
I go by Jeshualette or Luna Nightfall
My real name is melissa
I am a Junior at Challenger
Im down with the clown, Im a 'Lette
I already have my 'lo :]
I love glow sticks
And Im the bead queen, I own many beads :]
I am taking over the world :]
And no you cant help
I already got my trusty crew
Walking in the rain is awesome :]
Music keeps the world sane :]
I love it.
I have pretty awesome friends
I might be willing to share, Not sure yet
Ninja's are WAY better then Pirates
Color pink scares me
Hot topic is my addiction
I will travel the world one day
I love hair dye
I managed to be blonde, Brunette, Black, Pink, Purple, Red, Orangish, And goldenish blonde
I want to dye my hair rainbow one day, that would be major kick a** :]
Penguins are teh s**t
I am totally random at times
I can be loud and abnoxious
But mostly shy and quiet
AIM-- XxTigersgorawr
MSN-- Shattered_dreams33@hotmail.com



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Report | 04/30/2007 6:31 pm


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