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Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 06/13/2009 9:35 pm

Musically Joyous

DDDDDD: Oh wow, that's really smart. XD

Ah, I just finished ep 160. Did Kevin just use Muga no Kyouchi??? WHOA! >=D I dunno, I consider 60 and up old, anyone younger, unless they call themselves old in the first place, is young enough. razz
It's GROSS??? Why does that make me want to see the episode more? XDD Haven't seen the anime version, but Tezuka in the volleyball chapter=great. XD
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 06/10/2009 9:31 pm

Musically Joyous

Ah, I'm sorry that I haven't replied in forever! :O Actually, this is my 8th time typing up this reply, because every time I try to send it, it automatically deletes itself and I have to write the whole thing all over again. Evil computer *shoots computer screen* D:< Anyways...

I should, but I'm still not even close the OVAS, I need to finish the actual series. >_< Yeah, that must stink to have a heart attack when you're young and healthy. Yay, we're on the same wavelength~
Yay ^O^ Mm, I don't think it's ever said, but I remember in one ep Nanjiroh was Ryoma's age at Seigaku and him and Ryuuzaki had a tennis match because wanted to get rid of one of Nanjiroh's bad tennis habits or something. I think I remember the old eps because I haven't gotten far enough to see the cool eps. XP
lol that's good. XD
Haha yeah. :P Whoa, awesome, must be cool to have a dad like that. I'm sure you're better at technology that your mom says you are, you're probably much better with those things than half of the people I know including myself. XP
Awesome thanks for the link! Haha, Jirou and I carry some of the same stuff, especially the Pocky stashing. Where's Atobe's stuff??? Although I can guess what he carries (money and something flamboyant and inpractical) but I'm still curious. Oh, I wanna buy one so bad! Once I have more money maybe I'll buy one in the future! And I'd be happy to translate anything even though I'm not very good at it. -_-;;
Hm, Yunoki is a mystery...

1) Lol same here. Hm, dunno, maybe it's an anime thing? Like Naruto=fishcake, Momo=peach,etc. But TMM was full of them. Lol at Lettuce and Pudding. XP There's a lot of characters named after plants too. :O Mostly flowers. Lol I still can't believe Pie's a guy, it's way too girly of a name for a guy, even an alien. >_< Lol so true. Aw, I loved CC Sakura! Never really got into Tsubasa Chronicles though, but I like the idea of the story about an older Sakura and Syaoran.
Wow, we do make a bunch of references. I blame you for making me addicted to PoT. XD jk.
2) I agree to both things, some girls' skirts on the uniforms are too short and borderline slutty. @_@ Ling's plaid skirt is so cute, I own one of the same color ^_^

1) Haha, I wouldn't worry about it. You seem successful!
2) Lol, I KNOW I have one of those. I always pay attention to veiny arms, a guy's fingernails, and how a guy's underarm is shaped. (weird, eh?) Whoa, that sounds like a good idea :D The only tennis stars I can watch on my TV are Federer and Nadal, but that's ok since they're tennis gods and it's awesome watching them play. 8D Yikes, that's one unique voice. I think the highest-pitched voice I ever heard was Prissy's from Gone With the Wind. Man, her voice is super high. :O
XD Nice. Cool, twin Sarahs. I wanna find a Marie twin.
3) O_O Wow. Lol, your mom sounds really cool. Haha, Sanada=your dad. I can just picture that even though I've never seen/met him.

1) Oh, ok XD Haha, Texan chicks are too manly, sometimes I wanna meet girly girls just to have a different environment. Lol, you have major skills. XD
Hm, that's cool. For me, it depends on who I want to approach. I approach guys a lot easier than girls. Not sure why. Maybe because guys don't judge when it comes to first impressions as much as girls do. :P
2) Lol I wanna hear his laugh now. xD Haha, Atobe Beam, I haven't even heard it yet and I'm already laughing. Sweet, I'll watch the 5th one, right now I'm on the 3rd. :P
3) Easy's still hard. I'm such a video game noob. :P Oh wow, good luck with that. Hm, I just like the Wii games more, I really want Brawl, Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn and Zelda Twilight Princess. Plus I wanna play gamecube games on a Wii. Oh, I'm just dying for that as my gift this Christmas. And maybe a violin.
4) Agreed. ^_^ Kite? The more you talk about him, the more I like him. I guess that's how I was to you with Sanada. XD ROFL really?! That sounds hilariou
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 06/01/2009 4:58 pm

Musically Joyous

Really?! That's awesome, I need to watch it now. Momo as France *laughs* That seems so random to me. XD
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 06/01/2009 4:58 pm

Musically Joyous

Yeah, that was lame. -_- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said mean things about Yukimura. :(

Haha, true. How is that possible anyway? Even in PoT, that's just miraculous or just pure luck.
LOL XD Now that you mention it, maybe she likes her job that much because of that fact XD I mean, she's been teaching since Nanjiroh was in at Seigaku, right?
*laughs* They may kill your brain cells, but it's pretty much some of the best crack you ever see in anime. :)
Awesome! That's good. Wish my family was good at fixing things. Usually my dad thinks he knows how to fix a computer but he makes it function worse than before.
Hm, I meant to direct that at Kazuki and Hino, but Marui and headband stealing sounds equally cute! <3 Lol, I need to watch more eps too. I think I'm still on ep 4. ^o^;;; Shimizu??? Is he the cute one? I dunno what Yunoki is, it's almost like a split personality too. Hm...

1) Yeah, I agree. I hated Kisshu and sometimes Ichigo. They were so annoying at some points. Yup XD Oh, really? That would be really helpful. Lol Yugioh and maid outfits. That sounds so wrong, but very amusing XD Haha, I think I just used the wrong words. Kaiba+cute=illogical.
2) Haha, thanks (even though I didn't come up with them) That's cool. Most of the Asians are from East Asia around here. Yeah, I wish I had a uniform. I could be one of those cute (or creepy) schoolgirl like people. :D Whoops, first I describe someone incorrectly, and now I'm colorblind. @_@ Yeah, I meant that yellow's a cute color for uniforms. XD

1) Lol XD Don't worry, I do that too. But at least you still get the important things done, right? Balancing work with play is a healthy thing to do :) Yup, as long as it works, more power to them!
2) HAHA, I think I DO have a voice fetish, now that you mention it. XDDD; I prolly agree with the forum girl though. Lol, that's a good preference. I don't like high voices very much. Or nasally voices. Ugh *shudders* Lol, your friend's funny XD I'm not sure if I'm that gullible, it all really depends on what people say to me and how legit it sounds. Hm, interesting. I'm sure that if you can give anger, then you can easily take it back, right?
3) Ah, but still.. poor you. Infected?! O_O And an operation! My God, that's still scary. I'm glad you're alright now and that it was cured. Haha, your mom XD I guess that's where your interests in PoT came from :P

1) Oh wow, that sounds pretty neat. (For me, Using public toliets-2 on Fear Level, making a speech-2 on Fear Level) Whoa, you can test your androgynous level? That's wicked XD That's cool, but you were the only masculine girl? Man, the girls there are really different from girls I know. Almost half of the girls at my school are tomboys or severely male-enhanced chicks. :P Still, masculine girls are cooler. That means they're more practical ;) Whoa, you mean you have cards with gender roles and you have to choose which gender it's for? I'd probably do really bad at that. But that's good that you got it right ^_^ See, you ARE smart! And you're prolly really good at understanding people. Wish I was good at that sort of stuff. :P
2) ~^o^~ I watched the first RajiPuri ep, it was so random. XDDD And Echizen's laugh is pretty cute (when it's in guy-ish form), he should laugh more in the anime. First they were talking about what clubs they were involved in middle school, then and in the beginning everyone's saying yay, and one of them (I think Sengoku) was like, "Yay, you're really loud, shut up, yay~" XDDDD I loved it, especially the fact that they insert PoT songs in there. ^_^ I'm gonna keep listening to them. And I can't wait till the staring contest.
3) Awesome XD Yeah, I'd probably fail on easy mode, that's how bad I am at it. Mm, I kinda want a Wii more than a 360 though... sorry! >_<
4) Sweet, Shiraishi *o* Lol, sorry you got Higa. Aw, really? That's a bummer, Seigaku deserves a page. Oh well, cover's pretty cool. Speaking of calendars, I wish I had a cute
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/26/2009 9:40 pm

Musically Joyous

That's true. I loved the Tennis camp, it was great XD

Mm, I guess I overexaggerated a bit. I'm sorry T_T I guess I'll forgive Yukimura, he's still pretty cool :D Lol, awesome~
Oh yeah! I remember they threw him up but I didn't see a blush in the manga! Darn! Oh, random question, but in the manga, why does Inui's pants keep getting pulled down by random people? Like, it happened in the volleyball game and with the yakitori eating contest... he has a very square butt. XD
Hetalia? Another series? Please tell me what it's about! :O
Ew, spiders. I'm not afraid of them but they are pretty bothersome. Poor you. I hope you get a better computer soon!
Aw, that's cute ^_^ Yeah, I know, one of his friends is seriously hot. Are you talking about the one with the dark hair? Every time they show up I'm like, "Don't leave, you're so beautiful!" XD
Aw, I love it when he does that. :D Oh, the mood disorder thing was directed to Yunoki, Keiichi could have narcolepsy though, he really does sleep a lot.

1. Yeah, Tokyo Mew Mew is eh, pretty bad. Ryou was the only one I liked. It's the best game, I love it so much <3 R4? I never heard of it, but it sounds extremely useful. That's awesome. O_O! Lol at the lj name and the sliced bread comment. (we all make mistakes! It's ok!) Ahaha, those videos sound cool. Whoops, wrong word choice description-wise @_@ Yeah, I meant hot. XD
2. Ah, that's true. Nah, there's a bunch of Asians at my school, but I wish there was another Japanese kid... all of the Filipinos kids have the Filo Fire group (basically a large clique of Filipinos) and the Korean kids have the KOOL-ReaAND Krunk group (we're middle schoolers, please excuse the corny names) and that leaves me out with the Japanican. But together we're all the Triple Asian Alliance, for three different Asian nationalities. We even have our own hand signal. XD We're really nerdy. Cool, uniforms~ As much as people complain about wearing them, I want one. They're usually always cuter than whatever you wear in American schools, plus it saves time for figuring out what you want to wear in the morning, which I hate doing. I normally don't like yellow, but I love Rikkai's uniforms. And I'll probably like yours since it's green~ ^O^
1. Yeah.. I'm only halfway through with puberty, I'll wait for my growth to come. XD Oh, that's true, I don't like waiting for everyone to be on the same level. -_- For me, I can't practice on one thing for a long time, so I need distractions to help me relax but also let myself know that I have things to get done. Strange logic, but it works for me.
2. See? XD Hm, I'm glad I don't have a high voice, mine's about in the middle. Apparently I have a really "breathy" voice when my voice gets recorded. If I'm singing on a tape or something, I sound like I'm breathing a lot when I'm not or I'm blowing air out when I sing. It sounds foggy and gross to me. Lol, I love low voices on both guys and women. (especially guys XD) I love husky voices too, it's so sexy lol That's good, I can never use sarcasm, mostly because I can't understand it when other people use it. I'm very gullible. :P Aw, I know how that feels. When you're all angry and you snap at someone who's not angry, then they get angry at you when it's kind and kind of not your fault. >_< I think my friends and I just get angry and happy together, even though I don't want them to be angry when I'm angry since they're angry for a totally different reason than I'm angry. Phew, that's a mouthful to say. XD
3. OMG you poor thing! That must've HURT. It hurts when I step on thumbtacks, but ugh... slamming your fingers... I'm so sorry. I think slamming your fingers is the worst accidental way to hurt yourself, and it's the most painful... T_T
1. Oh wow, that's pretty high. XD I didn't know they have tests like that. I have no idea what I would get on it... probably not very high, but that's interesting... :O
2. Lol sorry about that :P Yeah, I guess you're right. I still
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/24/2009 4:09 pm

Musically Joyous

You're right about that. Plus it shows the American team in the anime. At least now I know what happens ^O^

Eh, I wouldn't go to that extent. He's still cute XP Hm, but still, he is a beast when he plays tennis. Yeah, Ryoma wouldn't have won if he didn't go all "Pinnacle of Perfection" on Yukimura, but still, that part was AWESOME. He blushes???!!!! I didn't see that in the manga. Tezuka did smile though, it was so cute <3
Haha, that's true. I'm starting episode 3, so I'm kinda far behind... I'm getting there!
*high fives* Dumb girls probably can't even read music, they're only in the music department for that androgynous flute player. @_@ Haha, that sucks.

Right??? All of the songs are so random. XDD Lol, that's true. I just need money :P
Oh, I know that feeling. I hate that. These days if I go on Youtube all of the Japanese Advent Children videos are deleted due to copyright junk or the audio's removed so you're forced to watch the English version, which there's only AMV versions of. T_T
Hm, cool, I like both characters, and I like your personality, so that's cool with me. :) Lol, I have to see this Aoi person so I know what he's like. :P Yup, but I think he's even cuter than Jirou, since he looks more angelic and any cello player is cute in my book. Yeah, it's like he has a mood disorder or something @_@

1. Sadly, I've never seen the Japanese version. I know that Yugi's voice is the same as Sailor Uranus and Masaya from Tokyo Mew Mew (I admit to watching those shows when I was younger) I only know some of the YuGiOh characters because of Jump Ultimate Stars (that game also has PoT players *o*) and I saw a couple of the shows on 4kids too. :) Whoa, Inui=Kaiba???? Whoa, that's... weird! But the vid's hilarious XDDDD I love Nico Nico Douga videos. Seto Kaiba is pretty cute after a while.
2. Mm, it is pretty nerve-wrecking. Haha, I don't mind being the center of attention. I've always kind of stood out from everyone else (being the only Japanese in school, wearing crazy mismatching outfits) naturally, so I'm used to getting weird looks or things like that. Sometimes it's scary, but I adapt to it.

1. 160 cm... >_< So close... I'm not sure. I'm not good at recognizing people's feelings XD I think he was a bit jealous but then laughed it off and messed with me, which is what he always does. Mm, that's how I practice, which is why sometimes my practice sessions go up to 2 hours >_< Ah, poor you.
2. Mm, if I use my serious voice, people start cracking up. Apparently I sound like a 4th grader trying to imitate a drill sergeant if I try to make my voice deeper. =_= That is a good trait. I can be funny if I'm lucky, but I'm one of those "actions-speak-more-than-words" kind of person. I usually do funny things instead of saying funny things. I think I'm a reflector too, because people say that my happiness spreads around to everyone, and people feel uneasy when I'm upset or angry. More power to me and you, I guess XD
3. Whoa, we really are opposites. I hardly never bruise, I either just bleed a lot but my wounds usually heal. It's not a terrible injury, and there's still a scar because it happened about a month ago. Usually scars disappear after 4 months, and it's about 1.5 inches long. Not too big, just a long and skinny scar. It looks tough. :P

1. Oh wow. I could never imagine myself in a situation like that. I believe that it's alright to be afraid to speak in front of people. At least you're not afraid of speaking at all. :D
2. Haha, you're right on the mark with everything you just said. XD But still, Atobe's Atobe, only he can pull that off. Haha I remember Ryoma doing that, he's probably just as cocky as Atobe. :P I agree, it's just a bunch of metal and paper, money's not that important. I wouldn't care if I'm rich, I'd donate any money to charities since I don't want to BE rich. Nah, I still like the Golden Pair more. :P But Niou's awesome enough to stump Inui's data. ^_^
3. No, on the c
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/23/2009 12:36 am

Musically Joyous

I LOVED IT. *sorry I'm typing in caps* BUT SERIOUSLY, I LOVED IT!
Ryoma did it!!! He beat Yukimura biggrin And also, I'm now creeped about by Yukimura, almost to the point that I don't like him. Now I just have to watch the episodes ^_^

Also, I watched La Corda D'Oro from the beginning since I forgot how the story went. I couldn't help but laugh when everyone heard her play Ave Maria and Gavotte on the violin and made it such a big deal. LOL, those two songs are one of the easiest things to play on the violin, even I can play it. And yeah, now I can see why Yunoki pisses you off, stupid bodyguards. I don't like characters with random prissy followers. (BTW, why do evil b--ches come in threes?)

Well, anyway, one thing down! Now I just have to finish watching PoT and LCDO, and start watching/reading YuGiOh. =D
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/22/2009 8:57 pm

Musically Joyous

Um, Japanese songs are really random. XDDD Some of the song titles translate to "The Demon's Pants", "I broke my clarinet", and "When I become a 1st Grader". 

They're very catchy though. :) Hm, I'm not sure. They'll probably work. Hm, I'm not going to complain either. It doesn't really matter to me. XD
Lol XDDD Wait, why does he say ecstasy??? :O?
Sounds hot XD I've never seen the English version, but if there's stuff cut out, then I guess it's not that necessary...
Yeah, Kazuki! <3 Every time I take a La Corda D'Oro personality test, I always get him :) Yunoki's not that bad, but his dark side creeps me out. He's pretty though, but so is Keiichi, who I like more than Yunoki. Aoi Kaji? I dunno him, I need to read the series more... :P

1. *dies* 244... episodes... +_+ I'll get to it someday. At least I know what the story's about. All I remember about watching YuGiOh is that Katsuya made me laugh a lot.
2. Ah, ok. Sounds good enough for me.
3. Oh, that's true. I love speaking in front of people, it comes by so naturally (even though I hate speaking TO people.. weird, eh?) and if I embarrass myself, I'm not concerned, since I do that everyday. At school I'm always well known for doing embarrassing things, such as skipping down the hallways with a rainbow afro or wearing a giant Turkey costume for Thanksgiving (both are true) XD Hm, if stuff like that never happened I would be... wait, I'd probably be the same. :P

1. *checks his height* He's STILL taller than me by one inch T_T I would too also *muhaha* Yeah, that's true. I had my band concert today, I rocked it! Plus I got Outstanding Trombone award and my friend next to me kept looking at me while we were playing. It was so awkward, but after that I took his bow tie and played hide and seek with it until he couldn't find it and gave up. XD It was fun. Only two more weeks left for me....
2. Haha, yeah. XD Mm, I'd rather look older and be taller, maybe more people will take me seriously when I say serious things. Usually people think I say things to get a good laugh out of everyone or entertain them for attention, which I don't do at all. >_<
3. Oh wow XDDD Yikes, the knee sounds painful. Haha, but then again, one time my friend who's pretty tall carried me on his shoulders and we ran around the school but I hit my head against the rail of a staircase (we ran under it and I hit the bar and yeah) I still have a scar there, and it's so cool :D

1. *gives* Take as much as you need, apparently I have too much according to some people. XD Hm, that makes sense. I feel guilty when others do the work since I'm involved in it as much as they are, so I end up doing most of the whole project. But it's fun :)
2. Hahaha XD Me too, I like some of his stuff, but not all of it. Plus I thought he was really pretty but it turns out all of that was from plastic surgery, which is a bummer for me, since I'm one of those "natural beauty" lovers. :P I've never met a rich person before, although what you say sounds very realistic, and I don't want to plan to meet one now. =_=;; Still, poor you, having to put up with a brat like that. Hopefully when she grows up, something will bite her in the a** and she'll learn how to pay for her behavior.
Lol XDDD But still, Eiji has more talent, I believe. At least he's very strategic and is great with Oishi *loves Golden Pair*
3. Too manly :P My dad used to dress up our dachshund with hot-dog costumes and ballet tutus, so there goes his manhood XD
They are cute but wow... sometimes I have no idea what goes on in their minds since they do many... interesting things. My mom used to have one and she always tells me these funny stories about how her Yorkie would always do these stupid things that made everyone laugh.
4. Hm, that's true.
5. I know I'm at least at Ch.269, 'cuz I was like, "Wha?! Why does Higa even shoot tennis balls at their own COACH?!!" *glares at Kite* Whoa, I never thought of that, you're right! Wish I had an an
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/19/2009 8:59 pm

Musically Joyous

Yup, I heard Ryoma's version, it's cute and pretty :3 Haven't heard Eiji's though, but I need to! 

Ah, I see. Whoa, looks like you're planning to buy a lot of stuff. I want to buy a Doraemon shirt for myself and this taiko drum game for my DS, but I need to save up some money first. I'm probably gonna buy those on Amazon :)
Oh wow, I see Yukimura in a new light now. I'm still on episode 150-ish, so I have a way to go... T_T Can't wait to see Shiraishi's Bible Tennis though! Is he Christian? XD
You should watch AC, it's really good in Japanese. Plus the graphics can't get any better than what's displayed in the movie.
Seriously, anyone can learn two years of anything. I've played violin for two years but I still suck.
Yup, I've seen it ^_^ It's pretty good, but right now I put that series viewing on a hiatus and right now I'm looking at Venus Cappriccio, another music manga :P My favorite character from La Corda D'Oro would probably be the trumpet player, because I'm a biased brass player. XD jk.

Oh, don't worry about the wish list, I change my profile design all the time. Aha! You ARE smart! You knew that the guys are DBSK! Or you just have really at using your inference skills, which still shows that you're a smart observer. They're a Korean boy band (you can laugh) and my friend got me hooked on them. You might like their music, but I really like their ballads. My favorite members are Jaejoong (guy in blue shirt) and the leader Yunho (to the right of Jaejoong) *puts fangirling aside* Anyways...

1. Ah, that sounds like a pain after a while. I've never seen YuGiOh, but I really need to. I don't really understand what it's about, can you tell me what the story is?
2. Haha, got it. I'll watch it as soon as I can. :)
3. Hm, they're not really necessary, but it does get you free awards. XD Yeah, I've won a couple. I was the only 2nd grader that made the spelling bee, I was the winner in 3rd grade, I got 2nd place in 4th grade, and from 7th and 8th I got first place for all of the academic meets. (total six events) It's the only thing that seems easy for me, I dunno why. Some of the spelling kids hate me because spelling is easy for me even though English was my second language. XD Oh, for me, I got teased a lot, but I got in trouble a lot of times for hitting/hurting the kids that made fun of me. But that was when I was in kindergarten and stuff, so it wasn't too serious. Teasing never really helped me, but I did get this "tough kid" reputation and people stopped bugging me. That's why even until now, I'm a total nerd but no one makes fun of me for it because they know they might get beaten up... but I'm a lot less violent now that I'm more mature and I know fighting's not going to solve anything. It's ok to scare small children, sometimes it's fun *evil laugh*

1. Marui always has a cute laugh, he's cute all over. X3 Haha, Gakuto, trying to sound all cool. FAIL. Oh cool, I need to watch those too. I don't think I can until next week, I don't have much free time right now. Have a bunch of school concerts and award ceremonies. *sigh*
2. Nice. XD Yeah, I have more cleavage than my older sister, and she's 18. ._.; Even though she has the nice thin and petite figure, I like my genetics. I don't feel as confident about my body but I like my baby face, that means my wrinkles won't shop up as much as others when I get older. I still look like a 10 year old if I didn't have bangs as part of my haircut though. XoX
3. Yeah, just a little. I think by about an inch and a half. T_T Yeah, that's true, since guys go through growth changes later than girls also. Haha, an armrest is an easier job, but sometimes it's fun getting free piggybacks. XD

1. Oh, we have that system too, but I hardly need to do that since I never really fail an assignment. I either barely pass or do really well. XD Hm, I'm pretty optimistic, and if I mess up, I'll tell the group, "Well, that's what you get for making me do all the work". :P
2. S
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/17/2009 3:30 pm

Musically Joyous

Wow, Echizen sounds more like a girl when he (er, she) sings, but still, Ryoma has a nice voice :D 

ROFL at the children's songs XDDD Oishi seems like the guy who'd release a kid's song album in the first place. And goodness, that harlequin outfit is just... out there. O_O
Aw, that stinks. My orders usually don't get lost, but they always come in late... @_@
LOL, I didn't know Yukimura's the type to play mind tricks in tennis... then again, smart people know how to confuse anyone.
I dunno, I've heard his voice everywhere, and I like that he can sound badass but also cute (like Misaki). It's in the middle, so it's like an alto/tenor voice. *loves*
Seriously >_> I don't like his older brother at all either. Everyone has two years of biking experience, that's EASIER than tennis.
Ah, I play trombone in the school band. I do need to go sometime, it's been my lifelong dream to go to Europe, especially England. ^_^ And I do like rainy weather.
You don't have to worry about the prices. I know the cheapest thing on my wishlist is like, 2k. I'm just too lazy to buy it at the moment. XD

1. Mm, I'm sometimes impatient, but more stubborn. I can wait for a while for things to load as long as I have something else to do to kill the time.
2. Oh wow XDDD Hm, Hanamura asked a pretty good question. Not bad, even for her :P
3. Haha, I have terrible grammar, but I'm a spelling nut too. I always enter in the spelling competitions at school. :) People never really picked on me, at least, not in front of my face. Maybe it's because people know that I can be violent, so they stay away. XD I always got picked on for being Asian, not because I'm smart. Weird... lol XDD

1. Yeah, I'll be fine. Oh, definitely. Just listening to Japanese helps people improve. :) Oh, I thought everyone's supposed to kiss (although I could never see Shishido doing that) in the end of dating sims. Of course Atobe comes into the picture, but Sengoku doesn't??? Man, that's hard to believe :O
2. Oh my goodness, those are spot-on accurate O_O I have brown eyes, and mostly everything is pretty right (except I don't really consider myself to be "busty", I'm only 14 XD)
3. Hahaha XDDD Wow, that's funny. I know how you feel, I was the tallest one out of my friends up until 7th grade, and suddenly, I'm about a good 3 inches shorter than everyone else. :( My head's never used as the armrest, but I'm always the one being carried around like a sack of potatoes @_@
4. Mm, I guess that's true. :)

1. We probably have that because most American kids don't do their work the first time, or don't do anything at all until they're totally screwed and done for. :P Nah, you're not paranoid. It's good to be alert and watch out for any bad things. I'm just antisocial to people I'm not really close to, so I don't really like to work with them unless I know them. XD
2. Interesting, the only yellow I like IS the super bright yellow, like highlighter yellow XD I love neon colors. Wow, he's an idiot =_=;;; I hate Japanese calligraphy because you have to hold the brush straight up and make all these strange swooshes at the end of every line and it's really confusing. He can just wear gloves or something. XD Lol, you should. Push Atobe along with him 'cuz he seems like the snobby rich kid that hates getting his expensive clothes ruined. :P Mm, Gakuto seemed like a guy to me, prolly because I've seen Hikaru no Go and Akira looks girlier than he does.
3. Yeah, he's not very smart. My dog is a dachshund. Once you know what kind of breed he his, his behaviors are pretty set and average.
4. Haha, if I ever do that, I kill myself in some weird way. I just run away from the opponent and annoy the crap out of my friend since she can't hit me XD
5. Oh yeah, he did. He pairs up with Tezuka? Even better! :D Oh, he does that in the manga too, that made me lol.
6. True, but how does any 14 year old boys get that much strength? All the guys at my school always brag about how much they
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/16/2009 2:22 pm

Musically Joyous

Oh, the title just says Bonus Track. XD I want to hear it sometime though.

Ah, forgot about that. Plus if you mailed it it'd take forever. It took them 17 days to get my mail order from Texas to California. @_@
Mm, cool. I might be able to get exempt from most of my finals exams if I did well on my state tests. I'll definitely keep watching PoT, once I start something I have to keep on going until I finish it, whether I like it or not.
I get what you mean, it's like those funniest home videos where you see a little kid on a tricycle run into a mailbox and laugh when he starts to cry. Or something like that. :P
Really? Awesome, I do know that Kirihara voices Kadaj, and Takahiro Sakurai (my fave seiyuu) voices Cloud ^_^
Hm, I think that's the same with me. Kuraki sounds like a cool name, but if I ever see the series, I'll probably see why you hate him. One guy I hate right now is Horio, but you agree with me on that one. XD
Yeah, but still, one day I want to start school in September. Then I'll be one month closer to my birthday. :) It's actually really fun since you get to see friends from school and be musically nerdy without looking stupid (lol) but still, marching on a black asphalt road or on a football field in over 100 degree weather (which is normal in Texas summertime) and sweating in black band uniforms or passing out from the heat isn't very nice. +_+ Yup, I'll be on Gaia in the summer more often, then I'll *hopefully* be rich.

1. Ugh, those are total mood-killers. True, downloading does make things faster. My computer's slow enough as it is, but I'm stubborn enough to wait 20 minutes instead of download. XD
2. Haha, yeah, it's one of those good-beats-evil moments. :) Wow, Shishido and a dating game, I wonder what happens? XD I'll find it eventually, don't worry.
3. Well, you type well, that's a first clue. XD Oh yeah, I think I said that one time. It's basically just a given that I'm supposed to have super high grades since my sister is number 4 in her senior year so my parents compare me to her and yeah, not fun. Still, I love studying (nerd) and it's just natural for me to want to do well in school. Plus if I get good grades, I'll be rewarded with compliments that normally my parents don't really say. I'm kind of optimistic about it, aren't I? XD

1. *must watch* Aw, I don't have a PS2, so I can't play it in real life. T_T Awesome, I'll have to watch them on her account sometime. Is it just me or does Atobe sound a bit congested in the game? Well, he kind of already sounds like that in the anime, so I dunno...
2. Lol, opposites again. XD Haha, I'm a size bigger than my dad, but he's small too. My whole family's short and stocky (or super skinny, which I'm not). Really, my mom told she started to shrink after she had me (30) XD Oh well, there's not much left of her to shrink anymore than what's already small.
3. Whoa, anyone 6 ft I consider to be bodyguard material since they're so tall. Most of my guy friends are still pretty short (since they haven't gone through puberty yet XD), but they'll grow soon. That's cool, your family's pretty average height except you and your dad are tall by my standards. :) (I love Biology!)
4. My school's just weird. I bet if I went to your school I'd think it would be the coolest thing ever.

1. Ah, extra credit is like this option where you can do an alternate assignment to replace an original grade. If you do well on the extra credit, than those points will help improve your GPA. Pretty nifty, wish they're more available in schools. Oh, no, you're not selfish, otherwise other successful people would be considered selfish, which they're prolly not. I'm the same myself, my mom says I should enjoy working with other people but it's just more self-rewarding to myself if I know I achieved something with my own power instead of help. The only time I need help is when I'm playing an MMORPG. XD
2. I like all shades of green :) Dark green is a royal like color, whil
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/15/2009 7:28 pm

Musically Joyous

It was my first time buying a collectible, because I know I'd never be able to afford it in the Marketplace. XD

Cool, I actually have dark brown hair, but I don't like the shades of brown hair on Gaia, so I went for black instead.
Yup, I think I did ok on my exams. I'm guessing you did well too :) For now I don't need to study until the last week of school, where I actually have my real final exams. And yeah, I kind of log on and off for short periods of time and I don't get much time to reply to all of the comments. But I try ^_^
Funny but mean? Sounds like a strange combination... ah, but still, must watch... Yeah, Kirihara's voice (Er, more like Morikubo Shoutarou) is part of I think Mosquito Milk and did a bunch of Rockman songs. He's also the voice of Kadaj in FF Advent Children, so yeah. Great voice, I agree :D
Same. Guys need to have personalities but I'm even pickier with girl characters since they're either too normal or too annoying. :P
Yup, I start around the same time as your other American friends. =D I've always wanted to start school in September to see what it feels like. True, but I'll still remember July 10th, even though I have band camp then. XD Actually, my birthday is October 2nd, but Gaia wrote it as the first (I'm positive I didn't mess up when registering). I wonder why it does that. Still, I'll need to save up money by your birthday. XD
1. Haha, you're right. Romance+corny jokes=great show anyway. For me, downloading is the last option, but sometimes it's worth it. I usually only download eps if the stuff I'm watching is unavailable like you said, or the quality of the videos available is really bad. Other than that, there's not much use to it.
2. Oh yeah, you're right. I like Shishido, and at first in the beginning I thought, "NO! He cut his hair!" but I like it better short than long for some reason. Lol, that would be a great thing to see. XD Yup, I saw Inui's eyes when he was going against Tezuka. I wonder what Atobe's Gift is... ^o^;;; And cool, wonder what his eyes looks like in the anime. His hair color is a pretty purple, so I want to see what it's paired up with. :P
3. Nah, even if I don't know your grades or in real life, you sound like a smart person. It's just this... way of conversing, or this persona... hard to explain, but usually, my first impressions are right. And just because math isn't your best subject (It's not mine either), that doesn't make you dumb at all. :) Yeah, not everyone's good at everything, but it's good to be skillful in many situations. Like being smart. XD

1. HAHAHA I saw the Tenipuri MV and there was a clip of Ryoma with makeup doing the kissy face. I held my stomach while laughing. *ahem* I saw the game videos, thank goodness they talk in the game, that makes it easier than reading everything @_@ What game console is this on??? Mm, they mostly use kanji and hiragana, and maybe some occasional katakana. But thank goodness, the kanji's not too difficult. And you're right, there is hiragana. :)
2. Let's see... I'm about a 9.5 in womens in USA, but I'm between an 8-9 in the UK. Even so, that makes my feet bigger than Oishi, Fuji, Eiji, Momo, Kaidou, and Echizen. >_< And I'm short, only 5'3". I have duck feet. But most Americans have big feet, so finding shoes is really easy. :D
3. Yeah, some dosage of crazy is good in daily life. XD My friends scare my mom since my mom's tiny (5'0") and my friends are all taller than me, all being at least 5'4". So they tower over me, my mom, and my sister (5'1"). Haha, nice, at least you're intimidating them in a good way so they'll be nice to you instead of pick fights with you. :)
4. Acutally, I think they did. XD Boys will be boys.

1. Same here. Most challenges I take are school wise, where I say I'll do 6 extra credit assignments when I only have to do 2, or something. :P And when I draw things for friends, I tell them I can draw them a huge portrait, but it takes me forever for me to get done. Li
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/14/2009 8:46 pm

Musically Joyous

Ah, I love your new look and your profile! It's so cute! Random question, but is your avi's hair color your real hair color?
Oh, no problem. I've been kinda lazy when it comes to commenting since I'm juggling Gaia and schoolwork at the same time. XD
*gasp* Really?! That makes sense that those two are the last OVA eps, since it's probably the best tennis match in the whole series! :O
I agree. I like Kirihara's voice. Hm, KevinxEchizen doesn't sound too bad of a pairing. He's kind of cute, although I usually don't like blond hair blue eye characters. I like dark and handsome. XD
Oh cool. Yikes, I would die if school lasted until the middle of July, but that's good that you're not in school for your birthday. (Now I know when to buy you a Gaia bday gift!)
1. Oh, she loved it, and I didn't have to bribe her to do it. XD Aw, I hate downloading eps, it's just more time-consuming. >_<
2. Ahaha, have to work on that. ^o^;; LOL I fell out of my seat laughing at the bus scene and the glasses part. XD Oh, and I remember seeing Inui's eyes for the first time somewhere... they were so PRETTY!
3. No you're not, you're very smart. I just tend to confuse people with my weird terminology. wink
4. Yeah, but the scene was pure crack, which is you, kinda makes up the PoT fillers. XD
1. Dating sims?!!! I've heard that those exist, but I've never seen one or a clip of it *tempted to buy one now lol* Haha, I'm still not very good at reading kanji, but still, sounds like good practice. Then again, I'm sure you can always find the translations somewhere on the internet, so it doesn't really matter if you can't read them.
2. Hm, your feet aren't that small. Echizen has small feet for a guy though. :O
3. Wow, we have such different families and we're kind of opposites, but that's cool! Mm, I don't really have a dad to worry about, just my mom. I bet you're a cool older sister, even if you do scare your sibling's friends away. I'd rather have my sister scared of my family than have my mood ruined by a sibling. razz
4. True :/ Yeah, same here. It's just a drink, and free money makes it sound better than what it is.

1. You have a good point. I'm kind of excited too though, I love challenges smile
2. Aw, haven't seen that pic either. I'm still not quite halfway through with looking at them yet. razz ROFL at Mizuki! It suits him too well! XDD Although I'm actually liking the Oishi=Snow White a tad bit more just because it just doesn't look right. XDDD
3. Yikes, scary. But I'm prepared. *thumbs up!* 4. razz I'll do that.
5. Hahaha, that's true. Dogs are just... bossy.
6. XD It's ok, it's like how I always have to add a face at the end of my sentences. razz See? That makes sense, never really thought of that. Haha smile
7. Totally agree. Kajimoto's the only slightly decent one, but he's nothing compared to the other players in the series. And yeah, Hanamura's one creepy teacher. Besides, who wear lab coats at tennis meets? @_@
8. I finally saw that part in the manga! Stupid Higa.... and I like the Rokkaku coach because he's tiny and funny. (He does look like he's barely hanging on to life) He doesn't die though, right? O_O
9. Mm, agreed to both sentences. After seeing Inui's eyes though, I like his more than Yagyuu's. <3 Yeah, but I kind of always wanted a Sanada-like person as an older brother or something. Serious people are fun to tease. XD
10. There's still MORE OVAs??? I thought the manga series ended already, what else are they making?
Fiend of Nyx's avatar

Report | 05/14/2009 1:05 pm

Fiend of Nyx

Thanx for buying. Glad to see yur wearing the glasses
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/10/2009 7:00 pm

Musically Joyous

Haha, no worries! Take your time XD
Agreed. I really wanna see Yukimura play... crying
Yup, Sanada sounds better in Wonderful Days than in Valentine's Kiss to me. ?_?
I'm doing well biggrin I'm now on ep 147... Kevin's being dumb at the moment, but with a crazy dad like that, you can't blame him. sad

Whoa, March? That's cool! biggrin Ah, forgot, England time XD
That's cool! I'm now going back to school after the whole swine flu thing. And school's over for me in about three weeks, so I'm excited!
Then I'll be able to watch more PoT!
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/10/2009 3:40 pm

Musically Joyous

Yay! I'm finally able to watch more PoT! biggrin (Btw, thanks for commenting on my board!)

Tezuka's back in ep 140! Yay and he's coach!!! And I love how Momo pinches Echizen to make sure he's not dreaming XDDD
Mwahaha, and Tezuka owns everyone that plays against him! 8D So cool~
I LOVE the welcome party, where everyone's singing Wonderful Days <3 And I now added that song onto my Ipod!

I'm almost there to the OVAS... anyway, how are you doing? Having a good Mother's Day?
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 05/04/2009 3:56 pm

Musically Joyous

Whoa, that sounds smart. Maybe I should do that too instead of parts, 'cuz parting the message is confusing. @_@

1) Ah, no problem. I'm just happy I got my TV-hating sister to watch it, so that's an accomplishment big enough to make me happy. :D I have a feeling that I've read the manga that you're talking about... well, at least, the names sound familiar. Wish I knew what it was called...
2) Ahaha, true XD I point out the obvious too much. I like the whole camp idea thing, it's cool, and since all of the characters are in one location, you won't be like, "No! Where's Rikkaidai?" or searching for some other school. And that sounds like a good idea.
3) HYD-Hana Yori Dango. lol XD
4) I know what you mean. *commends Inui for his effort* And the main character charm strikes again... -_-;;;

1) There's 43...?? Oh wow. Hm, true, but American manga is usually butchered when some publishing companies try to dub the story so it sounds "more American", which defeats the purpose of reading manga. It's supposed to take place in Japan or some fictional fantasyland. End of line. Forbidden Planet... cool store name. XD I mostly buy at my local Borders or Barnes and Noble, but since my mom wants me to learn more kanji, I sometimes buy the Japanese manga off of Ebay or Amazon and stuff.
2) Hm, I looked up the International Shoe Size Conversion Chart. Since most of the Seigaku Boys' foot sizes are from 25.5 cm to 28.5 cm, in UK/Europe it'd be from mens sizes 7-10, and womens 6.5-9.5. And for America, it'd be mens sizes 7.5-10.5, and womens sizes 9-12. And my foot size is 10.5 in womens. XD
3) No way, same here!!! :O My mom said she's going to spoil my boyfriend rotten if I ever get one since she thinks every boy is somewhat cute. She'll probably end up scaring him away in the process however. Haha, I'm gonna have to say everyone in my family looks normal, but they're all just weird. Even myself. Ah, true that. Older sisters are evil. But my sister acts really nice to everyone else but me, as if it's an act. Not fair. &gt;_&lt;
4) Right, it'd probably help cure Ryoma's carbonated drink addiction and make him drink something healthier like water instead. xDDD These stupid boys from my class who always liked mixing a bunch of food one day said, "Hey, we could probably kill someone with this stuff," and I told him, "Of course not, it takes more than leftovers to do that sort of thing," and then they made me a bet, and I needed cash at that time to buy a present for my grandparent's Golden Anniversary gift, so I did it. It was dumb, but it didn't kill me &gt;:D

1) Haha, now I'm afraid to grow up. XD
2) *looks* What the heck at PoT Gum stickers volume 2 P... o.o;;; Awww~ at Ryoma's Bday card XD LOL at Mizuki's Bday Card XDDD omg the bouquet @_@ Ah, I LOVE the Orchestra version cards *orch dork fangirling* Aw, but I don't I can find the one you're talking about... I want to see T_T
3) Agreed. lol (it's ok, I get why you had to XD) OMG, I HAVE to finish the series now! @_@ I'm still at ep 133... *sigh*
4) Ah, I really need to make easier to understand acronyms so people can get what I'm saying =_= JS-Josei Shounan
5) You'd think if you own a pet you basically get a substitute alarm clock, especially if it sleeps with you at night. My dog always scratches the door constantly and I have to force myself to open it, walk downstairs, take him out to the backyard and let him go use the bathroom so that's how I get up every morning. XD
6) Hm, good point. Dark and sarcastic humor is sometimes hard for me to understand since I get jokes slowly and it makes me look like a ditz. My favorite humor is witty kind are analogies and puns :D
7) :D Oh, you're right! I can kind of see the similarities :O They even have the "O" thing with their last names. Me too, they're such brats. And I agree entirely. I remember one of characters calling Seigaku a "zoo" because of Eiji=cat, Kaidoh=Snake, Momo=Monkey, and Fuji=Tsubame Gaeshi (swallow) and Hi
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 04/28/2009 9:40 pm

Musically Joyous

Hope you're doing well. I'm so bored since my school's been closed due to the swine flu scare here in America. crying
How are you?
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 04/25/2009 2:58 pm

Musically Joyous

2nd part to the comment XD

1) Ah, wish you good luck! I agree, 14 is an easy year grade-wise in school.
2) Yeah, but the sad thing is that they can pull off the girly clothes probably better than half of the other PoT characters. It's still somewhat horrifying obviously. XD Yup, true fact.
3) Same here, I thought Momo and Ryoma were going to win XD Haha, I died laughing too. That episode was full of crack XD Right, usually in some anime, the main character is tortured, but in PoT, Ryoma owns everything. But then again, he deserves it more than other main characters of other stories. (not only because of his cuteness XD) Haha, yeah.
4) Meh... like her hugs will ever bring him to JS. 7_7
5) Lol, seriously. Although Katsuo and Kachiro can't do any better, but still... Horio looks NOTHING like Echizen. And his impression of him almost ruined Ryoma's reputation in one of the earlier eps if Ryoma didn't step in as "Horio".
6) It's good to enjoy kind of humor, no matter how it corny it is. Hooray for puns~
7) Haha wow, interesting XD
cool *sigh* Maybe that's another PoT character charm. A nerdy-looking persona with a hot voice... but it does suit him. Like, if you put that voice into someone else (like Ryoma, for example) then it'd just be freaking hilarious. But it's normal for Oshitari. I agree. Yukimura's still part-boy, not like Ritsu from Fruits Basket or those two androgynous doubles players from Josei Shounan.
9) Oh. Still, poor old coaches...
10) Lol XDDD; Hm, I think I like him because of the fact that's he boring, 'cuz he's the odd one out of the Rikkai bunch. I loved the Rikkai love manual, so cute and funny! XD Thankies~!
11) Don't worry, it took me a while also to remember them. XD I prefer Inui over him anyday. At least Inui makes evil poisons. Haha, your sister XD
Niou's funny, even though I don't like any tennis style where it involves copying the other person's moves. (Kinda why I don't like any Kabaji matches) They do? Have to listen to it again then. smile
Musically Joyous's avatar

Report | 04/25/2009 2:40 pm

Musically Joyous

Argh! After 5 times of trying to send my reply, I'm deciding to comment in parts. That way, if I lose something, I won't lose everything. Then it'll be easier for both of us to comment back. XD
Still, I understand your frustration with your laptop battery dying and you have to send the same thing over and over again only to get it deleted. @_@
Anyways... XD
1) Ah, Yasuko to Kenji is pretty good, it's about this girl and her older brother that live alone since their parents died in a car crash long ago. The brother works as a shoujo mangaka to earn money for both him and her younger sister. The brother Kenji used to be in a gang and is violent, loudmouthed, and somewhat overprotective of Yasuko when it comes to danger and boys. So when Yasuko starts liking this boy, Kenji tightens his hold on his sister. But it turns out the boy's older sister Erika, also used to be a gang leader of a girls' gang, and has a huge crush on Kenji but always fights with him whenever she sees him.
Very funny, and very interesting. But nothing's better than Hana Yori Dango, which is what I finished watching this week, and it's the best. <3
1) Oh, English speaking Ryoma... awesome~ I remember him speaking English at the train station in the 2nd manga series of PoT, so I'm excited smile
2) Hahaha, glad we're the same way. I agree, SC doesn't seem like anything I'd particularly enjoy, but to keep it fair, I'll watch it since she's watching HYD and DGM since I told her to. The pic of Ryoma and Tezuka's not saved onto my computer... sad Sorry! It was just something that I persuaded my friend (same one) to watch PoT when she's done with the other two. XD
4) Yeah, I was wondering, "Why are they taking out tennis balls AGAIN?" It was funny to see people like Fuji doing Tsubame Gaeshi without even hitting the guy in the suit in the first place though. But still... "Seigaku! Fight like men in every battle!"

1) Awesome! Right now I have all volumes of Yostuba and DGM in Japanese, since Jmanga's pages are thinner and there's more space to put other books along with them in my bookcase. biggrin Aw, 2009 calendar and a greeting card? That's so cool biggrin And no worries, already with 7, you'll do fine. Wish there was more Asian supermarkets around where I live.... there's only two in the city I live in, and each one is about an hour's worth of driving... @_@
2) Ah! Love the website! Everyone's character pics and the Hyoutei pic on top are cute <3 Although I feel a bit bummed since apparently I have bigger feet than half of the Seigaku members -_-;; Yup, that's the same with what I think. Of course I agree biggrin
3) Hm, my mom's the opposite except the boy thing. I think all moms are like that sometimes. I bet if I ever have kids, I'll do the same. Your mom still sounds cool. wink The only sport my family talks about is marching band. XDD And your sister sounds cool too. *sigh* Want to trade families for a bit? lol
4) LOL 8D It'd be funny too if Inui ever spiked Ryoma's Ponta, then probably after that Ryoma would never drink soda again XD I agree, PoT is pretty dramatic at some points.
I remember passing out from drinking this horrible concoction made by some people at school. It was lemon juice, cinnamon, jalapenos, mashed potatoes, sour cream and onion, and milk all in one thing. They shook it all up inside a Thermos and I drank it. It was... awful. But I did get 100 dollars. But it wasn't worth it. o.o
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