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Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 1:45 pm

Ali Drank A Slushie

OMG I forgot where I got them...actually...I didn't get them my friend bought them for me. I'll ask him sometime.

He's ok. I'm not very fond of his "Yaoiness" though. He's all like "I'm gonna chop you up and do experiments on you and give mah brother a new body so I can kill him again" in my mind

Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 1:33 pm

Ali Drank A Slushie

I watched it in half Japanese half English. I'm not really a fan of Hisoka's dubbed voise. He sounds a little to stuck up.


I'm collecting the manga and have plushies of Hisoka and Tsuzuki.
Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 1:12 pm

Ali Drank A Slushie

OMG I know!

I was like randomly waiting for the next episode to come out(anime) and it like ended. Unless they somehow came to life again ._.

I think the manga is better because there are no fillers and you can understand the story better.
Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 1:06 pm

Ali Drank A Slushie

Yeah I have



Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 12:59 pm

Ali Drank A Slushie


Yeah he's such a pretty boy.

Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 12:29 pm

Ali Drank A Slushie


But he has such a bad attitude. =o

That is why I also like him.


I like Tsuzuki the most though. He's just so much like me.

I believe that you should always eat snacks after every meal =]
Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 10:49 am

Ali Drank A Slushie


I just saw your siggie.

J00 like Hisoka and Yami no Matsuei to?

Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 01/11/2009 3:11 pm

Musically Joyous

Omigoodness! That's terrible! D=

I remember about three years ago, I was playing my GBA in the car, and there was a can of Apple Juice in the cup holder next to me where I sat, only when my mom took a sharp turn, the can fell over and spilled all over my GBA. Then the game cartridge got messed up so all of my game data was deleted, and my GBA doesn't work anymore. Luckily I have a DS now, so it's all good. XD

Yeah, like, what if it starts to melt if you're walking on a hot sidewalk? Still, they'd still be pretty awesome. User Image

I know what you mean. Anyway, I'll go look it up now! Thankies~

Awesome. These days after I finally forced myself to NOT use Crayola, I only use Prismacolor colored pencils. They're very nice. User Image And I mostly draw bits and pieces of clothes and hair and stuff, but I really like drawing Jpop stars. Like Ryohei, Hyde, and Matsujun <3 (currently the beautiful guy I'm trying to draw XD)

Lol wow. >_<

Yup, they're this week. XD I have 7 exams lol. Luckily tomorrow is my Orchestra exam, which is a piece of cake, and we're in there for two hours, so once you're done with the test, you can just practice whatever and goof off. Yay! And doesn't Shinobu ALWAYS cry too much...? Seems like it to me.

Lol, I finally watched Ep 1 and 2 yesterday! 8D And I love the Matrix-like tennis matches. They're so obviously anime-corny-ish, but that's what I love about it. And at the end of Episode 2, Ryoma's dad (Who has hot dads these days?! Seriously!?) was reading this Sports Illustrated like magazine, and that made me crack up. Ryoma's so cute for a 12 year old, but I don't get why everyone that meets him says, "I don't like the look of your eyes." 'Cuz seriously, I LOVE them. User Image

Hahahaha XD When I was in my D Gray Man phase (which I'm still kinda in but not as much as 4 months ago), I was at a sleepover and I was talking in my sleep saying stuff like, "Damn, this akuma's too strong!" or "How did you know I like Yullen?!" So now my best friend of 6 years knows another reason why I support gay marriage ('cuz shounen-ai is hawt!) XD

Aw, he looks like the perfect uke!!!! <3 Or is he the seme? Which is rare but still sweet User Image

Sigh... I'm torn over my decision to buy Jump Ultimate Stars and go broke or save my money up but not buy an awesome game... can't decide. UGH! User Image
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 01/09/2009 7:40 pm

Musically Joyous

Ah, haha... about that. Haven't been on due to computer viruses... yeah. But I got rid of all of them, so phew! Thank goodness! User Image

Aw man. *sigh*

Nope. Link still doesn't work. I even added the dots to where "http://" is supposed to go. Do you have an LJ? I do, so maybe you can send it to my LJ account. That might make things easier. ^o^;;;

Heh, my coloring's terrible. I'm lazy, and I try to add "texture" to the picture, but it ends up looking like someone gave me a crayon and I was angry while coloring it. >_> Drawing... I'm ok at it, at least people can tell what I'm drawing, which is good. User Image

Lol, I do stuff like that all the time. Good to know I'm not the only one.

Amen to that! User Image

Omigoodness! *goes on Youtube* I'm going to watch it now before I have to work on my semester exam reviews! <3

*sigh* Been so busy, STILL haven't gotten to see any of it. I promise I'll do it before the next holiday, which is next week for me.

Haha yeah. And sometimes, I get obsessed over things, but not to the point that I devote everything I have to everything. I don't squeal, but I do... squeak. If that makes any difference. XD
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 01/08/2009 7:47 pm

Musically Joyous

lol XD

You mean they don't exist?!!! D: Alas, another one of my dreams gently crushed...

Oh yeah, totally, I've seen that! It makes me giggle! I have no idea what made it so popular though. ?_?

Sadly, the link doesn't work... and I really want to see it! @_@

Haha, well, that's good, I think. =D I'm really bad at coloring, so most of my doodles are black and white, which is kinda boring, but I don't want to screw it up with my kindergarten coloring-skills. User Image

Oh... that's a really smart idea that I haven't even thought about. Wow, I'm dumb. XD I need to get a sketch pad instead of scrounging around for computer paper.

Haha, no problem. I love gamers :3

Ah, I must finish watching Season 2 now!!! <3 Le gasp, did something good happen in Junjou Terrorist?! I like them more than I used to, but they're still growing on me, so I'm still a little "eh" about them.

Descendants of Darkness... sounds cool. User Image

Lol, yeah, I guess. Haha, you're not hopeless. Fangirls are always in a state of bliss due to any of their obsessions/favorites. It may be unhealthy, but hell, at least fangirls are always nice! User Image
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 12/30/2008 8:59 pm

Musically Joyous

That ish cool :3

Mi madre got me shoes for Christmas XP They're really weird shoes, all psychedelic and abstract-ish. They almost look delicious. O_o

490... *faints* Most of the songs on my Ipod come from my CDS, but I have almost 100 on my computer. Lotta languages... I only have mostly English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and a couple Swedish songs. Never listened to Finnish music, but that's going on my to-do list User Image

Le gasp, I love your friend's art! It looks like the stuff that I wish I could draw, but can't. DX

Mm... always wanted a DA account, but I never had a scanner until about a month ago. User Image Once I get all of my drawings (at least the ones I have left... I'm a destructive person, so I tear up all of my old drawings) onto the computer, then I'll try showing you some ^-^

P.S Ah, no worries! But that's awesome, a 360? I only have a PS1 and some weird bootleg Xbox with all these games on it O_o

P.P.S Episode 22? For Season 2??? Or Season 1? D:

Heh, watching RAW episodes aren't too much of a problem, but I usually don't like watching them because they're usually bad quality. (not all, but some) But then again, subs are annoying sometimes... >_>
Witch_Alanna's avatar

Report | 12/30/2008 12:28 pm


Happy Holidays, Luna-ka-rin-ala-chan! User Image
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 12/25/2008 6:56 pm

Musically Joyous

Luna-boona-kins! Merry Christmas to you and Happy Holidays! ^o^
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 12/24/2008 9:35 pm

Musically Joyous

Ah! I forgot in the last post, but...







For me it'll be Christmas in 25 minutes~ Yay ^o^
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 12/24/2008 9:34 pm

Musically Joyous

Ah! How adorable~ >3>

Sweet! lol XP I'm gonna check out the anime instead. That saves me time from reading each scan one by one!

Ah, that's good. 3/4 of my Ipod is made up of Japanese music, lol. :3

Ahaha XD

Aw D: I'd love to see your buddy's art! I love looking at all kinds of stuff!

I'd show you some of mine, but I only have two pictures on my computer User Image Need to upload the rest later
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 12/23/2008 3:31 pm

Musically Joyous

Ahaha XD

It's ok, socks are always awesome no matter how plain they look. Same goes for hats. The power of accessories is an amazing thing. 8D

Yup yup yup! Does PoR have any cute guys in it??? lol, that'll motivate me even more to read it (I'm about to read volume 1 soon!)

That's good. But it's gonna be a pain in the butt to get all of that again -_-;;;

Ah, that's ok. I love the Beatles, but I know that there's bands just as good as them these days. And my mom appreciates her old-fashioned name being loved. XD

Eeps O_o Can you show me your art online (if possible?) once you're done? User Image
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 12/22/2008 9:29 pm

Musically Joyous

Haha. Fangirls kinda have a lack of creativity, no? XD

Ahaha XD hope I don't annoy you in a younger sibling kind of way :3 One thing my sister and I are in common with are fabric patterns and weird choices of socks... (lol that screams NERDY!). But yeah, my sister has socks and scarves that say things like, "8-bit fighting machine" or a scarf bombarded with stars. And I have my socks that say "Are you freaking serious?!" in Japanese. XD

O_o... Time for my next winter break project...

*sniff* Seriously hope that one of the Apple guys would come to your house and slide a MacBook or something under your Christmas tree ;_;

I love the Beatles D: Even my parents' names are John and Yoko <---not joking XD Mm... I don't have much of an accent... that's for more of the elderly Texans...

Ahaha X3

Yup. So right now I gotta study so I can get a good grade the week I come back ^_^
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 12/21/2008 3:42 pm

Musically Joyous

Shorter version of L'arc~en~Ciel XD *the Japanese fangirl way of saying it lol*

That's cool. My sister and I aren't really opposites, except when it comes to personalities. My sister's more quiet, reserved, pessimistic, and dark when I'm loud, obnoxious, carefree and bright. Other than that we're pretty much the same. But maybe our only difference might explain all of our arguments XD

You're right, doesn't PoR have like, 40 volumes??? @_@

Aw... I always knew your laptop acted up sometimes (usually in pinball haha), but still... that stinks. I would die if I lost of all of my music and Itunes D:

Bleh??? But Liverpool is like, one of the historic places in Beatles history XD I live in boring ol' Texas, just right above Mexico. Shaped funny, can't miss it on a world map. User Image

Yikes, sounds rough. o.o Oh, Japanese landscapes... I've never drawn one of those before, mainly because they're very difficult and precise. That's sweet though User Image

Cool User Image Ack, I have midterms (basically exams) on the same week, with at least two exams every day. Ugh, not prepared for that >_<
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 12/20/2008 9:00 pm

Musically Joyous

Ah! Laruku~! <3 <3 <3 <3

Not really, it's just that I won't fight with her as much if she's not around. (obviously) XP

I will sometime. Now that winter break has started, I'll have the time. And I finally caught up with JR, just waiting for the next ep to come out! User Image

Yup, Tegoshi and Massu. <3 And I love their songs.

Lol, aw... thanks? XD

Whoa, cool. Liverpool sounds interesting. For me, a two hour drive would take me to Austin, the town of weirdos and strange music. Which is great. XD

Oh, art! What kind of stuff do you do in art???

Aw User Image Yeah, school ended last Thursday, and I don't have to go back until... I think January 5th. User Image
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 12/15/2008 6:57 pm

Musically Joyous

Aw, don't worry. When I die, you'll know. But I'm not dead... yet. XD

17... going on 18 soon. 6 more months 'till she goes to college ~^3^~

Haha :3

Hm, it's been a while since I've seen LC, so Imma check out the voices again.

Ah, you put Tegomass on your playlist <3 <3 <3 I love Kimi+boku=love ^o^

Me... mature? Hm... thanks. XD

Oh, Liverpool. That's... far away. User Image

Ack, haven't been able to watch JR (or be online at all) these days. Homework just keeps piling up on me. This year, at my school, I'm supposed to have midterms but instead, they postponed it to January, but instead of us testing, they give us a million midterm reviews before winter break and expect us to finish it before school ends. (This Thursday) Ugh... @_@
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