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Viewing 1 through 20 of 53 comments

Bluedragonblakcx's avatar

Report | 07/11/2009 6:47 am


awsome dude loved your page as much as my own
Cooki3 Dou's avatar

Report | 02/16/2009 9:42 am

Cooki3 Dou


Nu problem.
Cooki3 Dou's avatar

Report | 02/16/2009 9:16 am

Cooki3 Dou

Tank chu for the purchase ^^
Hueco Mundo Los Noches's avatar

Report | 12/03/2008 11:06 am

Hueco Mundo Los Noches

thanks for the buy broham ^^

digging alice deejay u should add some ATB to ur playlit lol
Tiny_Flame's avatar

Report | 05/26/2008 9:42 am


hey thanx and same here....especially the music i like better off alone but have u heard armin van buuren play? he's cool
19Garnet19's avatar

Report | 05/26/2008 8:39 am



do you remember me^^
Naomi Yuri's avatar

Report | 05/13/2008 12:18 am

Naomi Yuri


(Im doing this out of shear boredom)

Okay, get a piece of paper, and number it 1-8!

Don't look

down at the


or it won't work!!!!

1. What color are your eyes?

2. Do you have long, medium, or short hair?

3. Is your hair blonde, brown, red, or black?

4. Do you want an outside wedding, or one in a church?

>5. Would you rather have a dog, cat, or


6. Do you like red roses, or white?

7. What's your favorite color out of silver, blue, or


8. Pick a number (1-10)

*~*~* Now Make 2 wishes*~*~*

Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! ! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!

Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes!

Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!

Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! W! ishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!

Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!

Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!

Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!

Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wish es! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes! Wishes!Wishes! Wishes! ! Wish
aroukumi21's avatar

Report | 01/23/2008 7:55 pm


i have now gone to aroukumi21 so add me if u want haha im not a newb any more User Image
xxBabiVeitxx's avatar

Report | 11/03/2007 1:20 pm


lmao i know that User Image i wasnt on haloween day though! kayy so howv ya been?!
xxBabiVeitxx's avatar

Report | 11/01/2007 3:54 pm


xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx's avatar

Report | 10/26/2007 2:21 pm

xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx

*screams louder* OMG!! get out! bendy straws r like my favorite!!!! psshhtt there off the fasheezy heezzeey!!! just the thought of em makes me excited!!!

=D BBBEEENNNNDDDDYYYY SSSTTTRRRAAWWWWSSSSSS =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3

tee hee!! tonz of kityzzz!! yyaayyy!!! 0_o and ur kittkatz look deformed, srry to say 0o thats fun too 0_o 0_o 0_o 0_o 0_o 0_o 0_o 0_o BUT NUTHIN COMPAREZ TO KKKIIITTTYYYZZZZ =3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 tee hee one eyed kittyz!!! 0o noezzz!!! =3 thats betta *sigh* MEH SOO BOOREEDDD!!! erg its friday night and even my little sis has sumtin 2 do!!! whaa User Image i feel lifeless *slaps self* dont say that to urself kristy! get up, walk outside, and BREATH!! PSHHT FINE THEN -walks outside- -suddenly stopz breathin- hehe u know watd be real funny, if u laugh right before u die. haha im gona try that, ill be like -holds on heart- haha 0o ******** haha i think im dieing haha k bye ppl hahahahahahaha every1 would laugh so hard at my funeral.

red.. i just said that cuz i was bored... tee hee im gona go now.. k bbyyeeezzz *wavez*
xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx's avatar

Report | 10/24/2007 7:15 pm

xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx

Well now u know =3 !!! u go kittyz!!! hehe that wasa long word, my brain is startin to hurt again!!! i gota shake it off 3 times, 1 2 ... AW DARN NOW I GOTA DO MATH!!! -brain slur- blah blah blah blah blah -unbrain slur- kayy im better now! Dont ever add long words to ur comments again! u know just cuz ur smarticle, u dont hav to take it up on meh for not bein smart!!! anywho 0o u like my crowny.. hehe im playin as queen ceria in one of my friend's plays

yay i get to rruullleee!! muahahaha 0o but i thought kittys ruled?? -brain slur- blah -unbrain slur- mkayy 0_o i need ta stop doin that... pshht so... do u like straws? *screams* get out i LUV straws! there off the heezeey pshht o course they r!! kkkkkaaayyyyyy im so sick of coments, so tired of pms, so done with wishin for ..donations. lmao OMG i think i just discovered the gaia version of so sick!! *pops collor* muahaha i SO rule!! 0oo these r mad skillz!! 0oo kayy im done wit writin ... FOR NOW!!! muahaha kayy byezzz *waves*
xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx's avatar

Report | 10/24/2007 7:13 am

xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx

u think my comment was long, pshhht jeez!! did ya see urs?! i almost didnt wana read it, cuz it was like... A KATRILLION WORDS!!! and ya know wat else, i hate readin and u just put meh through some severe reading!! my brain REALLY hurts now!! 0o now mais' mad at meh!! cuz i told ya bout it! hehe she was mad at meh anyways cuz i almost scared her to death.. WELL IM LIKE REALLY BORED NOWWWWWWW!!!!!! =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3

pshht and watr u talkin bout?! kittys already rule the world!!! humans just dont know it yet!! i mean u dont see kittys feedin humans do ya?! hellz no! CUZ KITTYS RULE!!! =3 <--- u go kitty!!!, mkayy meh hav to go now!! BBYYYEEEEEAAAZZZZZZ!!!!! =3
xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx's avatar

Report | 10/23/2007 1:57 pm

xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx

0oo that sounded... fun ^.^

=3P <---- OMG i just learned how to do that! woah, im so proud of myself! User Image

kayy OMG mkay i just HAV to tell u this, k so i wanted to playa trick on mai right, and she was on her comp. then all ofa sudden she sees this add dat says

"GET FREE GAIA GOLD NOW!" and she clicks on it, than she fills out ALL of her info. then it was like


then she starts cryin haha then me and my bro come in and start laughin SO frekin hard, then we started doin our evil laughs -muahahaha-

then we laughed some more. =3P hehehe kitty lick!!


"dusts shoulda off" thats how i do, hehehehahahamuahahahbuahaha HO HO HO!! omg that reminded meh ofa really funny joke!... if only i could rememba it

well ... akward silence... im bored so im gona go kayy COMMENT BAK! or else =3P <---- kitty lick!!!
megrox23's avatar

Report | 10/23/2007 12:48 pm


Oh my god..Why does everyone always just say Cool Avi, Cool Profile, I'm not saying it is'nt..but you can be a little nicer! And chat..or something.
xValentineXx's avatar

Report | 10/19/2007 3:28 pm


thnx for shopping at my store! ^^
xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx's avatar

Report | 10/19/2007 10:46 am

xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx

IM GONA KEEP COMMENTIN TILL U COMMENT BACCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miul Ryukami's avatar

Report | 10/19/2007 7:38 am

Miul Ryukami

kewl Profile...
xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx's avatar

Report | 10/13/2007 7:49 am

xXMs fReSh 2 DeAtHXx

Y DONT U PM ME BAC! PM ME, PM ME, PM ME, PM ME, PM ME, PM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xxBabiVeitxx's avatar

Report | 10/03/2007 8:03 pm


0o u changed ur hair color, lol XD
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