
Im in love with Black metal and it's various genres, Industrial and its, and Prog rock and metal. Djent and math metal Is worshipped as much as everything else aforementioned.
Im a guitarist and singer as well as a wobble bassist.
I play guitar and sing in a prog metal band called "Seaborgium."
Im a rivethead, and the only one where I live.
Im also Manic-Depressive and suffer from severe mood swings that are triggered by something saddening. it Fs my day up.
I can only express anger efficiently. Anything else scares people more...


Viewing 12 of 14 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/02/2011 7:53 pm


Wassup, Will?
Brad is here next to me (from McNair)....

Report | 07/17/2010 12:56 am


cool avi

Report | 11/08/2009 7:08 pm


Sweet new avatar.

Report | 10/17/2009 6:39 pm


Take a look at my new profile biggrin

Report | 08/02/2009 9:34 pm


Ya that is funny. I'm serious though (about the man in the mini-skirt). The anime con I went to saturday had a wak-a-nerd, and this huge 21 year old jock volenteered as the 'salior moon guy'. It is funny though, he is 6 years older than me, faster than me, stronger than me, and it was still pretty much a draw. I am thankful for tecnique, although most of it is designed for the opponent to have the restrictions of a heavier weapon, so alot of it didn't work so well. Still (in an odd, not gay sense) it was fun. It was a nice con. Katie took me biggrin

Report | 08/02/2009 9:26 pm


I got to hit a man in a miniskirt with a foam bokken.

Report | 07/26/2009 12:52 pm


Hello biggrin
what's up with your phone?

Report | 07/04/2009 5:12 pm


Yo wats up ?
Dude u need to get on so we can hang out...
I got gaia cash so i almost have 100000 gold!
Sam and I went out wednesday !
And yea thats workin' .
Also b***h wheres my money!! JK
I am going come to your house one day by random,,...
Have u grown I haven't ,Well alittle !
Right now im listing to Sixx am Life is beautiful !
There ok.....
They got old ...
Any way u gotta get me back in the loop
We were like best friends and now i havnt heard any thing from u?
What the ********!

Cinderella Lestrange

Report | 06/17/2009 3:19 pm

Cinderella Lestrange

Billy! I haven't talked to you since homeroom on the last day of school! *cries* You should get online sometime. Srsly. And you, me, Jenn, and Julia never went bowling. x-x I dunno whatever happened to that. I haven't talked to Max, either. WHAT KIND OF NONSENSE IS THIS?! Anywho. We need to kidnap Max and possibly others and go do something random like protest in front of Publix { WTF? }. I saw Eric today, though. Yeah. Me, him, and Timothy hung out in front of my house. It was really random. Hm. What'd you get on yer report card? Are you going to be a big high schooler now without me? DX Well, I suppose I'm a semi-high schooler as of next year, seeing as how I have to take Math there. >->'' I dunno what's wrong with this comment...It's just odd. I guess. I dunno what I'm talking about. I just felt like typing an entire novel { aha, that's what Eric called it when I wrote in his yearbook } on your page because...I can. -_-'' Fail. I'm now addicted to the Black Dahlia Murder, thank you very much. You got me hooked. Well. I suppose. I should get back to drawing. I've been doing random freebies lately. It's kinda fun. Specially when people tip. <3 Someone tipped 3500. It was pretty great. I should draw your avi. o-0 I get bored easily, hence me drawing a lot as of recently. Hm. I attempted realistic drawing the other day. It actually didn't turn out too bad for my first time. I got INSPIRED. XD Wow, I got off topic. Anywho. You need to message me~ DX Srsly. PEACE OUT, GIRLSCOUT! Er wait. Boyscout? That sounds straight up eh. I'll just stick to 'TOODLES'. TOODLES<3

Report | 06/09/2009 7:28 pm


(incase you forgot) tis Blake, from McNair.


Tommy the cat had many a story to tell, but it was a rare occasion, such as this, that he did.