
My name is Maaku
Im 19 years old bout 6 foot 3 inches tall, blonde hair, blue eyes - sometimes grey.

uuhhhhh im can be very friendly when it comes to my mates and meeting new people. but ive been told and i know myself that my body and soul is like Ying-Yang, i have a good side which most people see (ying) but when my friends or loved ones get hurt by others i become something alot of people are scared off (yang) but luckily most people havnt seen that side lol uhhhh more about me hehe

well i am a sword collector i have 16 swords atm and about 10 knives, 1 axe, 1 pick axe and 1 flintlock, yes i know im dangerous lol meh oh well, well what else can i say, i train with swords i do the occasional gun kata and yea.

Well i love my anime, have quite a few anime dvd's the anime that i love watching right now is naruto and bleach they are soooooo amazing im really adicted to it. ive watched so many episodes so far and i cant get enough of it all, i also get cosplay costumes from each anime ^^

well thats all for now
drop a pm or a comment anytime


Viewing 12 of 18 friends


Viewing 10 of 12 comments.

x_xTears Keep Rollingx_x

Report | 02/15/2010 5:44 pm

x_xTears Keep Rollingx_x

MAAKU-SAMA!!!!! *huggles* ^^

Report | 11/22/2009 9:39 am


As of right now, I have a bit of a cold. It's rather pansy like, though. Been surprisingly busy with friends, and haven't had internet time lately.
x_xTears Keep Rollingx_x

Report | 11/20/2009 4:18 am

x_xTears Keep Rollingx_x

i no u.u I will try to keep it alive!!! ^_^ but when I can get on >_>
x_xTears Keep Rollingx_x

Report | 11/18/2009 3:35 pm

x_xTears Keep Rollingx_x

lolol i might not be able to get on for a while u.u
The Devils Embrace

Report | 11/17/2009 3:03 pm

The Devils Embrace

welcome back to gaia bro
Naiteki Akari

Report | 11/17/2009 3:00 pm

Naiteki Akari

........lamp.........need I say more? XD
Altair the dark assasian

Report | 08/19/2009 1:54 pm

Altair the dark assasian

thx for buying
Rockstar Soup`

Report | 11/08/2008 9:50 pm

Rockstar Soup`

-dances around your profile while throwing confetti-
la la la la la la la la!!

Report | 11/01/2008 6:34 am


Thanks,Hunter398 (the angel vampire imp ._. )
Rockstar Soup`

Report | 10/26/2008 5:10 pm

Rockstar Soup`

Hello, Maaku! welcome back to gaia!