

Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Viewing 10 of 11 comments.


Report | 11/13/2007 4:28 pm


hi i'm shoshi ur cute r u single?

Report | 07/08/2006 5:14 pm


I don't know it just does it by itself... the friends in common thing. Oh and the Josh is a dumbass thing, I concur xD

Report | 06/27/2006 1:20 am


Oh my gosh, get this, Josh started playing gaia XD Isn't that funny? I started cracking up. He was sitting next to me telling me to get a myspace and I kept saying no so he started to make a gaia account and couldn't think of a name so he stopped, then later he made it and I saw a friend request and I saw it was the name he said he was going to use so I told David, and David was on the phone with him and Josh said I was lying and he said that you probably made it and you were playing jokes and stuff. But I was like bullshit, then later he told me it really was him and I got so pissed >< He blamed it on you and David believed Josh so David said I was probably doing it to set Josh up >< it was so stupid.... Lawl I probably bored you to death with this stupidly long comment, but hey... IT'S PINK XD
<3 Pixie
Adeline xD

Report | 06/26/2006 2:08 am

Adeline xD

I am Pixie's friend, though I do not live near her. You didn't leave that... disturbing comment in my profile? O.o you should keep an eye open for hackers then. Anyways, my name is Jordan, and me and Pixie met a long time ago and we're great friends.

Report | 06/18/2006 4:53 pm


Lol wow your signature is kick-a**! Add me.

Report | 06/17/2006 9:14 pm


[ woah, your sig is cool. Are you a glowsticker?]

Report | 05/10/2006 8:22 pm


You think I can draw avi art? HAHA Thats funny, whew. I can only draw certain things, it depends on what you want and I'll see what I can do...

Report | 05/06/2006 5:06 pm


You quest for stuff by going to tektek.org make a dream avi and save up money so you can get them. And I like them being yoai together because its sexy god! You probably like yuri, I knw josh does.....lol

Report | 05/06/2006 12:11 am


AHA You can't come over on Saturday because we're going out on the boat until like 4:30 5 ish but you can come over after....


Report | 05/05/2006 4:32 pm


No, thankfully My mommy saved me from being stuck in the car with two old ladies for two days this weekend. YAY! XD