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HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/07/2008 9:38 pm


I like long, elegant sounding names that I can make cute nicknames from. X3

XD I know. I need to learn (again) how to sew. :0

This is the pom: http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/thumbnails/5ed59563da5.png

I really like the pigtails, just not the bangs that cover the face.

8D I would want to be... a butterfly. Nah. They're not too intelligent. o3o Er, I guess I'd be a cat, too. But a white one. Except not so suseptable to skin cancer.

I find Astronomy depressing, somehow. I took it for a while but had to drop out- all that talk of stars dying and all the different gases and heat levels... -twitch-

Yeah, I'm okay now, thanks. :3

It good that she waved... sound like they're starting to break down. :0 Interesting people are good to have. A close proximity to. Or something.

o_o!! You must be amazing or something. (Mine last time I checked as only a 3.128 or something, but I think it's higher now.) -slow motion high five with an epic noise when our hands hit-

>__> On Wednesday, my mom wants to go to this little artsy town in Oregon and stay until Saturday. The way she described it, it sounds like exactly where we live but with a better beach (and I don't much care for the beach). :/ I wanted to stay and relax and do homework in the later days of the break, but I guess I'll have to do it sooner.
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/06/2008 9:39 pm


Oh. :0

That's what I want to do to mine when I get her. X3 And give her some multi-colored hair extensions, maybe... And I'll prolly change her makeup a lot. I've been looking on website lists and stuff for a good name. (apparently 'Ib' is a girl's name...) I really like Monique, but that's my cousin's name and everyone will think I named it after her.

Well, here are some lolita-ish dolls:




And you can buy clothes online like these:



(the last one is $40, though. ._.;; )

Speaking of bangs, I need to cut mine still. I straightened then today to really see how long they were, and I ended up looking like the pom hairstyle on Gaia. D:

That sounds neat! (but a tad bit wasteful... I'm sort of neurotic when it comes to wasting paper.) I love hearing about traditions and things... my family doesn't have any. :/

XD! Maybe they hadn't put the body there yet? Toadie. <3 But I really hope my spirit's not a toad. o_O;;

Woah, that sounds like an awesome view! :0

Today I was putting on makeup (I like to mess around with eye makeup when I get bored, even if I'm not going anywhere) And one of my contacts slid under my eye lid and I couldn't get it out. o_x I couldn't even see it and I thought it got lodged in my brain or something. I had to wake up my mom and she helped me get it out.
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/06/2008 1:49 pm


Good for you. I agree. (I actually would rather be alone that in the company of people I dislike/dislike me.) As long as you have some people to hang out with who don't treat you badly. And it's okay to be silent and just add to conversations a bit. I was always the silent one in the group of people I used to hang out with a few years ago.

Fashion design classes?! o_o Our school only recently brought back art from being cut. u_u; I'd check that out; that sounds awesome. (and it'll look good for when you apply to college. :] )

I saw this college councilor lady the other day. She recommended all these art schools on the east coast and stuff. I seriously don't want to go there. I seriously don't want to stay in the USA all together.

^^ I agree, the DIM dolls are stunning. it's just they're so expensive, and if I miraculously managed to buy one I'd be too afraid to touch it because I would be afraid to break it. But I reeeally like that one doll I showed you. -wants- My friend's boyfriend got a license to marry one time when he got bored. (I hear he married some guy to a tractor one time or something, though it's not legal or whatevs.) Maybe if I got the doll...

Anyway, what I like about Blythe is that she's so customizable. Lots of people dye or completely re-root her hair, change her eye colors with chips, repaint her lips, and there are boutiques and stuff (in Asia) that style her hair for you. And there are tons of outfits! 8D Now I'm all excited again. I don't want to wait until May. D:
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/05/2008 10:51 pm


I'd like that. ^^

If she turned them all against you that's serious. And you're right, it can't be over something that trivial. It sounds to me like they want you to feel isolated... maybe if you don't pay attention to them they'll forget about it, or you can get one friend off to the side and ask them about it then. Don't let them win.

Um... you could do homework during lunch. 8D; That's what I do sometimes because my friend has last period free so she's not around sometimes.

I'm sorry I'm not of much help... :/

I'm starting to get a bit obsessed with Blythe. I'm already looking on tutorials for re-painting lips and creating matte finishes even though I don't even have one yet. :0 BUT. This one comes out in May. I shall buy her if she turns out to be half as cute as this preview. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2081/2386552497_aa64d9c11b.jpg
CelestialDreamz's avatar

Report | 04/05/2008 2:55 pm


Thank you! I love your avi, it's so colorful! User Image
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/05/2008 11:37 am



I want one more than anything right now. (except a trip to Japan of course.)

I don't know how that stuff works. :/ Yus, Hawaii! X3 But I'd prolly die of heat very quickly. @_@

Maybe you could ask your other friends about her? Maybe she told them something...

XD Good, I'm not alone in my slow reactions. (well, I'm good with them when it comes to video games and stuff. D: ) I was more scared by my slowness than by almost getting a concussion. o_o;
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/05/2008 2:14 am


Good. And I'll need thousands of dollars to buy a small army of Blythe dolls. I cannot find any ones I like available of online order. (on a site that was in English...)

You know of Blythe, yes?

Speaking of dolls, I think I'm madly in love with him: http://www.dimdoll.com/shop/step1.php?number=181 (scroll down more)

Look around there; the dolls are probably some of the most gorgeous things I've ever seen.

Anyway, she was going to get a lawyer or something, but I guess she didn't have enough to go off of, since apparently emotional harassment is legal in the US. Nah, I dunno where we'd move...

I'm sorry, that's just stupid. She's getting way to worked too over something so insignificant. I personally would not want to hang out with someone that immature. But tis'nt my place to say, really. Beggin' y'pardon, miss. Really, something like that she'll probably forget it a couple days. You don't stop being friends with someone over something like that. o_O

I never stress out unless I'm dying from lack of oxygen from drowning in homework. Sometimes I mellow out way too much. If fact, today in PE we were playing baseball, and I was up to bat next and the guy in front of me hit the ball and lets go of the bat as he swings it and it hits the wall really hard a few inches away from my head, and I didn't even realize it until like five seconds later because I was so spaced out. o_O;;

I like bats. <3 But those ones look all cartoon-y and icky.
Le Toxique's avatar

Report | 04/04/2008 10:19 pm

Le Toxique

Whee~I is talking to meself! 8DD

@Vivi-rin-XDD And no, I don't mind. :3 But but comments are disabled for your profile so thats why I'm replying it here (If you check). xD;
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/04/2008 4:50 pm


Aw, why not? Does she just not like shopping online?

XD! Awesome. TAKE ME TOO. D; I want to see Moi dix Mois, too... they never go to the US...

Don't you have cherry blossoms where you live? We have tons here. The trees look so beautiful this time of year.

Okay, so today:

Grandpa died this morning. He was... ninety-four? I think. He lived in California and I've only seen him a couple times. His kids (my dad included) all live far away so he was always alone and wondered where everyone was, but when they did come to see him he would forget it by the next day... it was really sad...

My mom quit her job. Her boss is this religious guy who thinks women are subservient, and he always piled way too much work on her and when she complained about he he accused her of being crazy and made her take this psychological evaluation thing (which she passed of course), but he kept treating her horribly and she couldn't work there anymore. But she had like the best job that was available where we live; I don't know if she can find another good job...

o_o The Biancamella looks AWESOME. I had to rebuy it... <333 And I changed my mind about the color gold. I like it now. XD I'm glad I didn't buy Arluna's Rose... the new poses don't look very good I think.
Vivi-rin's avatar

Report | 04/04/2008 2:27 pm


Similar hair. -points-

User Image

You won't mind comments out of the blue, I hope?
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/03/2008 4:03 pm



I dunno... I've never ordered from there before. But I have some stuff I want, and my mom will probably fill out the online stuff for it when I ask her to. :0


EW. >.< Yeah, my cousin and her husband moved into this new house a while ago and there was a used condom in the back yard. XD;

We got to make stop motion videos for out digital media class. They're fun. :]
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/02/2008 10:28 pm


XD I don't like potato chips... but I love corn chips and salsa and I eat tons of these sesame rice cracker thingies. :9 My diet is instant soups, usually. ;D

Nope. It was a photo... I thought it looked cool.

Prolly graphic design. But I need to get into this specific college because it supports that language program I want to take (parents said yes!!! 8DDD), and I need to enroll there to get the credits. But afterwards I'll probably transfer to a different school. Fashion design would be fuuun.

I know! A lot of the other stuff there is cheaper, though. They have some cute stuff. :3

My friend's dad (who owns that art gallery) was interested in putting some of my art in there... must find good samples...
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/02/2008 9:49 pm


Yeah, it is. >_> It just... doesn't... sound good. D:

That's not a sufficient lunch. D< I'm sick of the stuff the buy in town though. I have a neato fancy thermos thing I haven't used in a while. Maybe I should bust that out...

Yup. I couldn't find most of them at first. But some are spookaly. I think the one with the snowglobe (if he showed you that one) looks really neat, though.

I have to go meet with some college planner person tomorrow. >_> -doesn't want to grow up-


//!! But they're out of blue. D:
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/02/2008 3:57 pm


Woaoaoh. That's awesome.

XD! I never talk about music with my friend. She listens to rap and stuff. >_> But you know, it's rap about actually heartfelt stuff supposedly. I still don't like it, though. We both like the same types of metal, though. But that's not what I usually listen to regularly.

I guess some guys got in a fight in our gym weight room and there was blood on the floor and stuff. I dun really know what happened...

I had to skip lunch to do math homework. x_x -eats chips and salsa- I should probably be doing it right now. :0
Zen Jen-N-'s avatar

Report | 04/02/2008 2:15 pm

Zen Jen-N-

Nada is up!

Just being boring ol' me.

Where did you get that purple kitty?

On gps a couple people sent me presents, could you check and see what they are for me?

I'll love you for eternity like I already do!
Y U 3's avatar

Report | 04/01/2008 11:42 pm

Y U 3

Yes you have a point there. I think the description should just be what inspired them or what theme they were going for. Not an amazing story. Theres a writing forum for that x_x
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 04/01/2008 4:39 pm


XD;; No, it's way not that serious. o_O

Not many people around here have cool hair... one girl has it kind of purple tinted, but it's really short and I don't care for the style. And this other guy used to have his bleached so it was practically white with blue/black streaks. It looked kind of cool, but the coloring was really poor. Aaand, another girl had blue streaks, but she had dirty blonde hair naturally so it didn't really look good at all.

XD!! I just go Nyaaa~ randomly now. Or I say Nyeeeeh instead of no.
Y U 3's avatar

Report | 04/01/2008 12:25 am

Y U 3

so true :[ I hate when rich people win. Why do they need even more gold than they already have? -.-

And I despise cosplays with all my heart D:< Even if some may be good x_x
Y U 3's avatar

Report | 03/31/2008 10:18 pm

Y U 3

Yeah...it totally sucks XD but i don't care cause gaia is being a b***h and only like cosplays D:< I mean cosplays are not even that great. People just take a random character, dress it up and thats it! People never appreciate good unique avatars these days.

Lol. I got rank 89 x_X not even close so it doesn't matter.
HushSweetie's avatar

Report | 03/31/2008 9:31 pm


Me too. This is the last week before the quarter ends for us, so we have a lot of stuff to do. :/ (and I'm still trying to make up math homework I missed...)

They don't smoke tobacco. And she doesn't do it around me (though she does come back smelling quite repugnant) I shan't die. ;]

XD Sounds like a lot of the people you know have cool hair. o3o

I dunno. :0 It's like a bunch of little tubes.
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