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Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 04/13/2009 7:30 pm

Musically Joyous

Sorry, haven't replied in a bit! I was killing myself to finish this Japanese drama series called Yasuko to Kenji. It was so cute <3 *ahem* Anyways... XD

1. Oh, that sounds... scary, but kinda hot XD; Haha, I laugh every time anime brings in bad English actors too. Like in Ghost Hunt... *laughs at just thinking about it*
2. Haha, I'm not good with words though... better with brute force. ^o^;; Haven't gotten anyone to get into PoT, even though I've been persuading my best friend to watch, only she won't watch it unless I watch Shugo Chara T_T which I don't really want to just yet. However, I did convince her with this sketch of Ryoma and Tezuka, so she might soon... mwahaha >:P
3. Yay~
4. Right, I figured, "Well, I know Momo, Kawamura, or Kaidoh could've beaten the bear up instantly", but I was waiting for the Horio tormenting with the tennis balls, so it didn't really bug me that much. *takes Horio voodoo doll and stabs pins into it*

1. o.o;;; I don't even have enough room in my bookcase to fit 43 volumes! Mostly because D Gray Man and Yotsuba&! take up my manga corner, but still... I'm shocked and slightly jealous. *wants PoT character faces in my bedroom* I hardly ever go book shopping since I never have money XD I just read them quickly so that I don't have to buy them. Hm, probably one of those Japanese ingredients. Still, bet I can find it since there's this Korean supermarket near where I live and they sell a bunch of weird food supplies~
2. Agree totally with your words. ^-^ 20.5 fanbook... where do you find this stuff...??? I want one! D: Hm, interesting that Atobe likes stubborn girls since I'd figure he'd want a girl that would do anything for him. I dunno, just because of his arrogant king-like lifestyle.
3. Haha, actually, those are the only people I like... :P What a kind mother you have. My mom's just like, "I know you're weird, but I don't need to see everything you're doing." -_-;;; And she doesn't like sports, she likes crocheting. Wish my family liked watching anime or at least talking about it... my sister's too preoccupied with her boyfriend and neither my mom or sister watch TV. The only anime they'd talk about are Studio Ghibli movies and Doraemon. :P
4. Ah, still on ep 120... I'll catch up soon! Haha, I would've loved to see Ryoma's reaction, 'cuz he'd be cursing in random English or his face would turn green, either of which would be hilarious. And Tezuka's reaction was priceless, where the freshman switched his water and Inui's juice and he drank it but still was disgusted by the taste XD

1. Bummer. >_> Our state tests are going on, even though I'm not really worried, since they're really easy.
2. I love Mizuki's girly-mariachi-like clothing~ It's worse than Atobe's purple ruffles, which is bad enough XD Haha, Fuji's sadist side shined when he was leading Mizuki on with his "wins", but crushed in one stretch. XD *does victory pose* Well, that makes sense, that both those two have no interest... Sanada IS like an old man... either he experienced too much time with girls and got bored (highly doubt it, although that would be a funny story) or has a lack of hormones (equally weird, since he's in middle school, and most middle school boys are nuts)
3. Nice. I'm not really good at games... although I'm good at Monopoly since I'm a money hog. XD Haha, I remember the bowling one where Echizen and Momo got owned... but then, everyone had to drink it and fainted. XD I love how they used tennis even in ping pong! But still, I can't help but feel happy when Echizen wins everything. Main character's charm right there :P Haha, Fuji's so smart XDDD Still, why didn't anyone do curling... I would've if my school allowed it :P
4. *grumble grumble* Glad she's not in the manga so I don't have to see her ever again. Yeah, they did, and since Ryoma's short so his eyes were at the perfect level with her chest XD
5. Probably. But Dan does make a pretty good Ryoma. Maybe if Ryoma's e
Kai Sakurai's avatar

Report | 04/11/2009 1:53 pm

Kai Sakurai

cute avatar =D
ethnic background german?o.o
can u speak german? i'm from germany xD
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 04/10/2009 6:25 pm

Musically Joyous

Yikes, that's gotta be frustrating. :O
Haha, ok. XD
Hm, that's er... good, and bad... my family's just weird or crazy. Life with them is unpredictable. XD
1. Yeah, it's probably because of his Devil Tennis that hurts people, but he's still absolutely adorable~
4. Haha, that's good then. I'm bad at manipulating people... not sure why.
5. It's probably just one of my things then. No problem. ^-^
6. Yup, and they train at the camp and stuff. Plus Seigaku has to fight a fake bear, and it's pretty funny seeing the Freshman 3 getting terrorized by fake bears and tennis balls. > biggrin

1. Oh, really? I'm still not very far in the manga either... only about chapter 60 XD Have a long way to go, but I can't wait to try Aozu, lol
2. Hm, yeah, I guess you're right. I have to say I HATE how she dresses, with short dresses and those cut-off tank tops... bleh. And I think Atobe finds every girl attractive, or just forces girls to be with him to boost his too-large ego. He's most likely a playboy... but I still like him too. *sigh*
3. Hahaha XD Tachibana's a weak captain, but he has this cool persona, along with the other people of Fudomine. Wish my mom watched PoT with me, XO My mom would be like, "Oh, this guy's cute, but so's this one!" and fangirl over everyone instead of actually watching the TV show itself. >_<
5. Agreed to both comments. ^_^ Hahaha, I remember that. I fell out of my seat laughing and my sister just looked at me like I was crazy.

1. *o*
2. Hahaha, yeah. I love Yuuta's Rising Sun, but Mizuki is evil for dissing him after he lost and ruining his arm >:O
3. I'm terrible at billiards -_-;; Seriously, Ryoma wins everything just because he's the main character *sigh* Still, Fuji (mostly) beats him in the juice contests, so that's good.
4. I know, trying to make Ryoma another "masterpiece", although he's better than any of her creations. >o> And the sad thing is that all of the Seigaku boys were staring at her chest. Ew.
Hate her so much. Wonder why she became a tennis coach in the first place...
5. I got angry at Dan when he started copying Ryoma, but he is pretty cute. I had a Davide moment today when my family was doing chores around the house and my mom said, "Ok, I'm done, and she's done," and then I was like, "So Su-dan" like the country Sudan (but saying it with Japanese vowels) and then my sister threw a trash bag and told me, "Stop trying to be funny." XD
Ahaha, I laugh at everything too. At school I'm known as "Giggle Girl" because I laugh at every *lame* joke everyone says.
6. Saw it, but at least Ryoma improved compared to their last where he was totally obliterated. I think Sanada and Ryoma make a good singles match, since they're strong players and have similar personalities.
7. Oh, love Wonderful Days. I like the endings too, but I don't like the first ending. Not sure why, just don't.
8. Ah, Thank you very much! <3 <3 <3 Love the first blog, the mini-comics are hilarious. Not sure why half the stuff is "inappropriate for minors" though... o.o And the 2nd blog does have pretty much everything. Thankies! o^_^o
9. Haha, yeah, I mixed up Yukimura and Yuushi Oshitari. XD I'm silly sometimes. But I love Oshitari's, his voice makes me melt. ~o~
10. LOL at Sanada's XDDD He sings like an old man that usually sings enka. I love Sanada's more than Shishido's too, even though his is almost just as good. XD
Hahaha, KISSSSSSSSS!!!! XDDD Oh, I know Kai and Shiraishi, even though I haven't seen the OVA's yet. Shiraishi is the one with Bible Tennis (and is cute!) and Yuujirou is the one with the Valentine Kiss song that sounds like an Okinawa-like eisa. XD

Same. My computer randomly stops typing and I sometimes have to retype it. @_@
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 04/05/2009 5:14 pm

Musically Joyous

My bad, Oshitari has the best VK version. Messed up on the 1st comment, and it bothered me until I fixed the error. Sorry~
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 04/05/2009 5:10 pm

Musically Joyous

Technology... *angrily mutters*
Hm, that's pretty good. biggrin
Ah, I think a lot of dads tend to act like that. Maybe it's when men get older, their testosterone tends to get... grumpier??? XDD I have no clue. But yeah, mental illnesses run in my dad's family. My sister has bipolar too, and my grandma's just loony.
1. Yeah, at first I hated him because everyone described him as a total jerk when he played tennis. But he looks cute, and his personality's pretty cute also. Hm, I think I remember the bus stop episode, but I haven't seen the serve. Can't wait. XD
2. Hm, alright. That makes sense.
3. True that.
4. Gotta admit, both couples are pretty cute. I think your taste's starting to get to me, 'cuz now that I see more of the eps, the more the couples make sense. XD
5. *hides in a corner* Haha, jk. Dunno, I prolly don't mind them being with anyone since they're my fave characters.
6. I'm still at ep 113... -_-;;; Yeah, but that's anime for you, and it's what makes it better than most other cartoons. XD

1. Haha, yeah, I kinda want to try those juices biggrin (crazy, I know) I think Hyoutei is pretty much equally random, and prolly why they're my fave schools.
2. Hm, she provides drama between Seigaku and Fudoumine and makes their conversations interesting. And she's one of the less annoying females in anime.
3. Ehe, those are the only people I like too... so maybe I shouldn't say I like them as a school. Oops XD I like Shinji, Kamio, and Tachibana. Shinji and Kamio are a good combo, and Tachibana's all cool-ish and stuff. Yeah, and I agree with you on the last part. wink
4. Hm, you have a point.
5. Yeah, but I loved everyone's reactions to the juice with everyone passing out, and the cursed racket episode was genius. XD

1. Hm, sounds pretty wicked. biggrin
2. Yay! XD Oh, I like MizukixFuji, they're a strange but funny couple. And they compliment one another even though they hate each other. ^-^
3. I dunno, I think I pay too much attention to what the chibis look like instead of the whole ep XD And any PoT episode with the characters playing a sport other than tennis is awesome. *laughs at the billiards episode*
4. The captain was cute XD But had no personality like the rest of the whole team. The coach is just... bleh, don't like her. Ick, I didn't like the twins. Dan is a much cuter fem/boy character in PoT. And I love Davide's jokes (laughed at each one), but the matches were boring. Why does Echizen have to win all of them sometimes.... -_-;;;
5. Haha, no way! XD I only guessed those 3 since they're ALWAYS part of some pairing.
6. Oh, me too! I like the Echizen version more than the original version! Fly high's pretty good too. I like almost all of the PoT songs.
7. Seriously?! I've been looking for the songs to put them on my Ipod, but no luck... sad
Right now I'm looking for Valentine Kiss PoT character version, they make me laugh so much, especially Yukimura's (which is the BEST) and Atobe's (funny, and his voice, is sadly, kinda hot) XD

Oh, I love long messages, but sometimes they take me a while to reply back to them since I have so much to say for each comment. XD But it's fun wink
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 04/03/2009 7:28 pm

Musically Joyous

Haha, I had to rewrite my last comment to you because my programs "were not responding". ToT
Well, my mom had a job, but she quit because she ended up having to work both day and night shifts when she was only supposed to work day shifts because of the lack of workers in her last job. So she had to quit because it was way too tiring and she said it's not fair for my sister and me to sacrifice school times when she has to work so much. That was a couple of months ago, but my mom's going to start working again in the summer because my sister is going to be in college and she'll only have to look after me razz
My dad.... well, he's a different story. He hasn't had a job for 3 years (crazy, I know) and is too lazy to get one. It might be because he has bipolar disorder and he goes through depression and mania a lot, but still... once my dad says he quits, he quits. And we can't get him to work, because if we ask him/tell him too, he gets angry. One of the reasons why my parents are divorcing.
1. Oh, man, I forgot Kirihara. He's one of my faves too. DX
2. Miyuki...??? I don't think I've gotten that far yet.
3. Ooh, very nice.
4. Silver pair's pretty good. I like the Ah-Un pair, but as best friend couples, not like couples/couples. And I don't really mind the Emerald pair, even though Kaidoh being in any kind of relationship (other than KaidohxKarupin XDDD) is kinda hard for me to imagine.
5. Hm, funny indeed. I'm pretty open to a lot of couples, so maybe that's why. razz
6. Dang... I need to hurry up and need to watch more eps -_-lll However, now I'm excited to see them! Haha, I like corny matches too, they make PoT even more fantastic.

1. I dunno, I'm emotionally attached to Seigaku... I love everyone there and they act like people I know, so I kind of feel like I know them in real life. Kinda weird, yes XD
2. Have no beef....????? *never heard of the term* Er, I do like An sometimes...
3. Haha, St. Rudolph is full of egomaniacs and weirdos, so they make me laugh a lot. Especially Mizuki's outfits. XDDD Hm, I like Fudoumine as characters, but not really as a tennis team. The people are funny, like Mizuki always competing with Fuji and Kamio and Momo fight a lot.
4. It's a foreign pairing, for me. Mizuki is such a weirdo, and I can't picture Yuuta in any relationship, like Kaidoh.
5. Seriously. And then he's gone for pretty much most of the show, although Oishi as captain is sometimes refreshing.

1. Definitely Rikkaidai vs. Seigaku and Hyotei vs. Seigaku.
2. .... Hm... I dunno if it's considered as crack, but I like AkutsuxDan. It's like they're meant for each other.
3. Chibi episode, Kaidoh and Karupin episode, Bowling episode, etc... Still need to watch more PoT to find more fave shows.
4. The Josei Shonan episodes and the Rokkaku episodes.
5. Oh, tough. I don't think I know it.. Um, I'm guessing Echizen, Tezuka, Atobe, and... anyone else???
6. Openings: Future, Shining, and Dream Believer Endings: I love all of them except the 1st ending but I love Walk On, Wonderful Days, and Keep Your Style. biggrin
7. YES! I love Aozu, Wonderful Days with the Yamabuki and the Fudoumine people singing, and anyways, yes. ^0^

Phew, long message. Sorry about that~

Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 03/31/2009 8:55 pm

Musically Joyous

*bangs head on desk* THAT'S what I forgot. >_<
Sorry, seems silly of me to ask you your email address when I never gave you mine. It's marichan1994@gmail.com biggrin
Yeah, $15 is about 10.5 pounds. XD Well, at least you're getting money, which helps. We're not very rich either. My parents are both umemployed and yeah... really bad income at the moment. I only get money on certain holidays or if I do something really good like get all As for the school year, or something like that.
Hm, I'm going to need to check it out. :O
Oh, I love questions! I'm a total quiz fanatic, so send me all the questions you have! biggrin
1) Hm... probably #1. Fuji #2. Ryoma and... #3. Tezuka oh, and #4. Kikumaru. I pretty much like all of the male characters, they're all so well-thought out
2) Can't stand the Freshman 3. Especially Sakuno, Horio, and Tomo. UGH.
3) Hm, you mean schools, or doubles pairs? Well, for schools, I really like Seigaku, Fudoumine, Hyotei, and St. Rudolph, in that order.
4) Oh, tons of faves XD #1. FujixRyoma #2 AtobexRyoma (kinda weird pairing. Don't like Atobe as a person, but he makes a pretty good seme, I think XD) #3. KikumaruxRyoma #4 KikumaruxOishi #5 TezukaxFuji #5 AtobexMizuki (weird one, but I kinda like it XD) oh, and depending on the situation, #6 TezukaxRyoma
5) Don't like SakunoxRyoma. It's like SasuSaku, where the storyline makes the pair SUPPOSED to be a couple. But in reality, they're two different people, and don't really match. razz And I don't really like MizukixYuuta.
6) Hm, can't think of a specific one except Atobe vs. Tezuka, even though Tezuka lost D: In general, I like any of Fuji, Tezuka, or Ryoma's matches, and any of the doubles matches.
Alrighty, you're answering the same questions in your post smile
HAHA, I LOVE the OVAs. They're so cute, random, and hilarious. Especially the chibi ones XD
My goodness, that game is just pure GOLD. I'm addicted to it and I wear down my DS battery a lot because I play it so much.
Hm, interesting. Texas weather is just plain weird. Like, in the morning today, it was raining hard with hailstones, but then in less than an hour for the rest of the day, it's super bright and hot. Ugh, cold then hot is a bad and sticky combination. There is no spring or fall here, it's either winter, or summer. Hot or cold. razz
Oh, they both smell really good. But the taste of wheatgrass... isn't weird, just very exotic.
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 03/27/2009 7:38 pm

Musically Joyous

Ah, tell me about it. All I was able to do for the past 3 months is check my email, which hardly no one ever sends me. -_-;;;
btw, still have to add your address to my contacts list. Will do that soon wink
Haha, I think my sister just got tired of monitoring me and she said she'd stop if I paid her 15 dollars... so now I'm broke, but at least my comp's back. biggrin
Persona 4??? I've heard of that before... just don't remember where. I'm still on episode 109 on PoT... but I only have 50-something more left. razz
And I'm starting to become addicted to Kpop and my DS after buying JUMP! Ultimate Stars and Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. o.o
Whoa, we're having not bad, but really strange weather here in TX. It rains one part of the day (it never rains) then it's super hot and sunny the next. It still doesn't make this place very exciting also.
Oh, and today I tried wheatgrass juice with lemons. It was very interesting. The wheatgrass tasted like shredded salad with a hint of grape (but it was still gross), but the lemons were delicious.
And the wheatgrass makes your mouth feel clean and leave a fresh aftertaste. I didn't know that. :/
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 03/26/2009 5:37 pm

Musically Joyous

I'm alive!! My computer's doing ok, and my overprotective-techy sister finally allowed to get back on Gaia!
I missed you so much *cries* Didn't have anything to talk about with anyone. sad
And I'm really really really really REALLY sorry about my absence. Because I've been so long I feel like I lost of precious friends on Gaia due to a lack of contact, and I'm not sure if they'll remember me/talk to me and not be angry with me, so I'm really confused. ._.;;;;;
Anywho, how are you? Doing alright in England? ^_^
Ayumi Tsubasa's avatar

Report | 03/12/2009 2:06 pm

Ayumi Tsubasa

welcome ^.^
Ayumi Tsubasa's avatar

Report | 03/11/2009 2:21 pm

Ayumi Tsubasa

hiii, ur avii is so CUTE =]
AngelicMelody101's avatar

Report | 03/10/2009 6:27 pm


thnx&welcome =]
AngelicMelody101's avatar

Report | 03/09/2009 2:24 pm


hey nice avi&profile...& i really like that song btw User Image
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 01/29/2009 5:03 pm

Musically Joyous

*cries with guilt*


My computer TOTALLY crashed, and I couldn't use it for about a week and a half, and it took us three days to get it back all working again.... User Image

And my sister thinks that Gaia and LJ ruined my computer, so I'm not supposed to go on those websites anymore. User Image So now I can only go on when my sister's not here (which is extremely rare)

So... yeah... I won't be able to talk on Gaia anymore. *cries*

If you have an email address, maybe we can still talk! 'Cuz I missed you very very very much! D:

*ahem* Anyways... *replies*

Oh, Pokemon Pearl! I want that game so much! Still have to wait a bit before I can get it though, I'm broke XD

Haha, my dog's secretly suicidal then. He's always staring at the chocolate ice cream I eat and waits there forever to see if I drop it. Thankfully, I don't. XD

Haha. XD

Whoa, that's... weird. But yet sounds totally awesome. User Image Plus pink's an ok color. User Image Matsumoto Jun is this really cute guy from the Japanese boy band Arashi, and he's like my biggest celebrity crush since I was 9, which is 5 years ago. :3

Mm, I'm sure you did awesome. I got my midterm grades, and I got 92 in LA, 95 in Spanish, 84 (ugh) in Science, 93 in math, 99 in band, 96 in Social Studies, and 98 in Orchestra. Hooray!

I saw the episode! I think he cried a little too much and it was kinda overdramatic some parts, but you're right, I like Junjou Terrorist a lot more now! User Image It seemed much sweeter and less creepy than the usual eps they have them in.

Lol, I'm officially HOOKED on PoT now. Thanks, Sarah. XD

I LOVE all of the characters (especially Ryoma, Tezuka, Fuji, and Kikumaru) except I can't stand Tomoko, Sakuno, and the Freshman 3. UGH. But goodness, I love Nanjiroh. He may be an uber-perv, but he's a pretty cute dad, when it comes to personality and looks. XD

Hahaha, but that's what makes Ryoma Ryoma. ^o^;; And OMG, YES! I wanna hear! biggrin DDD

Oh, goody-goody-gumdrops! ^_^ And VK is pretty good, but I like the manga better. The anime is just way too normal for my tastes, it's nothing special, in my opinion.

Haha, so obvious even a blind man could see it XDD That made my day.

Actually, I got the game, and it's called Jump! Ultimate Stars and it's for the DS. It's in Japanese, and it's basically a Shonen Jump version (Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, even D. Gray Man and Prince of Tennis!!!!) of Super Smash Bros. and it's freaking EPIC. I'm addicted to it and I can't stop playing it. >User Image

So yeah... *phew long message* I'm REALLY, REALLY, REALLY (x1 million) sorry. Darn my sister's strict 'computer policies.' It's more like a freaking dictatorship over the family PC. >_<;;;
beastninja0266's avatar

Report | 01/19/2009 1:54 pm


thank ya!!!!!!!!
beastninja0266's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 9:25 pm


wow i love ur dress whats it called???
Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 2:53 pm

Ali Drank A Slushie

Fuji! Yeah! Dur!

I don't know I guess I just have taste in funny yaoi guys.


I like kyou to but i mean..not as much as Ayame.

Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 2:24 pm

Ali Drank A Slushie

Yeah...I know he does.

I lyke GUnter the most >w<

ZOMG you like Prince of Tennis and Fruits Basket to!

o O

I lyke Ayame from Furuba and Fuiji(I can never spell his name right wtf -.-" wink from PoT
Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 2:17 pm

Ali Drank A Slushie

Yeah that freaks me out to.

OMG you like Kyou Kara Maou to!

Ali Drank A Slushie's avatar

Report | 01/18/2009 1:58 pm

Ali Drank A Slushie

xD. I guess that would be a reason to like the Devil's Thrill arc anyways.
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