
I am Cloud. I am part of AVALANCHE, a rebel mercenary group. I am best friends with Tifa Lockheart and Barret Wallace. I am completely against the military and the whole idea of superiors shooting innocent people. My buster sword could whoop your a**. Not only that, but me and my party carry a large amount of materia. I am 21 years old and was born in Nibelheim. I will get revenge on Sephiroth, a former SOLDIER 1st class. He killed my love, Aerith Gainsborough. He will pay!

No, but seriously, this is Zach. And FF7 is the best game/movie ever made. I've got 4 really good friends, they are Anna Koval, Erin Rice, Brian Baldwin and Josh Leavitt. I write movie screenplays. And I'm sick of typing, so bye.
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Which FF Character Are You?

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this is Aerith Gainsborough, Sephiroth killed her along time ago, thats the second reason i want his demise.

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This is Cid, he us provides transpertation, he's pretty useful.

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This is Cait and Sith.. there completely pointless characters but they know alot.
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This is Barret Wallace, my most trusted companion.
User Image This is RedXIII
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This is Tifa Lockheat, my second most trusted companion.
User Image This is Yuffie.
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Now this man is Vincent Valentine.
User ImageYazooUser ImageLoz
User ImageKadajUser ImageSephiroth
User Image coolest fight scene XD
User Image This is Reno...
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This is Rude, Reno's bodyguard.
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Viewing 12 of 12 friends



Viewing 10 of 18 comments.

Cloud love Tifa 77

Report | 06/24/2007 12:51 pm

Cloud love Tifa 77

hey...Anna's last name is Wolbert now...so your good friends are anna wolbert not anna koval.

and why am I not up there? jk
Clow Princess Sakura

Report | 06/22/2007 4:15 pm

Clow Princess Sakura

I love you so much.
Clow Princess Sakura

Report | 06/15/2007 4:07 pm

Clow Princess Sakura

I comment Zach!

Hi hi hi hi!

Derby Doll

Report | 06/14/2007 6:44 pm

Derby Doll

You like Aeris? OxO



End of story.

Tifa's better. ToT
Tsume Asuka

Report | 03/06/2007 1:55 pm

Tsume Asuka

Derby Doll

Report | 02/03/2007 12:50 pm

Derby Doll

-eats your toe-
Xx~Shinigami Natsuki~xX

Report | 11/27/2006 3:48 pm

Xx~Shinigami Natsuki~xX

-looks at last long-in-

Report | 11/24/2006 3:33 pm


I forgot to add vincent
Xx~Shinigami Natsuki~xX

Report | 10/05/2006 3:15 pm

Xx~Shinigami Natsuki~xX

WHAT that only got me 1 gold!!! AHHH!!
Xx~Shinigami Natsuki~xX

Report | 10/05/2006 3:14 pm

Xx~Shinigami Natsuki~xX

I know i copied this from you ppl but i need gold gonk

Riku comment!!

Fourth comment!! Again! xDDD

Ya know what guys? We should just keep on doing this until he reaches a thousand comments. xDDD FUNNESS!!

I'm gaining gold from rambling, you know. Hmm. What shall I say now? Hmm. I dunno. I like the song 'Promiscuous Girl" By Nelly Furtado, and Timbaland. Don't as me why. Yes, I know what it's about. But it's still good. Just like the song "Lying is the best thing a girl can do without takign her clothes off" by P!ATD!! And you know whos hawt... and mine? Brendan. And Brandon Flowers. AND Davey Havok. The gawds of rock. xDD Jk. jk. But still. Their awesome. And Davey wears blue eyeshadow. Blue sparkly eyeshadow. xDD I know, weeeiiirrrrddoooo.

It's late. I'm hyper. You can yell at me now. xDD


Urasia-ttebayo! ... you talk to much... lol jk love you Riku! lol soo... Zach whats been goin' down? ... we need to work more on your avatar, and you need to come over sometime! haha right now as i'm typing your probably sleeping at Josh's house!(it's 4 o'clock in the morn.) Not that I care, but you know your little bro came over and spent a night? Dude we had sooo much fuN! hehe, we airsofted, with my sniper-rifle and the glock, then we like spent the rest of the time on the comps... lol, oh and we boffered, anyway you need to come over again before school starts! Call me! XD


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