Lord of the Aesir

Lord of the Aesir's avatar

Last Login: 05/20/2013 11:05 pm

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Abundant Merci Report | 08/18/2012 11:57 pm
Abundant Merci
Sorry for the reeeeeeeeeally long delay. :3 Forgive me?
Lord of the Aesir Report | 08/01/2012 6:28 pm
Lord of the Aesir

lol nah, we were just beating the crap out of each other for fun. If you notice, we both get killed a lot, and nothing happens. ( Btw, I is the hammer guy xd )
TheDragonGuardian Report | 08/01/2012 5:43 pm
Did the hammer guy get his chance at revenge to claim the new plains of battle?
TheDragonGuardian Report | 08/01/2012 5:35 pm
Was that a battle for the church? I saw in background there was a church XD. I know random thing to see and comment on.
Kindagon Report | 07/29/2012 5:41 am
Thanks for buying.
seceretkeeper101 Report | 07/27/2012 6:02 am
Thanks for buying!
Sylvia0093 Report | 07/26/2012 12:36 pm
Thanks for buying.
lordd_of_myysticc Report | 07/20/2012 12:32 pm
Thanks for buying!!!
doglover04005 Report | 07/09/2012 6:05 am
Thanks for the buy ^-^
lifesodope Report | 07/08/2012 2:22 pm
Thank you for your purchase!



A few videos of me and my battlegames group. Enjoy :D


My Aquarium

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Hi there, Name's Lord. I'm 19 and living in the mountains of New England. I am a large fan of Norse Mythology, though I can never remember the names....But anyway, I love FPS games, many fighting games, swordplay, Dogorhir style fighting (Different than LARP) and basically being beast. and yet after one takes a lok at my violent hobbies and large bushy brown beard, I am actually a very kind and sweet person. XD Yes, it is true. I would never actually hurt a fly. But don't taunt me about it! Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this. And yeah...stuff....um....you can stop reading this if you want...no seriously, it's fine, it won't hurt my feelings....wow you must really like what I have to say if you have continued to read this far....but I don't have anything else to say!.....why won't you stop reading!!!...ok fine i guess I wil have to entertain you more...ok, so this man, a pig, and a lolipod man walk into a bar....wait, that's not how it goes....gah! I forget.....wow you must have a very long attention span...either that or I have been typing a while...gee I hope my fingers don't break from the stress...yeah, wouldn't you feel bad then huh? you just kept reading and so you kept me typing so long that my fingers just broke off and rolled onto the floor...oh no....how would l play video games!?.....oh crap, you know what, I think I'm going tp stop now....ok, goodbye....bye....adios.....arevaderchi or however it's spelled...you can go now.....ok seriously stop.....stop reading!!!! ....OW!! I got blistahs on mah fingahs!!!.........wow.....ok, you know what, I know how to end this....*click* goodbye ahaha....[Transmition lost]

what I'm going to look like in 20 years XD

LARPing at its finest

would you fight me?