
A prayer

And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth unto Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be, in Nomine Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiritus Sancti.

An advisory

Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be sought by us. With every breath, we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood, 'til it rains down from the skies. Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.

A warning

There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, in to true corruption, into our domain. For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day you will reap it. And we will send you to whatever god you wish.
Name:: Ashley or Kaori
Age:: 21
Zodiac Sign:: Sagittarius
Location:: Wareham
Home Town:: Brockton
Eye Color:: Blue/Green
Hair Color:: Strawberry Blond
Scars:: Under both my arms, Forehead, Back of my right leg and my left leg.
Piercings/Tattoos:: 2 Tattoos. Wings on my back and a bird and rose on the front of my right leg.
At the moment......
Song you love:: It is you - Dana Glover
Band/Artist you love:: Dana Glover
Movie you love:: The Departed
Actor/Actress you love:: Al Pacino
Book you love:: Bag of bones
Writer/Poet you love:: Edgar Allen Poe
All Time Faves….
Song:: Sex never goes out of fashion.
Band/Artist:: Johnny Cash
Movie:: Scarface.
Actor/Actress:: Al Pacino
Book:: Hmm wish I had and all time fav.
Writer/Poet:: Edgar Allen Poe
Visual Artist:: I don't know....
Artwork:: Too many!
Color:: Reds, White, Black.
Shape:: o.O umm I have no idea
Season:: Spring and Winter
Time of day:: Midnight
Planet:: Jupiter
Tarot Card:: Moon, Star
Period in History (including the present):: Hmmm not sure...
What do you think about....
Religion::[b/] It is a base to give one something to believe in.
Love:: Love is a sweet dream that always seems to come true.
Friendship(s):: The best thing to have because your good friends will never screw you over.
Science:: I'm not sure really as I don’t think about it often.
Politics:: A waist of bloody time!
E.S.P.:: Not sure what I think about it.
Spirits/Ghosts:: Are real in every way.
Dreams:: What I think is too long to put here.
Success:: Something to strive.
The World:: Beautiful at times and Ugly.
Life:: Life is love so love your life and live like there is no tomorrow.

Gaian Name: Little Suyen
Real Name: Suyen
Current Age: 21
Birthdate: 3/10
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Gender: Female
Bloodtype: B
Location of Symbol: Lower back, Right plam, Left side.
Symbol Meaning: Lower back, Sun and Moon surrounded by 8 stars: She is a Lunar Solar angel. Right palm, Phoenix and Griffin entwined - Given to her after her mothers death. Left side,Eight pointed star that takes up most of her side: The mark her father had upon his forehead but her father was no angel. (More will be told)
Height: 3'4
Family: Mother- Kaori: Dead. Father- Unknown.
Powers/Abilities: Elemental magic, Healing magic, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Expert swordsman (err woman), Martial arts, Chi blasts, High intelligence, Energy barriers.
Personality: Very cute personality, likes to joke around and have fun, she's oh so sweet, and likes to put other people in a good mood. She's seems very timid at first but slowly opens up showing her true self. This fun loving kind hearted person with a bunch of hope. Nothing seems to get her down. Thought when fighting Suyen changes and becomes the warrior she was meant to be.
History: ((Coming Soon))
Suyen Pictures:

User Image

(Just 8 wings)
User Image
White Phoenix:
User Image
Final Form:
User Image

Gaian Name: Little Suyen
Real Name: Himiko Kurasaki
Current Age: 3145
Birth date: 12/7
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Gender: Female
Blood type: O
Location of Symbol: None
Symbol Meaning: None
Height: 5'8
Family: Dead
ordsman (err woman), Martial arts, Chi blasts, High intelligence, Energy barriers.
Personality: Himiko is generally nice, but sometimes she can be a total b***h. She won't forgive betrayal, no matter how sorry the person is. I guess you could say she's stubborn.
History: Himiko has no living family that she knows of such leaving her to wander this world alone Himiko worked for a man by the name of sin in the shadow zone for awhile, he was suppose to be evil but Himiko always had a way of taming him, making him change his mind about destroying all the mortals in this world. Though he only listened because of the feelings he had for her but Himiko started to fall for another which turned out to be the love of her life but that come later. When Himiko didn’t return his affection he became slightly angered and wished to know who I was she loved but she didn’t tell him, As time went she met another man with platinum hair he too soon fell for her but Himiko's heart remained true to her love. They were set to be married but that all came crashing down the day she came this angel. She was looking for Himikos love. Of course Himiko talked to her to find out why she was there as the angel spoke it turned out or so Himiko though that her love was already with another, As she returned the ring and entered the angels land she was amazed by it beauty. Himiko would soon return to the lands every day but always went back to her real home with in the shadows. Where her love returned and she found out he was split in 3 each one of this living a different life. She felt horrid for jumping to conclusions as she did truly love him. Himiko returned to the Angels land and soon found love in a man who was so the opposite from her and overly rash while she was more of a thinker, soon marrying him they had twins though now Himiko doesn’t know where they are she still worries about them though she died then after the birth but after a year passed she was brought back by some unknown force. Found her lover with her friend who was like her sister Himiko tried to push them together seeing she knew it wasn’t right that she had came back a little after she found herself alone and wandering again.
Himiko Pictures:
User Image

User Image


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Viewing 5 of 5 comments.

The Cup Cake Kid

Report | 03/04/2007 9:24 pm

The Cup Cake Kid

The Boondock Saints...so... awesome.. *tear*
intoxicated bunny

Report | 03/03/2007 10:27 am

intoxicated bunny

Jr Gong

Report | 03/02/2007 9:05 am

Jr Gong

yeah I'm doing hood I suppose. Just alot of random posting, nothing to exciteing xd . Hows about you?
Jr Gong

Report | 02/28/2007 10:53 pm

Jr Gong

Hey! Long time to speak, how things going for you?

Report | 02/28/2007 10:44 am


I got your first comment...anywhoo
*leaves you a cookie*