value: 132,226 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Rock HardBlue PomPom GlovesBlack Spider ChokerWhite Leather BeltG-LOL Dark Mistress SkirtCloudGray SKA shoesLight Gray Leg WarmersIndigo Tavern Wench's Bustier
Total Value: 505,521 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Winter RoseLabu NecklaceNeutral Starter Rocker Girl TopThose Blue 90s GlovesOculus MythicaPanda SlippersG-LOL Dark Mistress SkirtStriped StockingsBerry Tavern Wench's BustierPandy PackGO Phones
Total Value: 2,419,519 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Fuzzy Penguin SlippersBlack Stripes Left Arm TattooBlack Stripes Right Arm TattooGimpi 7th gen.Black Stripes Bottom TattooPrism Butterfly MantillaDemonic WindSheer StockingsDark HaloNitemare Bustier
Total Value: 433,656 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
GO PhonesLight Gray Leg WarmersBeat Slim Black ShoesValiant KnightTiny Pixie WingsCelebrity MiniskirtRitzy Black Pearl NecklaceMythrill HaloDark HaloOculus MythicaWingding 3rd Gen (phase one)
Total Value: 18,007 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Red Nosey Face TattooBrown Hush KittysBrown Stripes Left Arm TattooBrown Stripes Right Arm TattooBrown Stripes Bottom TattooArmadillo PinballLifeguard Red One Piece SwimsuitChocolate Soft Serve HatLeather Tavern Wench's BustierSpirited 2k7 GlovesRed Heart HairpinRed Class SockRed Tennis WristbandRed Tennis WristbandRed Pleated Tennis SkirtLabu NecklaceCrimson Red Pimpin' Cane
Total Value: 21,575 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Satin HairbowGrace of AphroditePurple Flower HairpinBeat Slim Orchid ShoesOrchid Keyboard LeggingsOrchid Partition TopLight Purple Leg WarmersCrossed Sports Bra
Total Value: 725,974 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Shinto Priest's Jacket BlackWhite Heartbreaker JacketPanda PlushieElemental WingsBlack Rainy ShortsMasterpiecesNinja HoodNinja SwordNaruto KunaiPanda SlippersPandy PackWinter RoseGimpi
Total Value: 389,706 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Elemental WingsDark HaloDemonic AnkletsWinter RoseCharred Tundra BootsStriped StockingsG-LOL Dark Mistress SkirtBlack Leather BeltThat 70s White Shirt
Total Value: 1,263,190 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Fallen Wish 8th Gen.White Cobweb Long GlovesDashing Gentleman Pristine White GlovesWhite Cobweb StockingsBlue Nosey Face TattooSuperior FormWhite Eye Stripe TattooStaff of the AngelsAngelic CamisoleAngelic CollarLight Gray Leg WarmersTiny Pixie WingsPixieCloud
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