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Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/21/2010 6:28 pm

Fapping Over Evelien

Lol sureeee.
W/e you say.
Cake got accepted so we can RP a bit whenever.

XD I think I beat Pokemon Blue but it was so long ago I'm not sure.
I think my b/f managed it though and WITHOUT gameshark.
Idk I just gave up.
It's somethin with the card though since ANY online purchase is unaccepted.

Ah I see. I'll educate him with that then. XD
Nah, that's just his sense of humor.

You think mine was cute well yours is too!
Sorry replies are so short, trying to be ninja at 2:30AM.
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/21/2010 4:42 pm

Fapping Over Evelien

Hum... I don't think I believe you. >|

Lol I used to have both; the black and white gameboys are like... REALLY CHUNKY.
You could kill someone with it.
I never finished a pokemon game in my life to be honest. XD;;
It is uber lame.
We don't know why; we've tried multiple methods for several different things and they all reject his card.
He called the bank and they said it was perfectly fine but all online transactions won't work.
WOOT I ROCK. < /superpose >
Reminder Bon ftw.

Yeah he labels all my friends, don't worry too much about it. XD;;
Because he doesn't know your RL name either so he has to call you something or he forgets.
He says he doesn't call people by fake usernames. So they're either called something they remind him of or their names and I know too many Californians (3 really, but enough) for you to be Californian girl.
And because he immediately says anyone I talk to wishes to kidnap me from him. XD
He was all like while I'm writing this
"Oh you're saying one day... one day we'll be together. I'm already poisoning his drinks."
I was like LOL. XD;;;

Aww that actually sounds rather sweet. XD
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/21/2010 4:06 pm

Fapping Over Evelien

You? Suspicious? OF COURSE! >|
How can you resist that adorable face.

Yeah if you think you'd be embarrassed in a situation it likely is. XD

XD Black and white gameboy or gameboy color?
I don't mind the new gameboys, that minigame where you make pokecandies.
It sucks but what sucks even more is when he got home today to download it for me it wouldn't accept his card. ;~;
So I got nothing today, and I really had my hopes up.
I've napped, which sucks since now I'm awake. XD
I can talk to you a bit longer though.
I'll have the computer on for when you comment and if you get a new messenger.

This convo is getting smaller and smaller! We must make it biggerrrrrr. Again. XD

LMAO. So like it's 00:05 and I'm typing away and my boyfriend was like "Woah why the hell are you typing so much."
I said: I'm talking to my other californian friend?
Him: Who?
Me: You know, the one who works at a nursing school.
Him: Oh your lesbian friend?
Me: Yeah.
Him: ...The one who's trying to take you away somewhere and make you leave me? >|
ROFLLLLL. < /rolls about >

XD I could imagine you freaking out when the lights went off.
Lights are on. * u*
Lights go off. * A* AHHHHHH.
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/21/2010 11:11 am

Fapping Over Evelien

Maybe? xD
That laugh makes you seem so suspicious! D=
</protects cake>

Ah I see, I see.
Maybe I'll hear about it somewhere in the smaller places.
XD I read some blog of someones' life in japan since they married a japanese person.
They said it was embarrassing, yeah.

For lazy people like us, of course.
XD Sometimes old games are the best though.
I was really sad when my copy became unplayable. D8
I never even got to finish it!

I never had a nightlight.
It was just lights on or off. XDD;;;

Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/21/2010 10:40 am

Fapping Over Evelien

Thanks. xD
You call dibs? ROFL.

Never heard of it before. XD
Had it's moments? Like how? ;o
Well it depends on what type.
I can eat plenty of smoked fish ones or prawn ones no problem.
Just the pure raw fish ones I have to eat in moderation.
Apparently if you order sushi without wasabi in Japan they give it on a childs' plate cos it's naturally assumed people who can't eat wasabi are children. XD

Simple and recycling is the way I roll most of the time. XD;;
Not the first one. XD Number 8, my all time favourite.
It's true they don't have the original games in production anymore though.
They're downloadables.

Yeah they just dislike it. XD
Like my b/fs mum dislikes it as pure darkness so the landing light is on which doubles as just keeping it safe to get to the bathroom too because the upstairs hallway is small. XD
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/21/2010 7:56 am

Fapping Over Evelien

If you say so missy. XD
I decided on TheCakeIsALie.com >.>
Oooh what movie did she want to see?
Sushi? Cool, I can't eat too much of it or I feel sick.
I have mine without wasabi, thanks.

XD It looks nice.
I might go on Internet Access with Koei if you wanna chat with our chars for fun. 83
x3 I like my new one sorta.
It's a little cutesy.
It's not even about adjusting XD I know what to do I'm just not bothered!
It takes too long compared to everything else I could be doing. T~~~T
PS3 the platform will be on but there's the Playstation Store where you can get old games.
I wanna get a few blast from the pasts.
Namely Final Fantasy.

XD Okayokay I'll take your word for it.
Well at least we're over it now.
HEY! Some people might still feel uncomfortable with it.
I know a few; but that's mainly because they don't like evenings in general.
I'm just nocturnal.

Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/21/2010 4:55 am

Fapping Over Evelien

XD Maybe not.
XD How was that sly of me?
You could say it's hard. But I don't always always put their name on the image just in case. /shot'd.
Oooh. What else she might have planned?
We'll leave that with a sign of "To be decided" on the front.

XD Ah really?
I use Photoshop, yes.
I seem to dislike brushes I find after like, a day so I get tempermental.
XD Koei's is bright and pretty?
Formats I fail at in general; it's a lot of effort on my part to be bothered to code. </shot'd>
Yeah I might sucker my boyfriend into getting me one.
On that note he might be getting us some retro games off PSNetwork today for a little gift for our anniversary. XD;;;
Gamer dork I am.

XD;; Cute or something to laugh at?
Oh really? We've been hitting a load of strange coincidences here!
I don't mind the dark anymore, I need it to be dark to sleep nao.
But when I was little I'd freeeak.
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/20/2010 9:48 am

Fapping Over Evelien

My boyfriend thinks red suits me a lot IRL.
I like my avi but he thinks it's a little queer. Haha. XD
IT'S A TRAP! < /poses >
People can easily figure it out on my profile page, anyway.

Me either! Because I don't really know myself!
I just usually make the graphic first then decide a site later. Fufufufu.
Spontaneous much?
ooooh this friday?
What are you doing, may I ask?
Or secret couple stuff? 8D

Yeah I've already found him. x3
Did you recolor him yourself?
And how did you? D=
I always have trouble recoloring sections of things. </fails>
I like your graphics, also; now I can tell what you've done with it compared to the original.
I've been hitting a graphics block lately and hate all of mine.
That's why I want to get a graphics tablet. Saves me on paper wastage. XD
Ffft. Maybe.

Like when I was little if say... people were home but nobody was upstairs and I had to go to the bathroom I'd shoot upstairs then the moment I turned the bathroom light off I'd sprint downstairs to the "safe zone" because apparently if I was on 1st or 2nd floor without anyone there at night something would be there to kill me. XD
Orrr when I used to go bed I had to make sure my limbs didn't come off the edges of the bed in case monsters would come out of the floor and eat it.
And for a while I didn't like it being fully dark.
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/20/2010 4:22 am

Fapping Over Evelien

XDDD Alright, I'll tell him that.
Yeah your avi, I like it. 8O I'm generic and went red/black. XD
Don't be, don't be. It was just like, "CAN'T YOU SEE I HAS BOOBS, WOMAN!?" </shot'd 'cause she has a male avatar.>
XD But then again I have to hope Notte gets on to accept them.
I'm still deciding on what site I want and what gender, etc.
It's okay. I'm really really shy too at some points. It's totally fine. ^_^
Awww that's sweet, I hope things are going well for you.

Same here.
Good graces forevurrr~!
XD If you want; I just like hearing what people think of her.
Oooh thanks for the link!
I'll browse the whole gallery and see if I can spot them.
Lmao, about my art? I like drawing but I'm not like some people who don't care what others' thinks or genuinely think their arts uber good. XD;; I look at it at a genuine point of view where I point out the flaws and what's actually wrong with it before I give up. </nodnod>
Abusing the love. XDD;;

Haha, sometimes even if my imagination does that it still never creeps me out as much as a horror film does. 8|
I used to have some really stupid habits when I got scared when I was younger. XD;;
Yesyes. Very warm. </glompsglomps>
It issss. D8

LMAO. That'd be to the point but weird.
Nah just like if there was any curiousities I would just tell you about 'em straight. XD
I don't really hide anything.
x unobstructed pencil x's avatar

Report | 01/19/2010 4:36 pm

x unobstructed pencil x

It was no problem, Kissu ~
Us cool people have to stick together ! >D
. . . Or comment on each other's profiles ! o w o ;
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/19/2010 4:15 pm

Fapping Over Evelien

He said that he doesn't approve of the fact that you've gone from saying it's cute to approving of me punching him in the face. XD
And that on another note you look like some ninja-bee-wasp-thinger.
It's fine it's fine! It's not like I'm bugged about it or something. XD
Wooh. Well hopefully I can get some time with 'em tomorrow or something. XD;;
Awww why are you so shy about admitting that? XD
Well I'm glad you're glad. XD
As long as I know the person is still alive I'm good with it.
And as long as we're on good terms.
Otherwise I'm like "...>|..."
But you seem awesome enough to wait for. XD
XD Thank you! Well I'd love to hear what you think later.
That's alright, I can wait for a link.
Ah I like doing the same, I understand totally when your own art feels kinda inadequate. XD;;
Yep and I'm really looking forward to it!
I have an idea on who I want to represent the character. 83
Yesyes. Personal chauffer. x3

It is, fictional or otherwise it's all good to me. XD
It is weird; I freak out when my boyfriend watches those kinds of movies.
But I can just happily read and write about it.
Maybe it's the noises and the imagery, yeah. But then again your imagination with a book can be worse.
X3 That made me feel all warm and fuzzy, Lawl.
It's not silly! It's serious business.

XD You don't have to send me anything; I'm just saying you can if you're curious about me at all. Haha.
I just like talking... Probably too much. = 3=;;
x unobstructed pencil x's avatar

Report | 01/19/2010 3:59 pm

x unobstructed pencil x

Your profile is brilliant . . .
Just sayin'. c8
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/19/2010 3:00 pm

Fapping Over Evelien

LOL! Ignore anything after the "xx" I had copied your post so I didn't forget what I was replying about. /shot'd
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/19/2010 2:59 pm

Fapping Over Evelien

No clue at the moment. XD I might make a younger character; I have a craving for being cute at the moment.
Oh cool. ^_^ I'm glad you approve of the idea. Your baby? =o You're boy/girlfriend? XD
Yeah plus it just helps when you're feeling creative but just not the kind of creative that can spout out loads of paragraphs.
I'm pretty lenient with people I'm friends with, AKA you as well. Sometimes me and my friends take two weeks to reply but we're in contact the whole time and it's fine since we understand our real lives and writers' blocks.
OH HO HO. We better make sure that you love our pairing then. XD
I have the urge to make you LOVE EET. >|
Mana There she is. x3
Read if you're bothered, haha.
Oh yeah, I forgot to ask in the last post; could you link me their deviantart? XD I can't find it.
Oh? Did you base the character off the picture or actually get a commission? Either way they sound awesome. 8D
I haven't ever had a magical servant before! Fufufufu~
I'd love to play a total Prince/ss character. >8D
Ah well at least you're learning.
Can't wait until my boyfriend learns to, too. XD
I don't mind cars I just can't comprehend the thought of driving, myself.
So he can do it for me. 8D

Oh, I'm interested in the storyline sorta. I just can't find myself watching TV dramas for long unless I love them.
There are a few american shows I like watching. I like crime-y things because I like the mystery and mind games.
Funny thing also: I love horror/dark books and stories but I can't watch horror films because they scare the s**t outta me.
Sometimes I skim, but that only happens with RPs that're slowing down and aren't keeping my attention. It's only happened like once or twice in my experience. 8|
Clear to say they didn't last, lol.
Don't be sad. I luff yew. <3 Even though we've only been talking properly for two days.
Exactly then you blame it on yourself that it got awkward and if you ask them what's wrong they say "Nothing I'm just feeling lazy" and you headdesk.
Sometimes it causes a problem as me and my boyfriend might be feeling the total opposite and we fight over the heater being on or not. XD

XD Thanks. I hear good things too.
Really we were gonna go out the day after Christmas to see it at the movies.
But since it was icy outside we gave up.
If we get on messenger I can totary send it to you. >_>
That way you won't get caught torrenting yourself! < /poses > Roflcakes.
We will. <3
And feel free to gimmie that questionnaire if you want, whenever so I have plenty to talk to you about when I get back. Lololol.
You can tell I'm enjoying it.

Ooh, sure, I'd love to see! <D
And maybe I could show you a picture of my character, too. He's also drawn by moa.
And he's positively divine. <33333
Aha, I actually am learning how to drive at the moment.
But sadly, I don't have a license or a car just yet. So I have no choice but to walk most of the time.
Or rely on others to freight me everywhere, l - lmao. ; u ; ''

Aww. Well, acting like you're interested is better than not showing any at all, right? xDD ;;
Ugh, you wouldn't believe how many RPers I know who just skim through s**t.
Its like, you don't know that they did, but you can tell.
Since their replies never make sense. You know they missed something since they DIDN'T FREAKING READ THE WHOLE THING OMG.
Its frustrating and silly. :<
A - Ah, right then. ; u ; '''
And then the conversation goes down the toilet. Hurrah. = 3 =
Dah, that sucks. I agree, though. Being stuffy is never comfortable.

lulz, lucky you, man! I hear that's supposed to be a great movie!
You guys have fun, yeah? 8D b
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/19/2010 2:12 pm

Fapping Over Evelien

Cute when it's not you being put in a lock! XD
Wooh YIM.
That's the main source of my talking nowadays anyway.
Mysterious.Muffin is the username just for your benefit. XD;;;
I might make another character in Internet Access we can mess with at some point. x3
If you wanted we could be greedy and have a private chat for our casual RP moods and our other RP for our "inspired novellas". x3 < /rubs hands together >
I'd love for it to last a long time. XD Sub characters are a given for drama I just won't ever make them mains.
I can't seem to double well as once I fall in love with one pairing I give less attention to the other, you get it? XD
He sounds interesting already!
I could show you a thread I made for her on Solia. xD
I just gotta find it, she got some pretty awesome art too.
So yes yes to angsty servant love. Wooh. > u<
XD Learn to drive yourself? >3
You could get home uber fast all the time!

My boyfriend loves it. I just passively pay attention and ask about it once in a while while it's on.
XD But that doesn't make sense especially with RPers as the whole point of the RP is to read a story so reading a conversation is not much different.
XD I know, I know, I'm teasing you. <3
Lol that's what I mean! The other person doesn't talk much as it is but then when they get lazy it gets even more short and one-worded!
It depends yeah; like when we put the heaters on in the cold it can get too stuffy then I prefer it being... cold. 8|

I might go watch Sherlock Holmes with my boyfriend. There's a torrent copy of it we can watch. >.>;;
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/19/2010 1:25 pm

Fapping Over Evelien

Well I told my boyfriend and he laughed and said MMA is pretty much what it literally means, all types of martial arts in one.
He's good at standing up and boxing with someone and wrestling but there's also a thing they do called submissions where they get your bodies into locks and you have to "tap out" which showed you've submitted.
We play fight a lot so he's mock-done it to me a few times and I've been like UWAHHHH SAVE ME. T~~~~T
And then I cheat and tickle him or something. < /poses >
Then declare I've won.
I've found people I've wanted to get AIM for but with Yahoo and MSN on at the same time I don't wanna feel all overwhelmed by boxes and programs. XD
The anticipation kills you, doesn't it? XD
I've been like that whenever you've replied to me since this afternoon.
There's a few colleges around the area -- but as my boyfriend has mentioned that at the moment I'm getting supported for my problems and I should take it easy and be absolutely sure of everything before I get back into normal stuff. XD;;
Ooooh. Cute love please? XD
Yeah instamance just cuts down a storyline down to... nothing.
He sounds nice. 8D
Definately different from other suave characters I've played with.
Half-owl? Is that where the magical-ness comes in? xP
I like the depth of putting detail into the characters. I had/have an OC vampire called Mana who I put all my love into and got art for.
I've never found a situation to use her so she was more a vampire alter ego of mine as she was disturbed and all that.
I'm all into that old Anne Rice stuff. XD
I need some time too.
Usually if I just have at least a pairing and location I could work off that.
We could do that pairing. Would you prefer it in a Kuroshitsuji world where there's murders and stuff or some angsty dramatic relationship between a Master and Servant? Both sound good to me. XD;;
Oh yay, it seemed quite fast for you to get home to me. XD;;;
Scenic route seemed to have only taken about 20-30 mins.

Do you watch it? XD;;
Maybe they don't because they don't like people reading their conversations. I don't know.
Hummmm... special. So many ways to take that term. XD;;
I'm glad you agree with how worrying that is! I know someone who's like that but it's just how they are and my boyfriend is like that sometimes and he's all like "WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!? YOU ASKED ME A YES/NO QUESTION NOT START A DEBATE. > n<"
Sometimes I prefer it being warm, sometimes I prefer it cold.
I can't really say what's my favourite.
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/19/2010 12:36 pm

Fapping Over Evelien

Difference between the two of what? XD
His MMA stuff? It's like, Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Muay Thai, Boxing, all mixed together with some Judo and Kickboxing and stuff all mixed together so it's flexible rather than sticking to one thing. XD He's really into that kind of stuff, google UFC.
I'm glad you haven't been so bored talking to me. =P
I feel so appreciated, lawl.
You should get Yahoo or MSN so I wouldn't be anticipating an answer. XD I could probably spend a good 20 minutes replying to everything!
I wanted to be a nurse for a while also; hence why I went to college to be reintroduced to education yet learn healthcare at the same time. But like I said they thought I was retarded or something. I was quite smart at school -- just s**t happens.
XD Alrighty. Don't be scared, I won't use it against you. Fufufufu. =P
Of course, I totally understand.
Like they say, story over romance yet their RPs always end up being romantic.
Though most of the time I outline a plot and wing it quite a bit; though I talk all the time in the middle and go "mind if I put in a twist here" or I encourage it from the other person. XD;;;
What character is it? I'd love to hear about them.
Lololol. They don't have to be crazy; obviously I like interesting characters but as long as the character has depth, flaws and pros and all. XD I just don't want characters around that are 2D.
Paaaahhhh. I'm really anticipating RPing with you; I just wish we could think something up.
Oooh okay; hopefully I'll see you soon then. XD

XD At the moment he's watching Heroes so I've got some time.
People could totally see this convo and be like "WOAH, TALKATIVE MUCH!?"
It's good we have that in common if it was like "BLAHBLAHBLAH" reply being "...yeah" I'd be all depressed and worried. XD;;;
Summers' good. Unless it's humid then I can't breathe and I'm all upset. = 3=;;
Hum. I think I can think up something sour I like if I try hard enough.
But yeah, Lemonade is something that needs to be diluted with sugar and water. XD;;
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/19/2010 11:28 am

Fapping Over Evelien

Yes ma'am! Work hard I shall. XD
I try to, my boyfriend is into that stuff and is planning on going to a gym to learn MMA (mixed martial arts) and it involves so many variations there's something basic for me to learn when he gets home. XD;;
I don't work, not at the moment anyway; my depression is actually recognised and I get some money every fortnight so I'm not left feeling useless and... like a freeloader.
Like near $300 every two weeks?
I give a portion of that to my b/fs mother who I live with -- more on that sometime.
XD Well I guess it's good as it gives you some cash and I can talk to you. <333 Rofl
I'm such a hog.
My b/fs mother works as something like that but she has nursing training also.
Healthcare assistant at a hospital, I think.
I tried going back to college -- as I left my last year of (what you call high school) because of stuff but then I couldn't get back into it as they assumed simply because I left it meant I didn't know how to divide or fraction numbers and some of the teachers I had couldn't spell properly. < /sigh >
Once I know what I want to do with my life I'll attempt it again but as of now I live comfortably with my boyfriend and his family and he doesn't force me to do anything I don't want to.
Which is sweet of him.
Though obviously I can't help but feel helpless sometimes.
Well what makes you tick?
Plot as in the theory of servant bound to master who embark on an adventure of blood, macabre and other things? XD;;
Regular is so boring, seeing as we all live with real life anyway.
RPs should be about being able to do whatever the heck you want!
So we agree our OCs shall be a little bit crazy, yes yes?
I think all of your characters are a little eccentric from what I've seen. =o
Usually people get me into the typical boy meets girl, rich and poor that kinda thing or high school rivals and stuff.
Really generic stuff; but depending on the plotline they can be awesome, just depends on how sue/stu the characters are.
11:30 in the evening or morning? o.o;;

He is, he wants me to spend more time with him though so forgive me if I disappear on you. XD
I get a little too carried away when I'm talking.
Some people like the drama; and look for ways to make it.
I'm like that too. I won't be asking anything creepy, I swear.
Oooh that's 2 days after my boyfriends. XD And thirteen after mine.
There's been times when we've argued for ages at a time but then we have ages of peace, too.
I don't know, I just don't like anything sour; apart from lemonade but I usually put quite a bit of sugar in mine. XD;;;
Fapping Over Evelien's avatar

Report | 01/19/2010 9:36 am

Fapping Over Evelien

I hope so. XD I don't want to be stuck on the female form forever, at least.
Though! I do wish I could lose a little more weight. I'm somewhat on the chubby side. = 3=;;
I don't go for chocolates or candy sweets often. I'm more of a cake person which is probably worse. I have like the tastebuds of if it's a tad too much sugar I'm like. "Pfft. Inedible."
Ewww, work. What do you work as? Do you go to school alongside also?
XDD Nah I'm only cranky when it's that time. Otherwise I'm pretty easygoing. Though my boyfriend would say otherwise.
But he takes the piss biscuit. XD (english slang?)
XD Don't get me wrong. I get frustrated but I'm not gonna be like "No, fawk you I'm going on the computer, boy! >|"
Hum. Well we could base it loosely on a world or popular/classic story that takes your interest but give it a twist. Just as an example some people who do twisted fairytales and such. Or one of our own design that we base around a particular pairing.
I love the eccentric. o wo;;
Believe me I'm very shy but I tolerate people to the point they make me snap then I'm like SCREW IT!
I just adore his whole look. x3 I guess I've been RPing with/around things that're too realistic and forgot that I love interesting looking things the most.
XD I should check out these other doodles, I'm interested in what you mean!

Not very often. If I go out it's with my boyfriend. Before even though I grew up in the rough part of the city I could be walking around on my own come midnight but nowadays I just go out with my boyfriend and he doesn't like us hanging around too late because as well as there being places to shop there are plenty of bars/clubs to drink at also so we like avoiding the drama.
He's like the common sense in our relationship as I'm like. < /dreams > = q=''
Oh that's cool. 8D When's your birthday?
XD If you want to. I don't mind. I don't like keeping things impersonal. Idk why. D8 You can PM me it though if you have questions; and if you don't mind yourself I'd just be like "WHAT ABOUT YOU!? 8D"
Maybe I'm nosey or a gossip. XD;; /shot'd
We've had a load of ups and downs. I'm kind of... indecisive and probably have done us more harm than good but he's a sweet guy.
There's no relationship in the world without issues, amirite? XD
Obviously you can get cherries on import; but they don't taste as nice as they do in the summer plus they're like double the price. ;~;
My boyfriend thinks we grow the best cherries and the best apples. XD In his opinion anyway.
I also like peaches and nectarines.
One rule about fruit with me though; they have to either be juicy or sweet or both.
My boyfriend likes his a little tart/sour. XD;;
It's alright, I've learned to deal with it now. It's a very long winded story but in the beginning it was hard.
I know right? That Hello Kitty cake just looks so awesome.
< /shares with > > u<;;
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